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Our TWU Union Brothers over in Title III have had their TA suspended because the Union Local Presidents were going to recommend a No vote. At least that is what James Little cited on the TWU website:
TWU WEBSITE :"TWU International President James C. Little, in reversing the actions of the fleet service bargaining team, which had decided to send the agreement to members with a “no” vote recommendation, said, “If we can’t recommend it, we’re not sending it..."

I guess this means that Fleet Service will now be able to watch the lemmings in Maintenance & Related walk over a cliff and that the Maintenance & Related will send their "TA" to the membership with a Yes Recommendation.

Well it certainly wont be by a unanimous vote of the committee!
From what I hear even the YES voters of the committee aren't endorsing this.
Well it certainly wont be by a unanimous vote of the committee!
From what I hear even the YES voters of the committee aren't endorsing this.

Who could that be? Steve Luis of Tulsa? Yea I read hie PIE HOLE letter then I read his next letter which sounded like damage control. How about Bob Zimmerman of DFW? Did he have a change of heart because his VP Gary Schiable is against him on this T/A? Then there is Todd Woodward of Miami. Not much coming from him or his VP. All rumors are that Todd is looking for a VP position. Well Todd, Steve Luis beat you out on that one. I wish these guys would come out and express their real true opinion about this Concessionary T/A instead of following their self serving agendas. This has got to be the worse contract proposal since the 2003 package. It just keeps getting more and more concessionary. When are we going to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH? How about now? VOTE NO!!!
By turning down this TA, are we saying that we are ready to strike?

I ask this because the TWU already asked to be released, and then we turn the TA that our union and company came up with. This is a sincere question.

It looks like the TWU is good with the mechanics TA. They just recalled the ramp TA. Why would they not recall the mechanics TA???
By turning down this TA, are we saying that we are ready to strike?

I ask this because the TWU already asked to be released, and then we turn the TA that our union and company came up with. This is a sincere question.
Duke, it's my understanding that the T/A wasn't turned down but "suspended" or put on hold for a possible ratification vote at a later date.
From those I have talked to, there is a chance some wording and/or minor adjustments may be made to at least make it presentable, not passable, but presentable in the view of the TWU. But having said that, I have no clue what is going to happen.
Bob Owens,

If the M&R "Negotiating Commitee" is not sending this to the membership with a yes endorsement, why has our TA also not been "suspended"?

Let's see a published vote from the M&R Negotiating Committee, by member: it either is endoresed for passage or it ain't.

Which is it?
...But Boomer brings up some good points, especially when you add in the fact that what we have here is where one group, the over 50, can vote to take away not just the coverage, but the $5000 company match from the other group while leaving their share intact...


Sorry I didn't catch this one the first time around.

Not only do the TWU Represented, 50 and Over, vote to leave their Company share intact by voting for the TWU M&R TA:

1) The TWU Negotiated Retiree Medical Benefit is carried by AA in a VEBA Trust fund structured so that all of the funds held by the TWU VEBA TRUST can only be applied to the TWU Retiree Medical Benefits for those that qualify: they cannot be used for any other purpose than paying retiree health care benefits for qualifying TWU Represented Union Members; and,

2) To qualify for the TWU Represented Retiree Medical, current M&R TA; the TWU Represented, 50 and Over, get the opportunity to vote to have the TWU Represented, 49 and Younger, lose their retiree medical benefits; and,

3) The TWU Represented, 50 and Over, will receive the benefit of the funds which were contributed by AA to the TWU Represented VEBA Trust, for the payment of reiree medical insurance claims, from those TWU Represented Union Members 49 and Younger; and,

4) If the current TA is passed, TWU Represented Union Members, 49 and Younger, will be forced to pay for the same coverage as TWU Represented Union Members, 50 and Older, while receiving no commensurate compensation and being forced to pay the same dues, for the same "representation."
Whether or not fleet service is "ready to strike" is sort of beside the point. The mediators probably won't let them, especially now. By sending the TA into hiatus they are going to the back of the line. So now the only real option is to get a new agreement and bring that to a vote. Otherwise they'll be waiting a while for another turn in the sun.
Whether or not fleet service is "ready to strike" is sort of beside the point. The mediators probably won't let them, especially now. By sending the TA into hiatus they are going to the back of the line. So now the only real option is to get a new agreement and bring that to a vote. Otherwise they'll be waiting a while for another turn in the sun.
...and we will continue to do the best job we can while we wait. Now remind me, exactly where do we show up in
the DOT rankings time after time.
Not much sympothy outside this forum for unions. Read comments at the end of article.


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