Two things to clean up....
the 767-200's CAL has are not old...the only started recieving them I believe in the late 1990's if not later, brand new from the factory.
and we at UAL have no 5 yr furloughees on the street, unless by their choice (bypass). Yes they may have been out that long but they don't accrue longevity while on furlough. So someone furloughed in 2002 at 2nd yr pay will be recalled at 2nd yr pay when they come back (all should be offered by early 2007)
I stand corrected on the 767 issue, had no idea Boeing was making the 200 in the late 90's as I thought CAL was taking some of the first 767-400's by that time frame.
As far as our furloughees, I am not talking about longevity for pay. The 844 were furloughed in October of 2001 up to March 2002, that is pretty much 5 years next month?? (so yes we do have people who have been on the street for 5 years and have not by passed) I am sure we will go down to the bottom and be headed back up with no bypass option but ML by next summer.
I expect us to go through that process rather quickly...don't you?