Union Thugs disrupt school day


Jun 5, 2010


The union?

Sounds like it was the other way 'round

Sounds like Veolia unilaterally decided to ignore a lawful CBA
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Yep it's all about he safety of the children, very funny. Like it or not, every media account has blasted the union and crafted the story to show the union as thuggish and greedy. Even the organized labor puppet Marty Walsh mayoral candidate came out against this nonsense. If these bus drivers don't like what Veolia as a government contractor offers time to get on their feet and find another job.

They have a CBA

Apparently... Veolia unilaterally violated it

I said apparently

If they did, the drivers are presumably satisfied to work for what was negotiated and agreed on, however...

The last recourse if a company does not comply with the CB Agreement, is... .??

Witholding services...

Collective Bargaining 101

IOW, if the company is not happy with the contract they agreed to... Renegotiate it

Unilaterally violating a contract is wrong, by any standard, and illegal.
“They agreed to a good contract, a very good contract. Now they don’t want to live up to that contract, that’s the issue,” Menino said, calling the strike “illegal.”

Big fat fine for USWA
Two sides

The union is saying the same about Veolia

Wait for the truth... Which is going to come from the source documents, and each party's actions - not from either party's mouthpieces, and especially not from any of the media, most especially the usual ravers.
They probably got some off the wall safety procedures.....did some driving like that a while back.....they want them and union agreed.....probably get out the bus and so on.
I bet.
We'll see who, and more important, what is right

But not in the press, not today

And not from the ravers and kool aid dispensors

One thing for certain, it is not about safety

It is about $$$

"According to the Globe, the union filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations board, highlighting that Veolia, the Illinois-based transportation vender that manages the school district's bus system, "had refused to bargain with the union, had unilaterally implemented changes to terms and conditions of their contract, had refused to recognize their union and its officers, and had refused to abide by the grievance and arbitration process."
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I see an 'inconvenience' but no 'thuggery'.
Withholding your labor is not thuggery.
Forcing labor to work in conditions outside their CBA is company/gooberment thuggery.
Boston decided to outsource their drivers to save money.
Let them eat cake.
B) xUT

Not quite. The job action is illegal and both disrupted and endangered the lives of thousands of school children and caused undue hardship to many families. No parent willingly sends their children to BPS I assure you, with all the issues those schools have with incompetent teachers, not enough textbooks to go around, no paper to make copies on, inadequate facilities this is the last thing those poor children need to face. It's greed and thuggery, plain and simple. Tax payers are sick of sustaining these over entitled and out of touch public workers, there have been reforms even around here but clearly not enough.

It is my hope that the workers involved are fined, suspended to highest extent possible and union officials are fined and/or jailed. This is nonsense, no where else would they put up with this. If the company/contractor does not adhere to the CBA there is a process in place as Kev so often reminds everyone on the DL forum. The union overstepped their bounds plain and simple, and the public will not stand for it.

Too bad Commonwealth of MA doesn't have as stringent laws restricting actions of public sector unions like say New York where Taylor laws fine public employees multiple days wages for each day of unlawful job action.

The job action is illegal

According to who?

and both disrupted and endangered the lives of thousands of school children

Dramatic much?

It is my hope that the workers involved are fined, suspended to highest extent possible and union officials are fined and/or jailed.

Great idea! Then you, as a taxpayer, can "sustain" them while they're in.

This is nonsense, no where else would they put up with this.

What? Workers holding their employer accountable to an agreed upon CBA?

The union overstepped their bounds plain and simple

According to who?

Too bad Commonwealth of MA doesn't have as stringent laws restricting actions of public sector unions like say New York where Taylor laws fine public employees multiple days wages for each day of unlawful job action.

Isn't Veolia a private firm?

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