Union Thugs disrupt school day

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According to who?

Mayor Tom Menino, historical very labor tolerant/friendly

City officials said tonight they hoped that the strike wouldn’t stretch into a second day and that drivers would show up for work Wednesday morning, but they weren’t sure — and they suggested parents make alternative transportation plans.

“If they really care about the students of Boston, they’ll show up for work tomorrow,” said Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who said he was “extremely angry” at the “illegal work stoppage” by the drivers. “Our young people should not be hurt because of selfish people who only want to cause disruption in this city.”


Dramatic much?

Seriously Kev? You don't see how thousands of school aged children having their morning routines disrupted in a major city could endanger their safety? They sent police around to pick up school children, some had to have parents drive/accompany them, others hailed cabs I suppose and some took the MBTA. You seriously don't see how safety is a major concern here? What about people that didn't get the message through robo calls, social media, news media, etc that had children waiting at their usual stops not knowing what was going on?

Isn't Veolia a private firm?

Good catch but there should be collective bargaining reforms to cover contracted workers.

Not quite. The job action is illegal and both disrupted and endangered the lives of thousands of school children and caused undue hardship to many families. No parent willingly sends their children to BPS I assure you, with all the issues those schools have with incompetent teachers, not enough textbooks to go around, no paper to make copies on, inadequate facilities this is the last thing those poor children need to face. It's greed and thuggery, plain and simple. Tax payers are sick of sustaining these over entitled and out of touch public workers, there have been reforms even around here but clearly not enough.

I doubt that Josh. IIRC these bus drivers make from $14-$22 an hour. Is that a lot of money in Boston?
Heck, you couldn't pay me enough to ride it much less drive it.
Also, your use of thuggery is pretty loose. I don't see thuggery here. When I think of Union thuggery I think of the Teamsters shooting independent truckers, hardly a comparison.
Then I think of gooberment/corporate thuggery where the coal miners were beaten and killed by the Pinkertons. That's thuggery!
There are many other similar definitions but the end result is the same.
You like to link the label "thuggery" with 'any' union/social action, we get it, but you are wrong.
They withheld their labor. Plain and simple.
IMHO, Of course dill-weeds like you would like to beat them into submission,

It is my hope that the workers involved are fined, suspended to highest extent possible and union officials are fined and/or jailed. This is nonsense, no where else would they put up with this. If the company/contractor does not adhere to the CBA there is a process in place as Kev so often reminds everyone on the DL forum. The union overstepped their bounds plain and simple, and the public will not stand for it.

When the system doesn't work, what do you do? Wait for the gooberment to hear the case?
Good luck with that.

Too bad Commonwealth of MA doesn't have as stringent laws restricting actions of public sector unions like say New York where Taylor laws fine public employees multiple days wages for each day of unlawful job action.
And bring back debtors prisons. That worked out well.
B) xUT
Seriously Kev? You don't see how thousands of school aged children having their morning routines disrupted in a major city could endanger their safety? They sent police around to pick up school children, some had to have parents drive/accompany them, others hailed cabs I suppose and some took the MBTA. You seriously don't see how safety is a major concern here? What about people that didn't get the message through robo calls, social media, news media, etc that had children waiting at their usual stops not knowing what was going on?

Yes seriously.

Disruptive? Sure. But to directly link a job action with the endangerment of anyone's physical well being is hyperbolic at best.
Let's also remember that any child old enough to be at the stop alone is also old enough to have a plan in place in case the bus doesn't arrive. Do Bostonians just plunk their kids at the curb and leave, or what?

Good catch but there should be collective bargaining reforms to cover contracted workers.

This is interesting.....

The stoppage appeared to have been set off in a roundabout way by the shutdown of the federal government. The bus drivers’ union had lodged several complaints with the National Labor Relations Board. But after union members discovered Monday that the board was not operating and could not hear their grievances, drivers said, they decided on the spur of the moment Tuesday to walk off the job — with no notice to city or school officials.
“This morning we decided enough is enough,” said Macaire Dupuy, 47, a driver for 20 years.
I doubt that Josh. IIRC these bus drivers make from $14-$22 an hour. Is that a lot of money in Boston?
Heck, you couldn't pay me enough to ride it much less drive it.
Also, your use of thuggery is pretty loose. I don't see thuggery here. When I think of Union thuggery I think of the Teamsters shooting independent truckers, hardly a comparison.
Then I think of gooberment/corporate thuggery where the coal miners were beaten and killed by the Pinkertons. That's thuggery!
There are many other similar definitions but the end result is the same.
You like to link the label "thuggery" with 'any' union/social action, we get it, but you are wrong.
They withheld their labor. Plain and simple.
IMHO, Of course dill-weeds like you would like to beat them into submission,

When the system doesn't work, what do you do? Wait for the gooberment to hear the case?
Good luck with that.

And bring back debtors prisons. That worked out well.
B) xUT


The term "thug" is so overused, it's almost become a parody.

Mayor Tom Menino, historical very labor tolerant/friendly


Seriously Kev? You don't see how thousands of school aged children having their morning routines disrupted in a major city could endanger their safety? They sent police around to pick up school children, some had to have parents drive/accompany them, others hailed cabs I suppose and some took the MBTA. You seriously don't see how safety is a major concern here? What about people that didn't get the message through robo calls, social media, news media, etc that had children waiting at their usual stops not knowing what was going on?

