I for one applaud .
You guys that try to change things, I'm sorry to say but you will fail. 10 years from now we will still be looking into the chasm of a screwed up company and we'll be working under some other concessionary agreement. It has always been this way and it will always be. But keep on trying, what can it hurt. You will either be tossed by your membership, get sucked up into the INT or continue in your position for eternity trying to change things.
There's another option you left out, "get tossed by the International".
You left out the fact that all the M&E guys who went into the International were in favor of the June Concessionary Proposal.
Like you said, it cant hurt to try. And thats what I intend to do. The worst that can happen is I fail and the status quo remains or gets even worse, the best that can happen is I succeed and things get better. I'd rather invest in hope than just settle for despair.
When I look back at 01 I think that we were doing OK, in 98 or 99 most would have said that what we got in 01 would never happen, but it did, no doubt its because we let another union and their mechanics set the standard. Back then most said we would never get the seperate Locals, once again we did, even if it wasnt done correctly. Change is not only possible, its inevitable, the question is do we steer it in the right direction or just let go and see where we end up?
As far as the current negotiations maybe we should do the same thing we did in 2001, let someone else set the standard, this time let Continental set the standard, (SWA and UPS already did but for some reason we are not supposed to look behind that curtain) they are already $10k ahead of us and they are in negotiations, UAL comes up in December. We waited this long why undercut the profession before we all even get to the table? One thing is for certain, if we take the deal that was offered in June we will be at the bottom of the industry before we see another contract. Nearly every carrier that went bankrupt will be paying their workers more, giving more holidays and more vacation and better sick time as well. Instead of keeping pace with the companies that havent gone BK like SWA, Jet Blue and UPS we will be behind the ones that went BK. Our payback for saving the stockholders from losing their investment will be the worst pay and benifits in the industry, sure we still have the promise of our underfunded pension but as we can see with the "lifetime passes and the retiree medical" AA doesnt hesitate to break their promises.
I still maintain that whatever the plan was we screwed ourselves in June because if we go to binding arbitration thats the best we can get, so we eliminated another option. We now have to at least threaten to strike in order to get something decent. Like I said hopefully the IBT will come through and get something decent at Continental, I know its a chicken-s#!+ cowardly strategy but I dont see us as a whole taking a hard line unless somebody else does it first.