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TWU562/Owens supports Jim Little!

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For the record, Jim Little and his team ran unopposed and no votes were required.
For the record, Jim Little and his team ran unopposed and no votes were required.

Would have been easier and more credible to say that in the first place.

Were any decent resolutions passed to change the TWU to a more democratic union?
The fix here would for the DOL to interject and force a legitimate voting system on the convention. Kind of like “Who wants to be a millionaire?â€￾, audience vote. Not sure that's ever going to happen.

I agree. Thats pretty much exactly what one of our resolutions proposed. I started lobbying for this after 2001, I was exhiled through 2005, and I brought it up again this year. 2005 would have been the perfect time for us to go for this because there were no contract talks going on.

Also, was there some choice? Did some one run against Little?


The best thing that could happen here is for each local to put out a report as to what occurred day by day, vote by vote, i.e., some transparency? At least this will give you an idea of how your money was spent.

Planning a comprehensive report when I get my paperwork which I shipped. Not planning on covering each vote though, there were around 50 resolutions in all.

There was streaming video, not complete coverage but more than we got in the past. Most of the Resolutions were typcal, against child labor, for human rights, against outsourcing etc. The voting system would make it Democratic and transparant but it didnt pass, I dont recall if Tulsa supported it, you may want to ask them how they went and why.

I wasn't there to try and oust Little, it would have been futile, I was there to try and get structural changes put in place, that was where we stood the best chance of geting anything done. The electronic voting isnt dead, it doesnt have to be a Constitutional amendment, we could submit petitions to the IEC to have it written into the rules. Several of the newly elected IEC members voted in favor of it. We should also have it written into the rules that any delegate has the right to read out the entire Resolution before it goes to any vote.

We submitted Resolutions for the Following;

Electronic Balloting at the Convention
Recall of Officers
Election if Divisional Directors
Consolidation of the Locals
Clarification of the Constitution concerning delegates

These were voted on by the members and approved overwhelmingly, thats what I was there for, nobody requested that I run in opposition to Little.
why don't you go ask Harry,angel, and Angelo (alternates) their opinion on them attending the convention and report back what they say. Or is this just about Bob and myself?

This is about the entire board. While the Pres. and Treas. are primarily responsible for the finances of the Local, the Board can motion and direct the Pres. I dont know if anyone objected to this outrageous expense, but if they did, they were outvoted. You and Owens are the leaders of the Local, and thus held to a higher standard and must accept resposibility for the leadership of the board.

I am sure all involved had a WONDERFULL trip.

PS - I hear there are some nice shots of some ladies of the evening? Any truth to that?
This is about the entire board. While the Pres. and Treas. are primarily responsible for the finances of the Local, the Board can motion and direct the Pres. I dont know if anyone objected to this outrageous expense, but if they did, they were outvoted. You and Owens are the leaders of the Local, and thus held to a higher standard and must accept resposibility for the leadership of the board.

I am sure all involved had a WONDERFULL trip.

PS - I hear there are some nice shots of some ladies of the evening? Any truth to that?


You are very angry. You seem to WANT to blame Bob and Chuck for anything? Why? Is it because of your short comings? I am sure that if the membership is as angry as you are then Bob and Chuck will not get re-elected. Accountability? Bob and Chuck have more integrity and accountability than you could ever wish to have. That's my theory.
This is about the entire board. While the Pres. and Treas. are primarily responsible for the finances of the Local, the Board can motion and direct the Pres. I dont know if anyone objected to this outrageous expense, but if they did, they were outvoted. You and Owens are the leaders of the Local, and thus held to a higher standard and must accept resposibility for the leadership of the board.

I am sure all involved had a WONDERFULL trip.

PS - I hear there are some nice shots of some ladies of the evening? Any truth to that?

You are misinformed and your attempt to challenge my integrity is weak and it is matched by you hiding behind an alias. I will provide a detailed update to the members about from the convention this week. FYI I have no pictures or know of any pictures of ladies of the evening for the record.
This is about the entire board. While the Pres. and Treas. are primarily responsible for the finances of the Local, the Board can motion and direct the Pres. I dont know if anyone objected to this outrageous expense, but if they did, they were outvoted. You and Owens are the leaders of the Local, and thus held to a higher standard and must accept resposibility for the leadership of the board.

No one was outvoted, no one on the board objected to going to convention and everyone on this board has one vote to run the local. We all have our duties and responsibilities but everyone on the board is equal when it comes to decisions of the Executive Board.

You are very angry. You seem to WANT to blame Bob and Chuck for anything? Why? Is it because of your short comings? I am sure that if the membership is as angry as you are then Bob and Chuck will not get re-elected. Accountability? Bob and Chuck have more integrity and accountability than you could ever wish to have. That's my theory.

