Union Solidarity


Feb 15, 2003
I hear around the 20th that all the unions will begin wearing a new pin with all the Usairways unions names on it. Is this the start of a real and solid coalition that will begin to exert it's collective will on the evil davy twins. :D
T-bone said:
I hear around the 20th that all the unions will begin wearing a new pin with all the Usairways unions names on it. Is this the start of a real and solid coalition that will begin to exert it's collective will on the evil davy twins. :D
WE ARE ONE...so to speak,an army of one......each labor group has its own issues,some concerning other groups.....we must live with this...we must all acknowledge that our differences are moot..the collective good for one and another must and shall outweigh our differences....or we shall dissolve together.
all labor groups stepped up to the plate when asked,some reluctantly...as expected.now we have been challanged on all fronts,individually...who can say we haven't?challenged individually is a tactic i remember as a child..they would come to you at the bus stop and gang up to intimidate and embarass you...then when you meet them one on one...they are your friend..without the 'boys' ,they are nothin...like i said...its time we do the bullying at the busstop.....
The company outsourcing the Airbus work has done more to bring the unions and the employees together. Once the IAM wins it will be a major moral boost.

Dave has awoken the sleeping Giant!
As a wise man said:


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LOL, Teflon, PineyBob makes the ONLY substantive post on this thread. I mean, disagree if you want, but.... 'blah, blah'.... LOL. What? I take it that you don't care about what he posted? Good to know..... not!
Bob, go ask the former enron employees about their 401ks and pension, oh wait they don't have it anymore.

And social security was set up to assist retired people, not for them to rely on solely as their retirement income.

And if FDR was so bad, why did he get the country out of the great depression and get re-elected three times?
I said re-elected, not elected.

Also social security is the only government program that is run succesfully, don't believe the hype about it being doomed, all they have to do is tweak the cap to make sure it never dries up. It costs the us government 1% of its value to run it, the same program if turned over to the banks and wall street would cost 7-12% to run, so how can the US government be more efficient the private industry?
Teflon said:
And if FDR was so bad, why did he get the country out of the great depression and get re-elected three times?
Well that little incident called World War II might have given the economy a boost, ya think? Seems like we might have taken a sucker punch at Pearl Harbor, just to get us involved, also. Nothing like allowing a sneak attack to fire up the masses, and push us into war, eh? Hmmmm...

FDR ran as the "peace" candidate in 1940, assuring the citizenry that "your sons will not be sent to die in foreign wars". All the while, his focus was on a way to draw us into the war.

There is "no" relationship between the ability to win elections and "greatness". The people are basically sheep, manipulated, and told what to think, how to vote, kept distracted from the real important issues, and with the designed "dumbing down" of the American education system, "you ain't seen nothing yet"! If you think the beauty contests we call elections offer you any real choices, you are deluding yourself. The policy and outcome is assured way before your token "vote".

Very few people actually read, and think, for themself. FDR was no friend of the "working man"... neither is any current leading politician. Worker bees are very expendable. Just put another "unit of production" in their place, hopefully at a lower cost per unit, too.

<end of my rant> ;)
Meanwhile, back at the original topic of this thread, union solidarity! Yeah! It's definitely about time!

I look forward to seeing some of those coalition buttons.

In solidarity,
T-bone said:
I hear around the 20th that all the unions will begin wearing a new pin with all the Usairways unions names on it. Is this the start of a real and solid coalition that will begin to exert it's collective will on the evil davy twins. :D
Wow, another pin! That will show those corporate bullies we mean business. Can we wear the pin with our red t-shirt? Or our green ribbons? That will make them stop! What a brilliant tactical idea! Yeah, wait till Dave & Jerry see our pins... that will make them quake in their expensive suits.

And in response to your question, the answer is "no".

If this is the best our union leadership can come up with...
Enron, WorldCom, K-Mart, great examples of how people invest their retirement funds. Silverado Savings and Loans, Michael Milken, IMCLONE with Waskel and Stewart. Let us not forget what US Airways did to its stock in Bankruptcy and UAL will follow suit. Great financial planning for their retirements and got screwed by the Ken Lays and David Seigels of the Corportate America!

Next you will see people jumping out of buildings like back in the 30's when the market crashed, what about the black monday that happened?
PineyBob said:
I find it nauseating. I work on the opposite theory, "Never let anyone do for me what i can do for myself"
I find most of what you write to be about the same.

Do for yourself, we all know what that entails.

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