Good catch but there should be collective bargaining reforms to cover contracted workers.


How about CORPERATE - CAPITALISM at ANY COST - G R E E D.......reform ???????

BOSTON, with its Irish Majority.....is, THANK GOD, the Last Bastion of Union Strength, along with the West Coast Dockworkers,.....in this (Fast getting F'up country)

Veolia is to outsourcers, like Lorenzo was to the Airline Business.
Veolia pulled this SHIIT in the Worst(for them) City possible, and I'm G D Proud to say, Beantown is the place of my Birth.

FUUK Veolia !!!!!!!
Dell, are you saying it was the DRIVERS, not adhering to the contract THEY signed and that they are just diplaying their anger that they have no one to #### to, because of the shutdown!

How about CORPERATE - CAPITALISM at ANY COST - G R E E D.......reform ???????

BOSTON, with its Irish Majority.....is, THANK GOD, the Last Bastion of Union Strength, along with the West Coast Dockworkers,.....in this (Fast getting F'up country)

Veolia is to outsourcers, like Lorenzo was to the Airline Business.
Veolia pulled this SHIIT in the Worst(for them) City possible, and I'm G D Proud to say, Beantown is the place of my Birth.

FUUK Veolia !!!!!!!

Yeah fuuk it! Pay those drivers $200 bucks a mile!
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I doubt that Josh. IIRC these bus drivers make from $14-$22 an hour. Is that a lot of money in Boston?
Heck, you couldn't pay me enough to ride it much less drive it.
Also, your use of thuggery is pretty loose. I don't see thuggery here. When I think of Union thuggery I think of the Teamsters shooting independent truckers, hardly a comparison.
Then I think of gooberment/corporate thuggery where the coal miners were beaten and killed by the Pinkertons. That's thuggery!
There are many other similar definitions but the end result is the same.
You like to link the label "thuggery" with 'any' union/social action, we get it, but you are wrong.
They withheld their labor. Plain and simple.
IMHO, Of course dill-weeds like you would like to beat them into submission,

It is most certainly thuggery. Their actions are disrupting the lives of thousands, costing the city/BPS untold sums on money on contingency plans and endangering the children. If that's not thuggery I don't know what is. Look past the base rate and look at the overly generous health care, retirement package, onerous work rules they impose on the company. Is $14-$22 a fair wage? I'd venture to say they are paying well above market. If the drivers don't like what is being offered, there are no chains on their feet go find another job. They enjoy a comp package far superior to other unskilled/minimum training jobs.

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Yes seriously.
Disruptive? Sure. But to directly link a job action with the endangerment of anyone's physical well being is hyperbolic at best.
Let's also remember that any child old enough to be at the stop alone is also old enough to have a plan in place in case the bus doesn't arrive. Do Bostonians just plunk their kids at the curb and leave, or what?

They most certainly endangered thousands of children and their families. Aren't you a parent? Would you want your child(ren) out on city streets, unaccounted for roaming around trying to get to school? I think what you don't understand is many of the children that attend BPS do so because they have no other option, and most of these children are from either single parent or challenged households that likely do not have the support in place to step in and provide transportation. I get that you condone and applaud this job action, fine, but it is incomprehensible for you to say the job action isn't challenging the safety of the children.

Public sector unions are organizations that work counter to the interests of tax payers and the public at large. With so many politicians in the pockets of these stupid unions, tax payers have no one representing their interests when these ridiculous agreements are negotiated, but left to foot the bill. But fortunately that is changing as we are having people on both sides confront the unions and their bosses in many times with a hardline approach. Increasingly governments are looking for cost savings through outsourcing certain functions and there need to be limitations and restrictions on the activities of labor groups directly serving the public sector.

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  • #28
Early reports indicating the job action is offer and buses will operate normal schedules today.

They most certainly endangered thousands of children and their families. Aren't you a parent? Would you want your child(ren) out on city streets, unaccounted for roaming around trying to get to school? I think what you don't understand is many of the children that attend BPS do so because they have no other option, and most of these children are from either single parent or challenged households that likely do not have the support in place to step in and provide transportation. I get that you condone and applaud this job action, fine, but it is incomprehensible for you to say the job action isn't challenging the safety of the children.

Didja miss where I said this?

Let's also remember that any child old enough to be at the stop alone is also old enough to have a plan in place in case the bus doesn't arrive. Do Bostonians just plunk their kids at the curb and leave, or what?

So you're confirming that Bostonians just leave their kids out on the street, then?
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Didja miss where I said this?

So you're confirming that Bostonians just leave their kids out on the street, then?

I can't speak to that, I certainly wouldn't. Again I think you overlook the fact that many of the children attending inner city school districts like BPS are there because they have no other option. No one would willingly send their children to those schools. There are many single family or dual working parent households, I'm sure many children are expecting to get themselves up and out of the house in the morning alone and wait for the bus. Why would the parenting norms be different here than say suburban community in middle America? Granted the pace of life and cultural norms are different, but again you neglect to realize many of these households do not have sufficient support in place for contingencies in a situation like this. Hopefully many parents were able to leave work and care for their children but I imagine some weren't either because they can't afford to take time off or fear push back from their bosses.
