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The Twu Does Not Qualify As A Union


Aug 20, 2002
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The TWU does not qualify as a union. They have achieved nothing but concessionary contracts since 1983, the different payscales, the SRP/OSM classification. This is not unionism when it does not adhere to the AFL-CIO constitutional preamble.


The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the working people of America.

We resolve to fulfill the yearning of the human spirit for liberty, justice and community; to advance individual and associational freedom; to vanquish oppression, privation and cruelty in all their forms; and to join with all persons, of whatever nationality or faith, who cherish the cause of democracy and the call of solidarity, to grace the planet with these achievements.

to vanquish oppression, the TWU creates it.

cruelty, the TWU creates cruelty through the concessionary contracts.

democracy, the TWU interfering with a representational election?

Solidarity, the TWU is the most divided entity ever to claim it is a union

We dedicate ourselves to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace and securing social equity in the Nation. We will prevail by building a strong, free and democratic labor movement.

improving the lives the TWU has done just the opposite.

free and democratic, you mean ran by the bus drivers union in New York.

We will organize workers into unions allied by common purposes and mutual reliance. We will recruit generations of organizers, amass resources to sustain their efforts and inspire workers to achieve dignity and security through organization and collective bargaining. We will generate broad understanding of the necessity of organizing among our members, our leaders and all unorganized workers.

amass resources, you mean take dues and provide nothing but concessions

We will give political voice to workers in the Nation. We will fight for an agenda for working families at all levels of government. We will assemble a broad progressive coalition for social and economic justice. We will create a political force within the labor movement that will speak forcefully and persuasively on the public issues that affect our lives.

Political voice, only the voice from the extortion of dues for political purpose without the members consent.

Political force, what has labor done for the workers at American Airlines?

We will enable workers to shape a changing global economy. We will speak for working people in the international marketplace, in the industries in which we are employed, and in the firms where we work. We will expand the role of unions to securing worker influence in all the decisions that affect our working lives, from capital investment to the quality of products and services to how work itself is organized.

global economy, yea NAFTA that did a lot of good

We will establish unions as active forces in our communities. We will make the voices of working families heard in our neighborhoods. We will create vibrant state, local and community labor councils. We will strengthen the ties of labor with our allies. We will speak out effectively and creatively on behalf of all working Americans.

Active force, active only in creating concessionary contracts

With confidence and trust in the inherent power and goodness of our people and in the virtue and promise of unionism, we proclaim this Constitution.
All International officer positions are voted on by the full membership.

Contract negotiations are open to the membership and information is distributed as it happens.

These are two characteristics of the AMFA. Why does the twu not have the same make up?

Because as Buck says it so directely: The twu does not qualify as a union.

By the way, does AMFA allow dead people or fired people to vote in any of their elections like the twu does?
Steve Connell said:
You quoted a phrase from Ken then you posted a link to someones opinion on AMFA'S recall procedures. I'm not sure why. Kens statement was on election of national officers.

You posted that link like it were 100% fact but in reality its one mans way to try and degrade something his union doesn't have by voicing his opinion. (Nothing but green eyed jealousy)
He takes off with the assumption that since it doesn't say a local president must sign a petition once it is endorsed by his membership that he has the right to shoot it down. It doesn't say that but this guy is taking it and running with it. If this is true then doesn't the local have the right to recall his ass (the local president) for not following their wishes? As far as a petition being shot down for some reason and the guy not being recalled then I guess the membership could use a course of action called voting his ass out next time elections came up. Try doing that with the twu. As far as different recall procedures whats the big deal?
Thats impressive steve. What % of the local members does it take to remove an officer at local 514. Thats right the members can't because its the officers union not the members. When do we get our next ballet to vote on TWU national officers.NEVER!!!! Go bullshit the Twu clones we have read AMFA's constitution.
Here is an article about airline woes. The last paragraph is very interesting indeed!!!

