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underfly vote

"They have been willing to change schedules to accommodate rest for weary crews in the past. Case in point was the all nighter tag legs to Belo Horizonte and Asuncion."

The company didn''t change the SA tag lags for any concern for the well being of the crews. They could care less. They only changed them because one Captain Rich Rubin working as APA commitee member presented evidence to every AMR V.P. that these trips and the long days were a safety issue. Once they were notified, it became a liability issue. The company was pi@@ed that they were FORCED to changed the trips. A certain senior VP screaming at Captain Rubin about what he had done comes to mind.
On 7/14/2003 12:54:29 PM Mach85ER wrote:

"They have been willing to change schedules to accommodate rest for weary crews in the past. Case in point was the all nighter tag legs to Belo Horizonte and Asuncion."

The company didn''t change the SA tag lags for any concern for the well being of the crews. They could care less. They only changed them because one Captain Rich Rubin working as APA commitee member presented evidence to every AMR V.P. that these trips and the long days were a safety issue. Once they were notified, it became a liability issue. The company was pi@@ed that they were FORCED to changed the trips. A certain senior VP screaming at Captain Rubin about what he had done comes to mind.

Weary crews = saftey issue = liability. It all comes down to the same thing.
On 7/14/2003 11:04:38 AM FA Mikey wrote:

The layover rest was not a part of the vote. That is something to be taken up in the next negotaitions.


And, just what "next negotiation" are you referring to? 2008? Judging from AMR''s past history of negotiating in good faith, I think you can just decide to live with the shorter layovers until at least 2010, if not 2013. And, that''s assuming you are successful in the next negotiation in getting something done about the layovers.

And, I would check with an American Eagle flight attendant before you say that you don''t think the company will take advantage of scheduling the longer duty day. Remember, for f/a''s, all they have to do is get the door closed and the brake released within the 13 hour limit. You could still fly another 2-3 hours before the duty day ended. Also, unless all you bid is turns, start looking for lines that have long sits in DFW, ORD, and MIA during the day. They don''t have to pay you for those anymore. Enjoy!
On 7/14/2003 12:24:40 PM MiAAmi wrote:

TWAnr, You don't have to imagine it. International is already doing it. Mikey is right, all the short layovers on IFS went extremely senior. Now whether they continue to go senior is yet to be seen. Longer work days allow those who want to fly more do so. Those who don't can always drop their trips.

Actually, this is what I had in mind, the lowly flight attendants who fly multiple domestic legs everyday.

Good point, I had experience this a couple of days ago (STL based). I started out from MCI with a 45 minute connection in STL to DCA. Of course, our plane took off late and we landed with only 30 minutes for me to catch the next flight. I was originally an extra, but they had changed my position in flight to #2. I had to wait to deplane. (My luggage was placed in the correct location according to the station assignment chart, which was at the aft of the aircraft). It was a full flight. We also were schedule to clean. Well, that took at least 15-18 minutes. I had to walk from terminal C in STL to terminal D. That took another 5 minutes. I had to use the bathroom 4 minutes and if I did not get something to eat now, I would NEVER have a chance to eat for the rest of the day ( I had 4 legs scheduled to fly with no down time in between). Well, I did go and get something to eat. When I arrived at the gate at departure time with food in hand, I was yelled at by passengers complaining that I was late and wanted to take my name to make a complaint. It was a horrible experience, but if I did not get something to eat, I would have fainted. When we arrived into DCA, planes were delayed on the runway for at least 50 minutes due to congestion. We eventually landed in CMH layover 3 hours late. It was past midnight. I'm glad I ate!!!! This was a four leg day with no down time in between. MCI-STL, STL-DCA, DCA-STL, STL-CMH.


For the record, this was written by a nAAtive who was displaced to STL.
When the company starts seeing lots of delays then they will give us more time to catch something to eat between flights. Try clearing customs in Miami and still doing 4 legs a day. At least on domestic you can bring food with you.
On 7/14/2003 4:01:35 PM TWAnr wrote:

Good point, I had experience this a couple of days ago (STL based). I started out from MCI with a 45 minute connection in STL to DCA. Of course, our plane took off late and we landed with only 30 minutes for me to catch the next flight. I was originally an extra, but they had changed my position in flight to #2. I had to wait to deplane. (My luggage was placed in the correct location according to the station assignment chart, which was at the aft of the aircraft). It was a full flight. We also were schedule to clean. Well, that took at least 15-18 minutes. I had to walk from terminal C in STL to terminal D. That took another 5 minutes. I had to use the bathroom 4 minutes and if I did not get something to eat now, I would NEVER have a chance to eat for the rest of the day ( I had 4 legs scheduled to fly with no down time in between). Well, I did go and get something to eat. When I arrived at the gate at departure time with food in hand, I was yelled at by passengers complaining that I was late and wanted to take my name to make a complaint. It was a horrible experience, but if I did not get something to eat, I would have fainted. When we arrived into DCA, planes were delayed on the runway for at least 50 minutes due to congestion. We eventually landed in CMH layover 3 hours late. It was past midnight. I''m glad I ate!!!! This was a four leg day with no down time in between. MCI-STL, STL-DCA, DCA-STL, STL-CMH.


For the record, this was written by a nAAtive who was displaced to STL.

