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Union Solidarity

Had no intentions of offending you. However, if the shoe fits....

I have debated this sissue at length with you. . We just won't come to an agreement in total. I do see some movement however, in our positions, but somehow, it gets a little twisted.

What I have found on this issue, is we balance each other out. This is good.

I, personally, have no affliation to ANY party.

I am for the party or group that advocates American workers, and the creation of American jobs. Period.

Other than that, I have no party affiliation; but sure would like to party!!!!
PS: flyonthewall was at your back the same time you were on the boards writing your post. He PM me. Its not pretty. And notice where is Markmywords? Since the announcement of the outsourcing, he is no where to be found.
PITbull said:
I, personally, have no affliation to ANY party.

I am for the party or group that advocates Ameridan workers, and the creation of American jobs. Period.

Other than that, I have no party affiliation; but sure would like to party!!!!
Party on, girlfriend :up:

<<< dis' mugs for you
Please don't let Bob get you upset. He may take a different view since your view of compassion and understanding may partly come from your experience with having a family and children. None of which I believe Bob has in his ‘daily’ life. From his writings it appears Bob may have just him and then it is only him he needs to worry about and take care of. I was asked years ago if we are better off being a nation that makes people wealthy or are we better to be a nation known for taking care of the elderly and weak. I believe no one here wants to take care of someone who can, but is unwilling to care for him or herself. Then on the other hand we should help to provide for the ones that truly need assistance. There is nothing wrong with having compassion in ones life.

--My wife’s Aunt never had children. She always led the jet set life with no time for them. As she aged she lived to regret it.

--Rush is a junkie and if you thought of him as anything more than just entertainment then you were foolish. By his own words people like him should be in jail.
Pinebob, you have made some strange points here. In rebutal: First if Government would leave Social Security alone and stop raping it, it would be entirely solvent on it's own, and do exactly what it was designed to do. Second, all those who invested in savings and loans and inenron etc. Where not moron. They were ripped off. Hence the need for a net such as Social Security. Third, Who's kool aid did you drink. Maybe you took a little to much of rush's party mix. ?We invaded Iraq to protect our shores? What was their NAVY on it's way. ?Our government should only be protecting us from foreign invaders? Are you talking about the same addministration that gave most of our manufacturing base to foreign nations, or the one thats going to GIVE upwards of 87 billion to just two of those foreign nations and next to nothing domestically. ?You know of Nobel economists that thing FDR was a F-up? Are these the same bozo's that think reagan did a fine job and the GW is working wonders for our economy.
The Railway Labor Act was passed in 1926, during Calvin Coolidge.

The National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935.

The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938.

Guess if it was not for labor laws we would be slaves and indendurated servants or we would live in company towns and our children would be working right next to us.
Bob, the railway labor act was set up not to protect workers but to prevent the stoppage of interstate commerce, they only threw in some worker stuff as to put a tiny balence in the law.

The airlines and railroads are the only workers who can't strike because our contracts don't expire they become amendable. And even when you reach the point of legally being able to strike the President can stop it for upto another 60 days, advantage COMPANY.

First thing to do is drop a neutron bomb on Washington, DC and then pass laws, letting no lawyers, bankers or insurance people be politicians.

Make it a government for the people and by the people, not one of specal interests.

I know this threads gone off topic but the timing is amazing. Last Tuesday I sent in my voters regestration card to change Parties from Rep to Independent. I've been researching the Libertarian party and really like what they're presenting.

Thanks for the info.

Bob's latest thread above is right on target. If we want to drive the "outsourcing" of heavy maintenance to third party vendors issue home, then we need to get the public's attention. It doesn't matter about no labor laws now. They do very little to help labor, should the truth be told. Labor's answers to these issues are within labor's control. You just need to organize the troops. And that takes talent and skill.

Bob is not speaking in "generality" on this issue....he is being specific. Pay attention.
There are some fine MROs out there, for example look at Southwest's track record, you can point out some bad things that have happened but the IAM and other unions do represent some fine MRO facilities.

You can point out dynair, the beech incidents and the numerous ValuJet problems.

But you are walking a fine line.


  • UY.webp
    3.5 KB · Views: 102
Bob Says:"Truth will be the very first casuality."

Bob, if you want creditability you have to use the truth, lies will always get you in trouble.

You can play up the bad incidents, but never ever lie. Plus I for one will not lie like Dave and Jerry do, as the truth always comes out.
You don't lie to win, that is wrong and you won't win by using lies.


  • truth.webp
    16.7 KB · Views: 108
PineyBob said:
Teflon said:
Bob Says:"Truth will be the very first casuality."

Bob, if you want creditability you have to use the truth, lies will always get you in trouble.

You can play up the bad incidents, but never ever lie. Plus I for one will not lie like Dave and Jerry do, as the truth always comes out.
You have to win at all costs! They play off your integrity! Deal with the moral aspects of your conduct AFTER you win. That's why the Catholic Church has confession.
winning at all costs is valiant,but if in the pursuit of victory you blaspheme your own credibility..what have you gained?
much like the credibility of the inmate testifying against another inmate...yeah,right...i believe you...yeah...ok...
so it is with the utmost care and practice that must be used while walking that fine line between distortion and outright lying.and the first one over the edge loses....
Sorry Bob. I guess I missed that one. Actually we share similar views. I do feel some programs must be in place for people in need, but I do feel we should not help people that would not help themselves just help the ones that can not help themselves (re- children, elderly and the infirmed). My apologizes once again.

P.S.-I thought about this ever since I posted the original post in a hurry and felt I made a mistake, but it was to late since I was heading out the door. Learned once again not to rush certain things. I just got back home and knew I would have hell to pay. LOL......... 🙂

I need to slow down. I have too much to do with my children and their needs. I do see you have not married yet and best wishes for you and her (and her kids). It will get very hectic keeping up with them (and very expensive also). Are you getting married soon?

The point I was trying to make is with you in my previous post defending Pitbull is allot of times nature of the beast is one is more apt to be into themselves and when they have their own children they get a different prospective since they tend to care more about the world and what the future beholds for their children and grandchildren to come. At that time it is less about 'me' and more about 'others'. While this may not always be the case it is often true.

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