IIRC, this discussion was started when YOU suggested that UA's FAs were worse off than DL's because of the pension termination. I and others replied that you were wrong because BELOW THE LIMITS, there is no difference between a freeze and a termination. (No one ever suggested that the pilots, some mechs, and lots of management took it in the shorts.) Why can you not just admit that you were wrong on this point? It's painfully obvious that you were.Precisely. But the reality which you and everyone else seem to be unwilling to address is that every UA pension plan has participants that will not receive the same amount of benefits they were promised under the plan as if it had been paid out by UA. It is those people that I'm speaking of and they are very much out there; added together those lost benefits make up the difference between what UA promised and what the PBGC will pay - and the PBGC will pay LESS than what UA promised - IN TOTAL.