Fare Wars: The ‘Friendly Skies’ Are More Cutthroat Than Ever

"Another potential issue for Southwest is the decision last year by its mechanics to leave the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and sign up with the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, a union with a feisty reputation. The current mechanics contract extends through 2005. “The mechanics are interesting,â€￾ says Allen. “If you’re a pilot and suddenly you’re not a pilot anymore, what are you? But the mechanics are highly skilled and there are a lot of places they could go. They are the scary guys in terms of being able to control the carrier.â€￾
Rusty said:
Here is an article about airline woes. The last paragraph is very interesting indeed!!!

Fare Wars: The ‘Friendly Skies’ Are More Cutthroat Than Ever

"Another potential issue for Southwest is the decision last year by its mechanics to leave the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and sign up with the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, a union with a feisty reputation. The current mechanics contract extends through 2005. “The mechanics are interesting,â€￾ says Allen. “If you’re a pilot and suddenly you’re not a pilot anymore, what are you? But the mechanics are highly skilled and there are a lot of places they could go. They are the scary guys in terms of being able to control the carrier.â€￾
Those mechanics would have to have leaders that are not in bed with the company, and also should be re-trained not to succum to every fear based campaign that is propagated on their minds.

I don't understand how such an intelligent work group, can be hoodwinked by fear campaigns time and time again. It has to be, that the union leadership advocation of the company fear, weakens the union members resolve to reject the fear, and thus the TWU members lead the industry in concessions on regular cycle basis.

Psychologists and neuroscientists, however, are making progress at understanding how to conquer fear. It's not a simple matter of erasing scary memories. Instead, it seems that people can learn to suppress a fright reaction by repeatedly confronting, in a safe manner, the fear-triggering memory or stimulus. For specific phobias, up to 90 percent of people can be cured through such exposure therapy, says David Barlow, director of Boston University's Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders.

In a symposium at last November's Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in New Orleans, researchers described recent studies of how this process, known as fear extinction, works in animals and people. For example, investigators have begun to home in on the neural circuitry required for extinction. "There must be some structure in the brain that inhibits fear," says Gregory Quirk of the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico.
Decision 2004 said:
At least there IS A RE-CALL PROCESS.

You have alot of nerve posting a link to a demeaning web page against something the TWU doesn't provide period!
Dave, you are correct. I have a lot of nerve, something you do not possess nor have the ability to possess. Read the page or not, the truth is out there. AMFA is smoke and mirrors with no obvious selection process of organizers.

Demeaning web page? Now that just plain hurt my feelings Dave, why must continue the attack on my ego, you hurt me bad. This last post of yours will surely cost me months of counselling!
Steve Connell said:
AMFA is smoke and mirrors with no obvious selection process of organizers.
Hey Steve anyone can become an organizer. It's a grass roots effort, so just stand up for your profession and presto you are an AMFA organizer!!!
Rusty said:
Hey Steve anyone can become an organizer. It's a grass roots effort, so just stand up for your profession and presto you are an AMFA organizer!!!
I understand that Rusty, and I do not lay blame to the other organizers. I would only think that AMFA, being the professionals that they lay claim to, would have divorced themselvs from Dave down months ago.
Steve Connell said:
I understand that Rusty, and I do not lay blame to the other organizers. I would only think that AMFA, being the professionals that they lay claim to, would have divorced themselvs from Dave down months ago.
Well, I see you have learned much from the twu. Divide and conquer is an old time favorite of the twu's congratulations on your new, old found technique.

As Dave and many others have said, this is not about any individual, not Dave, not anyone. This is about our profession and the mechanics Craft and Class as a whole!!!
Steve Connell said:
I understand that Rusty, and I do not lay blame to the other organizers. I would only think that AMFA, being the professionals that they lay claim to, would have divorced themselvs from Dave down months ago.
Steve, it is you that is the dividing force in the grass root effort of the the mechanic craft and class. Your hatred for Dave Stewart just shows what you are capable of. Your fear of your loss of pension due to airline mismanagement will not save that pension under the TWU. It will not be long before the company comes for that also and the TWU will roll over like the good little pet they are.