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Union Solidarity

Dear Pinebob,
Once again, I am sure you are intelligent and insightful, only this thread was not started about Libertarians, or Democrats or Republicans. It was started about the peeps of usairways getting togeather against a common foe.
No the davy twins are not always wrong. No the union is not always right. But I was not aiming at exact points. I was aiming a preponderance of credualty.
Again the point of the original thread was about the comming togeather of all unions on this property!!!!!! Absolutely in no way, and do let me be perfectly clear is this about libertarians. It was mean to be a thread about our people functioning against 1 robber barron. I did not say that no matter what he was always wrong. I am, however implying he has been and can be wrong on a major scale!!!!! Such as farming out illegally!!!
Please understand this. I am not attacking your politics or intelligence. All I am asking is if you believe this situation ( the airbus farmouts ) is uniting the work force!!! give me a break on the libertarian bs already. :up:
Unfortunately the flying public is interested primarily in CHEAP fares and do not pay much mind to maintenance. Sheep.....Lemmings......FOOLS!!!!

I vividly remember a news anchor asking a passenger (who was waiting to board an Eastern Airlines flight just after the mechanics went on strike) if he was concerned about the maintenance of the aircraft. His reply?? No.

The only way people will pay attention is after a smoking hole is made in the ground. And even then just for a short while thereafter. It is so sad considering the last few crashes were directly attributed to maintenance errors by 3rd party providers. 🙁

In the bitter end......you get what you pay for.

PITbull said:
And notice where is Markmywords? Since the announcement of the outsourcing, he is no where to be found.
My Dearest Pittbull,

I heard that you missed me so I thought I would drop in from my vacation to let you know I am still alive It is so nice to be missed. I had a lot of things to do prior to my departure and didn't have a lot of time to post on here. I have pledged my total support to the IAM with regards to the outsourcing issues, what more can be said?

Since Dave and I are such great pals, he allowed me to use the guest house at the mansion in SXM. I have met several ex-employees that are here working as Dave's indentured servants. 😀 😀 😀 😀 (kidding)

I had hoped that we were over this implying that I am Management thing already. I am not one of those people that comes on here and spreads FUD like it were fertilizer. You should know me better then that by now.

Well it is off to the beach......Sun, Surf, Sand. It is 85 degrees and I need to get my wiinter tan. Looking forward talking when I get home.
I, for would love to see all of the union employees get together and cause a slow down, in particular when those crooks from ccy and payroll, etc..., are on board the aircraft to go on a vacation. Also let them feel some of the crap that goes on at the F-terminal in PHL. I have had a lot of problems just to transfer from one express flight to the other. Hopefully all unions can set aside their personal differences so they can combine into one heck of a force and fight the crooks of ccy!
PineyBob said:
How can they be crooks when you signed the contracts?
I don't recall seeing at any time where the pilots signed away their pensions. I think that is how they can be called crooks, don't you?
PineyBob said:
How can they be crooks when you signed the contracts?
Mechanics did not sign away their Airbus work either. Bob, you should know this stuff.

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