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UAL/CO Merger Discussion NON LABOR ONLY

Employees Need To Get On Board

This article hit the nail on the head. I hope WHQ is listening.

"It's the employees who will be charged with delivering the brand experience. If they don't buy into the promise and feel personally motivated and excited to bring it to life, it ain't gonna happen."
Employees Need To Get On Board

This article hit the nail on the head. I hope WHQ is listening.

"It's the employees who will be charged with delivering the brand experience. If they don't buy into the promise and feel personally motivated and excited to bring it to life, it ain't gonna happen."
what the HELL is this guy talking about GET ON BOARD?? What employee besides Tilton asked for a merger??
We'll get on BOARD the same way we always do, By continuing to do the Best job we can under the existing conditions.
Now, Could the conditions BE BETTER?? I guess, But we are doing ok as it is and Nobody can do better than their BEST!
We're (UAL) on board for the "duration" so I HAVE no Idea what He'e talking about. Now I ask?? Are the CAL Employees on board?? Who in the Heck KNOWS?? Direct this to THEM and you'll have your Answer!!!!
what the HELL is this guy talking about GET ON BOARD?? What employee besides Tilton asked for a merger??
We'll get on BOARD the same way we always do, By continuing to do the Best job we can under the existing conditions.
Now, Could the conditions BE BETTER?? I guess, But we are doing ok as it is and Nobody can do better than their BEST!
We're (UAL) on board for the "duration" so I HAVE no Idea what He'e talking about. Now I ask?? Are the CAL Employees on board?? Who in the Heck KNOWS?? Direct this to THEM and you'll have your Answer!!!!
Wow! A little decaf may be in order. By getting on board the author was talking about management doing the right thing by employees so that they are empowered and feel like part of the team, not just a liability. Because of the poor way UA has treated their employees over the recent years, moral is quite low. CO's corporate culture is much healthier, and employees are generally more satisfied. UA needs to get the employees on board by treating them as valuable assets. It's not about doing more or doing better. I agree we're already doing that. It's about feeling better about what we do because we are treated better by management. Get it? Getting on board starts from the top down.

ALPA has been saying this to Tilton from the beginning, and it has fallen on deaf ears. He even at one point said that "moral was not his problem." A pretty arrogant statement from a guy who runs a customer service company. This merger is the first time in a long time that we as employees have the opportunity to convince management to make us part of a winning team. They can start by including us in decisions, recognizing the importance of moral, listening to our concerns, and realizing that without the employees on board any hope of a successful and sustainable airline will be short lived.
...don't want to hear any of it !! Get me More and Better Parts supplies, And quit making Routings Problems Maintenence's problems and "getting on Board" wouldn't EVEN be a Question...
If you would take a deep breath and step back from the edge of a meltdown for just a moment, you would realize that I agree with most of what your trying to say (albeit, in a very unnecessarily hostile manner toward me), and so is the author of the article.

Getting employees on board by (now read this carefully before blowing another circuit breaker)... the actions of management, by paying us what we are worth, ending all the outsourcing, limiting endless deferrals and actually fixing airplanes right the first time instead of pushing the problem downline, stop the "pilot pushing ", restore captains authority, stop hanging the gate agents for being one minute late because they wanted to help a passenger or even a non-rev, etc. etc. etc.

ALPA has been saying this for years and now they are starting to listen. And try to remember that UA is getting new management, The first HUGE step in the right direction is getting rid of Tilton. CO is a much more employee friendly company with less outsourcing, and their CEO, Smisek, understands the value of that more than Tilton ever did. As for the rest of management, it will be a mix from both companies, but they will have to answer to our new CEO.

Nobody is drinking koolaid thinking this will change overnight. Nor is anyone here saying employees need to step up and do more. What is being said is that management needs to step up and change they way they treat employees, and us getting on board will happen naturally.

Sounds very similar to what you are saying, no?
MOD NOTE: A post has been deleted for a personal insult.

STAY on topic or this will be closed as well.
If you would take a deep breath and step back from the edge of a meltdown for just a moment, you would realize that I agree with most of what your trying to say (albeit, in a very unnecessarily hostile manner toward me), and so is the author of the article.

Getting employees on board by (now read this carefully before blowing another circuit breaker)... the actions of management, by paying us what we are worth, ending all the outsourcing, limiting endless deferrals and actually fixing airplanes right the first time instead of pushing the problem downline, stop the "pilot pushing ", restore captains authority, stop hanging the gate agents for being one minute late because they wanted to help a passenger or even a non-rev, etc. etc. etc.

ALPA has been saying this for years and now they are starting to listen. And try to remember that UA is getting new management, The first HUGE step in the right direction is getting rid of Tilton. CO is a much more employee friendly company with less outsourcing, and their CEO, Smisek, understands the value of that more than Tilton ever did. As for the rest of management, it will be a mix from both companies, but they will have to answer to our new CEO.

Nobody is drinking koolaid thinking this will change overnight. Nor is anyone here saying employees need to step up and do more. What is being said is that management needs to step up and change they way they treat employees, and us getting on board will happen naturally.

Sounds very similar to what you are saying, no?
Why would you say CAL outsources less than UAL? It's actually the opposite. As much as UAL has gotten rid of, they still do more work in house than CAL does.
Why would you say CAL outsources less than UAL? It's actually the opposite. As much as UAL has gotten rid of, they still do more work in house than CAL does.
I guess I was referring to the pilot's scope clause. CAL keeps more express flying in-house and has stronger mainline scope language. The number of seats they can fly as express is also limited.

I can't speak of maintenance. It was my impression that UAL outsourced a higher percentage of maintenance to non-union shops like Timco in SC (where they screwed up our 757 winglet conversions) and internationally on the 777 and 747. Either way, I think the combined company knows that they need to stop outsourcing if they want to get and keep the employees onboard.
I guess I was referring to the pilot's scope clause. CAL keeps more express flying in-house and has stronger mainline scope language. The number of seats they can fly as express is also limited.

I can't speak of maintenance. It was my impression that UAL outsourced a higher percentage of maintenance to non-union shops like Timco in SC (where they screwed up our 757 winglet conversions) and internationally on the 777 and 747. Either way, I think the combined company knows that they need to stop outsourcing if they want to get and keep the employees onboard.
We understand as a pilot and I as a mechanic that outsourcing is sub-par, but I don't think the number crunchers will ever see it or admit to it. As far as you guys go, I guess CAL does have a little better language with the above 50 seater's. But expressjet does A LOT of CAL flying. CLE is almost ALL expressjet.
Delta Air Lines Plans to Hire

"Delta Air Lines Inc., the world’s largest airline, is planning to hire new pilots later in the year in order to gain flexibility..."

"The addition of new pilots and shuffling of fleet do not indicate any expansion of service by the company, but these moves give the carrier more flexibility."

Imagine that! An airline that thinks ahead and wants flexibility to respond to the market by hiring more employees, instead of insisting on running understaffed and losing opportunities.

I hope Smisek and UA's "new" management is paying attention.

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