SHAMELESS......I dont know who you are trying to "OUT", but I really dont care. Bob and Chuck can speak for themselves. I have only pointed out some truths. Any anger here is yours.

Do you support Zimmerman in his new International position? I hope it works out for you and your Local.
This is about the entire board. While the Pres. and Treas. are primarily responsible for the finances of the Local, the Board can motion and direct the Pres. I dont know if anyone objected to this outrageous expense, but if they did, they were outvoted. You and Owens are the leaders of the Local, and thus held to a higher standard and must accept resposibility for the leadership of the board.

I am sure all involved had a WONDERFULL trip.

PS - I hear there are some nice shots of some ladies of the evening? Any truth to that?

Well everyone went so figure it out, it was unanimous. I didnt vote because I didnt have to, I would have voted to allow the whole or any board member who desired to go because I felt its a good learning experience and between the seven of us odds are that a few of us would be around for the next one.

Outrageous expense? Well if you and enough feel that way start a recall drive, its your right, a right that the previous administration denied the members.

I feel it was a worthy expense, we were able to spread out and network. Those who had never been, and thats everyone except me , and its been eight year for me, learned a few things. By establishing connections it increases our odds of getting something done in the future. I knew people who the others didnt know and they knew people I didnt know. The opportunity only comes around once every four years, we have the money, it doesnt do the members any good sitting in a savings account.

Ladies of the evening? Please dont be that desperate for dirt.

Although I'm dissapointed we didnt get our resolutions passed I'm still glad we went. Although I'm not into dumping what little money I have into slots or sluts admittedly Vegas wasnt a terrible experience. (The cigarette smoke was the worst part) If you like Vegas I'd suggest that you volunteer to attend the skills conference, then you could go on AAs dime.
Well everyone went so figure it out, it was unanimous. I didnt vote because I didnt have to, I would have voted to allow the whole or any board member who desired to go because I felt its a good learning experience and between the seven of us odds are that a few of us would be around for the next one.

Outrageous expense? Well if you and enough feel that way start a recall drive, its your right, a right that the previous administration denied the members.

I feel it was a worthy expense, we were able to spread out and network. Those who had never been, and thats everyone except me , and its been eight year for me, learned a few things. By establishing connections it increases our odds of getting something done in the future. I knew people who the others didnt know and they knew people I didnt know. The opportunity only comes around once every four years, we have the money, it doesnt do the members any good sitting in a savings account.

Ladies of the evening? Please dont be that desperate for dirt.

Although I'm dissapointed we didnt get our resolutions passed I'm still glad we went. Admittedly it wasnt a terrible experience. If you like Vegas I'd suggest that you volunteer to atend the skills conference, then you could go on AAs dime.

Thank You;

I disagree that sending 7 officers was a worthy expense, I do not think that you should be recalled. but used poor judgment on this decision.

Sorry about the "ladies of the evening comment". It was in poor taste.
Thank You;

I disagree that sending 7 officers was a worthy expense, I do not think that you should be recalled. but used poor judgment on this decision.

Sorry about the "ladies of the evening comment". It was in poor taste.

Well you have the right to feel that way. I stand by what I've already said, I feel that we all came away from this with a better understanding of how the union works so we now have 6 more people with more of a background that could make them a more effective officer.
Thank You;

I disagree that sending 7 officers was a worthy expense, I do not think that you should be recalled. but used poor judgment on this decision.

Sorry about the "ladies of the evening comment". It was in poor taste.

I can respect a person when they are man (or woman) enough to admit when they have done wrong. I was about to give you a "Corabi" chop, but you handled the situation professionally.
Bottom Line,

Another worthless TWU Party cosintg a shitload of money, while the membership that paid for the party sits at home or at work awaiting a negotiated labor agreement. Negotiations postponed until November while the overpaid appointed leadership brainwashes the elected pissants from the Locals. And to top that once again changes to the TWU from within fail.

I am in favor of the "Signed Card Representation Confirmation", I just think there also should be a "Signed Card Decertification" that applies to the RLA so we can rid ourselves of this POS Union.
SHAMELESS......I dont know who you are trying to "OUT", but I really dont care. Bob and Chuck can speak for themselves. I have only pointed out some truths. Any anger here is yours.

Do you support Zimmerman in his new International position? I hope it works out for you and your Local.

I can answer your posts as I like Pete.

I know Bob and Chuck can speak for themselves. This is a public forum so I will answer any post I like Pete.

I fully support Bob Zimmerman in his new International Executive Board position. When you seem to have implied in your initial post of Bob going into the international as one of a representative, such as Bobby Gless or Don Videtich, with a salary, etc. Bob was asked to run for the position and he did. We now have four AMT Presidents on the Board which is a good thing.
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