A true AA drama queen. Please if it takes 15 mins to clean a plane than they need more serious help.
On 7/14/2003 10:07:56 PM jimntx wrote:

On 7/14/2003 4:50:24 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Actually, I really do admire that level of naivete in anyone over the age of 10. What company do you work for? Sure doesn''t sound like the AA I worked for. Hell, they tried to make us clean at DFW on "through" flights coming from stations in Mexico. They even wanted us to ignore orders from TSA officers who told us not to touch anything on the plane until they had searched the plane (which would be done at their convenience, not ours). Oh, and of course the cockpit LOVED waiting for us to finish cleaning because the whole crew had to clear immigration at the same time.
It wasn''t until the TSA issued a cease and desist that the company relented on the cleaning.

But, I''m sure they will extend the ground time so you can get something to eat. And there will be no recriminations if you arrive late to the gate in the meantime.


Its happened twice to me. Delays for the crew to eat. I did offer the agents a choice. AA catering could provide a meal for each crew member or we would go and eat prior to boarding. My supervisor asked about the delay, when I returned home. I explained, and that was that. No recriminations. I am sure the two years seniority you have means, you know far more than any of us. By the way last time through DFW we didn''t clear as a crew. It was a few than a few a little later. No problems. If you must at times clear as a crew. Tell the cockpit to pick up, or shut up. Its just that simple.
On 7/14/2003 4:50:24 PM MiAAmi wrote:

When the company starts seeing lots of delays then they will give us more time to catch something to eat between flights. Try clearing customs in Miami and still doing 4 legs a day. At least on domestic you can bring food with you.


Actually, I really do admire that level of naivete in anyone over the age of 10. What company do you work for? Sure doesn''t sound like the AA I worked for. Hell, they tried to make us clean at DFW on "through" flights coming from stations in Mexico. They even wanted us to ignore orders from TSA officers who told us not to touch anything on the plane until they had searched the plane (which would be done at their convenience, not ours). Oh, and of course the cockpit LOVED waiting for us to finish cleaning because the whole crew had to clear immigration at the same time.
It wasn''t until the TSA issued a cease and desist that the company relented on the cleaning.

But, I''m sure they will extend the ground time so you can get something to eat. And there will be no recriminations if you arrive late to the gate in the meantime.
On 7/14/2003 10:57:36 AM TWAnr wrote:


I accept your denial that you are responsible for signing me up for all the spam email lists. It just so happened that the avalanche unwanted of porn and other email messages started coming right after I sent you an email through the private messaging system of this board.

I apologize for jumping into an unfounded conclusion and for accusing you for being responsible for something which you did not do.


Maybe this was your little problem.....

Program hijacks PCs to send porn ads
Monday, July 14, 2003 Posted: 11:59 PM EDT (0359 GMT)

SAN FRANCISCO, California (Reuters) -- Close to 2,000 Windows-based PCs with high-speed Internet connections have been hijacked by a stealth program and are being used to send ads for pornography, computer security experts warned.

It is unknown exactly how the so-called "Trojan" program is spreading to victim computers around the world, whose owners most likely have no idea what is happening, said Richard M. Smith, a security consultant in Boston.

Security provider Network Associates rated the trojan a low risk since it did not appear to be more widespread and was not harming the victim computers.

Trojan programs are typically spread via e-mail viruses and can also sneak onto computers through Web browsers when surfing, he said.

Turning PCs into proxy servers
The trojan, dubbed "Migmaf" for "migrant Mafia," turns the victim computer into a proxy server which serves as a sort of middle man between people clicking on porn e-mail spam or Web site links, according to Smith.

It allows the victim computer to fetch porn Web ads from an undisclosed server and pass the ads on to other computers either through an e-mail spam or a Web browser.

The victim computer acts as a "front" to the porn Web site, enabling the porn Web servers to hide their location, Smith said.

PayPal scam may be related
The scam also is believed to be responsible for a PayPal scam discovered last week designed to collect credit card information from people who filled in a form they received via e-mail purporting to be from Web payment provider PayPal, Smith said.

Smith said he suspects whoever is responsible for the Migmaf scam may be in Russia because some e-mail addresses involved in the scheme go back to Russian servers and there are other Russian language references in some domain names that are involved.

Get behind a firewall
Broadband Internet users should always use firewalls to block such stealth activity, he said.

Computers with updated anti-virus software will also be protected, said Lisa Smith, a product manager for Network Associate''s McAfee consumer division.

In addition, there is software designed to specifically block trojan-type programs, like BBX Technologies'' ImmuneEngine.

But then again I know you prefered pointing to an AA emp for all your ills. HE HE HE.
Common sense tells me I need to eat before I try and work all day. We all know how the system works, if you don''t plan ahead then you get caught with out food in your stomach. I don''t know a single flight attendant that isn''t thinking about when their next meal is. If your flight inbound is late and you need to grab something to eat before your outbound then you better find the time to grab something to go and continue on. If you hear about it later contact your union rep.
Well, a little common sense and anyone with half a brain should know to keep a few things in your bag to eat in a emergency.

............... It can result in fifteen hours on duty, with no crew meals, followed by inadequate rest between workdays. This is an inhumane working environment. I can just imagine flying all day, with insufficient breaks between flights to obtain something to eat, followed by a mad rush to the hotel to get some minimal amount of sleep before another day of slaving fifteen hours on duty...
Is it me or did you just qouted EAGLE work rules. 😱)


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