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Strike? Now?

If the AMR negotiators have such a history of failing, then why do you guys have such crappy contracts?...

Obama was backed by the AFL-CIO, but he, Pelosi & Reid all failed on the public option and card check. With the lost super-majority, there isn't much hope for any of those moving forward. I seriously doubt that intervening in a RLA dispute is going to do much to prop up his lost credibility.

Thus far they have failed to get a contract. So, they're failing.

Little would not take the step of making the announcement he did without the end game solidly in place through whatever channels are available to him.

Although, given the fact they agreed to the 03 without a snapback, one couldn't be absolutely sure.

This is how the membership gets in a state of confusion and no faith. But for me I have to believe he isn't that much of an idiot.

OK, bring on flamers, call me a kool aid drinker if you want, especially if it makes you feel superior.

Oh c'mon Informer, call me a Crack head, don't leave, I for one enjoy your posts. :up: :up:
A politician being held responsible for any of the damage they cause? For anything?? In whose lifetime?

Gave up on all the mind altering stuff decades ago, so no worries here about the Plastic Cup of Pissclosure...

You have to look no further than the ballot box, Goose. The special elections held since The One's anointing have shown several politicians being held responsible by the populus....

You can also look at the retirement announcements since Brown's election in MA... It's one thing for politicians to be beaten at the ballot box, but when the start admitting they're unelectable come November, well, that's got to be the most painful form of accountability I can think of...
... snip
It's one thing for politicians to be beaten at the ballot box, but when the start admitting they're unelectable come November, well, that's got to be the most painful form of accountability I can think of...
Do you really call being allowed to peacefully retire, collect an obscene pension and benefits from the country one was supposedly representing while making side deals to enrich one's self, and walking out of office totally unscathed being held accountable?

All the so-called "retirement" does is force the "retirees" to call in favors to "get by" after the cash flow of elected office lobbying (bribes) subsides. They still slop at the public trough and will do so for the rest of their miserable lives - that is nothing near accountability by anyone's definition.

Where is the anger that should be present in the other members of this government? Corruption is the order of the day in the House, Senate, or any other elected office at any level of government, a fact well known to all of corporate America which exploits said corruption at every available opportunity.

Accountability would entail prison sentences and personal asset forfeitures making certain they cannot enjoy the "fruits" of their "labors". As much as I would love to see the devils hanging in the town square, I realize that would instantly solve their problems - much better to know their rotting ego is slowly killing them from within while Bubba and Tyrone teach them to fart the bass line.

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