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TWU562/Owens supports Jim Little!

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Enough Already,

You are correct. All I see these days is militant union folks fighting each other, and the other type of "union men" working with the company instead of the good of workers. I am just as guilty as the next guy.

Game over, get out and place your future in something other than AA future standard of living and retirement.

I will be honest here. Any contract that gives me a raise I am voting yes for, I could give a damn less about looking out for the well being of anyone else that calls me there enemy or would surely screw me over given the chance. That is what I have been reduced to and I am probably one of the few honest enough to admit. We are devided, we have been conquered, it is every man for themself now.

I have never voted yes on a TWU contact in 26 years. I will vote yes on the next one no matter what is in it. If the superior TWU feels it is good enough for membership vote, then lets face it they have conceded and we should just take our crumbs and be happy.

Afterall the TWU is 60 years stong, Jim Little has fantastic stated goals, and we should follow his direction and stop questioning his superior judgement for the good of all working men and women. I don't see the big picture, therefore I should follow and do as I am told.

All praise to the TWU
All praise to Jim Little
All praise to the convention and ther wisdom
All praise to those negotiate on our behalf.

:blink: :blink: I think my coffee this morning was spiked with Kool-Aid. But somehow I feel of sound mind and less combative now. I have suddenly loss the urge to post negative comments that are detremintal to those that are elected and wise. Have a great weekend.
Well, you really do sound defeated. Pass the koolade and I will vote yes too.
let me say that Ken, Bob,and myself can take a hit if justified. I find no fault of people who are upset about our careers. To try and fail has been my life in this career choice of mine. But I am not upset with myself having put in many hours and devotion (paid and unpaid) to uplift our careers. We have not changed from who we are just continually trying to represent our craft. Whether I was in office or not I still was in the game of fighting for what is right. Ken, Bob, and others all ran for office because we have been in battle together and stuck together. i can't say that about others in office across the system. Long before Ken was in office he was fighting from the sidelines and supported the craft. Ken has proven through his tireless efforts of many years with little or no help to promote our craft and jump in when ever asked. Bobby Owens has also put in his time educating the members on unionism and always there when needed. He is a man of his word. He walks quiet but carries a big stick.
If anyone thinks we are the enemy, who are the good guys?
let me say that Ken, Bob,and myself can take a hit if justified. I find no fault of people who are upset about our careers. To try and fail has been my life in this career choice of mine. But I am not upset with myself having put in many hours and devotion (paid and unpaid) to uplift our careers. We have not changed from who we are just continually trying to represent our craft. Whether I was in office or not I still was in the game of fighting for what is right. Ken, Bob, and others all ran for office because we have been in battle together and stuck together. i can't say that about others in office across the system. Long before Ken was in office he was fighting from the sidelines and supported the craft. Ken has proven through his tireless efforts of many years with little or no help to promote our craft and jump in when ever asked. Bobby Owens has also put in his time educating the members on unionism and always there when needed. He is a man of his word. He walks quiet but carries a big stick.
If anyone thinks we are the enemy, who are the good guys?

You got it backwards Chuck, read the thread.

Ken called me the worst enemy for typing negative comments, and Bob attacks Tulsa on regular basis.
Nobody called you the enemy...unless I missed something,

Big Sticks and Bronze Bust are not advancing my paycheck one bit.
You got it backwards Chuck, read the thread.

Ken called me the worst enemy for typing negative comments, and Bob attacks Tulsa on regular basis.
Nobody called you the enemy...unless I missed something,

Big Sticks and Bronze Bust are not advancing my paycheck one bit.


Please reread your post below. You insinuated that "chicken feed pacifer" has quited my beliefs. That by receiving a twu check due to my elected position as an E-Board member for Local 565 has quited my beliefs. This makes me "the worst enemy"?

Show me where I EVER posted that the efforts to promote our craft would automatically advance your paycheck.

My efforts with the AMTA are for the promotion of ALL AMTs, not just AA's. My efforts to promote our craft is based solely on my belief that the public needs to be reminded of what our responsibilities are. Not for the sake of "self promotion" but for the advancement of our profession. The same is said for my efforts with the Maintenance Skills Competition.

You want an advancement in your paycheck? Well, I do too. It just seems funny how when people try to make a change for the better there are those who use a public forum to slander those efforts.

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QUOTE (Ken MacTiernan @ Sep 25 2009, 01:51 PM)
We now have four AMT Presidents on the Board which is a good thing.

Chicken Feed Pacifier

We are our own worst enemy having beliefs like that.

The number of AMT Presidents would only matter if the union were democratic to begin with.
Since it is not, the number of AMT Presidents matter not one iota.

My how receiveing an extra paycheck from the TWU changes ones views.

So you got elected, get extra pay, and the TWU bought a few Bronze Charley Taylor heads. Still the same POS union from my perspective.

You got it backwards Chuck, read the thread.

Ken called me the worst enemy for typing negative comments, and Bob attacks Tulsa on regular basis.

How is stating the fact that Tulsa determines our pay rates and conditions an attack?

The International did impose the revised 2003 contract but the concessions that were included had already been passed by the majority of Tulsa. Its true that there were a lot of No votes out of Tulsa which was encouraging and that MCI was what put the contract through( we see how the company rewarded them), but in all the other concessionary deals prior to that Tulsa was the determining factor. Thats not an attack, its a statement of fact, when one location has more votes than the rest of the system combined then that location has control over the whole group and can only look after its own interests at the expense of others-thats more opinion but how I see it.

We differ in opinion and priorities. I want my union to maximize pay and benifits through whatever means possible, if that means backing a pro-abortion politician who will help pass laws that are favorable to working people so be it. Eight years of George Bush and abortion is still legal, just like I said it would be, abortion was shelved after they used it to gain power, however as working people we took unprecedented strides backwards. Thats why even though I'm against abortion as a means of birth control I will vote for pro-choice candidates if they are pro-labor. Getting things like the FAA Reauthorization act, EFCA and Healthcare Reform passed are more of a priority because I dont believe that abortion will ever be overturned because its too much of an assett as far as dividing the working class.

I think that when it comes to pay, benifits, transparancy and Democracy we share similar opinions.

Right now the TWU is what we have, there isnt anything else on the table. What harm could there be in trying to obtain these things? If we get them we have accomplished something that could benifit us, if we don't you can use it for the next campaign. We have nothing to lose by trying and yes there are some untried, unturned stones out there, there always is.

Battling with the International for the sake of battling the International is pointless. When I ran for office I stated my objectives, or as my opponents said my "agenda". Democracy, accountability and accomodation. We've put in recall, established an E-mail list to send members info directly, set up video conferencing for our E-board meetings to save money and make it easier and our next project is to bring membership meetings and union business online. So far the International has been helpful. Admittedly all these initiatives will not get us a better contract because they are confined to, as your President called us, our "little Local" but it could provide us a foundation upon which we can try to restructure M&R representation.

The Resolutions at the Convention were meant to bring some of those same things at the International level, once again, your Local did not support those Resolutions and if you want democracy , transparancy and accountability maybe you should be questioning them as to why they didnt support them. Did they put personalities and politics ahead of objectivity? Do you feel that the members in Tulsa dont feel that they should be able to know how votes are cast in their behalf(accounatibilty), that they dont want accuracy (when we did a standing vote count between Jr Ruiz and Donny Tyndal the four people voting came up with four different numbers)? Do you feel that they wouldnt have supported such an amendment to the Constitution?

What would be the harm in pushing for this? Is it democracy and accountability you seek or simply getting rid of the TWU?
How did Tulsa effect the regional pay being removed from the current proposal.
So what did ya'll agree to in Las Vegas?
:down: I`m sure they agreed to sell us AMT`S out once again. As long as the twu get their pockets lined the membership does not matter. In all likelyhood the biggest thing they had to agree on was what show to go to. Why a convention in las vegas boys? Why not dfw,tul,mci,nyc or sfo. Oh yeah not as much "FUN" in those places.... :angry:
If anyone thinks we are the enemy, who are the good guys?

To answer your question;

In the eyes of many, the "good guys" will be those who hold office that can make "restore and more" a reality, and not just a tag line.

You, Ken and Bob spent a lot of time preaching that anything less was unacceptable. Now you gotta put out.

Not saying its fair, just the way it is.
Well like nobody knows or since elected forgot, who insinuated change would happen. The wonderful TWU who some folks now love who did not before elected. It is designed to fail for the people that pay dues. The top dogs live like rock stars with cola raises under a concessionary contract. Which is not right. They have union cars, credit cards fly confirmed ,rub shoulders with political folks etc etc. The overhaul folks fight the line the bag movers fight the A&P and here we are. We fight each other for the scraps the master throws under the table. The system is not designed to be fair or equitable it is designed to control the masses. If you think you can change that within then pass me the pipe i want a hit so i can enter the "matrix". I think it is funny that the folks who already knew this and posted such facts are now TeAAm TWU. Just go back in your posts and look at your position before you were elected please. Here is another tid bit Dennis Burchett was appointed a international position while he was still president of local 514 and once he lost the election he excersized that position and went full time. I laugh when you guys attack TWU informer now how did this happen he is still saying the same message. Funny till one "sees the big picture" they did not understand. I have not seen eye to eye with the Informer but ya"ll did and now you throw him under the bus.......priceless..

I thought it was "Democracy, accountability and Transparency" - who are we "Acommodating"?
That too. In hindisght its a little redundant, accountability goes hand in hand with Transparency. In order to have one you have to have the other.

I've been providing that by telling the members where I stand, I havent told them I cant tell them how I vote in their name. I try to keep them informed as to whats going on in negotiations despite the fact that I've come under considerable pressure not to.

- who are we "Acommodating"?

The members.

In the past members were told that if they wanted to find out whats going on they had to come to meetings. Basically members were told that the union was failing them because they didnt go to meetings, which was a cop out by the leaders. It was an answer that was accepted as truth. The fact is mass attendance wouldnt have changed anything and everyone knows that. With the failure of the union to bring back decent contracts members were forced to work second jobs, doubles, OT etc which made attending meetings difficult.When I was working doubles there werent any meetings I could attend, the same would be true today for anyone working a double or even OT on day shift. Attending meetings to stay informed was/is too much to expect, usually there isnt much critical info anyway that couldnt be sent in an E-mail. We are trying to bring the Local to the members. It will take time but so far we have around half the members on the E-mail list and send out information regularly. When members have questions all they have to do is either contact their reps or send me an E-mail. Most of the info I get I Fwd to the Board and Section Chairmen who then FWD it to the Shop Stewards. Since getting into office I've responded to hundreds (if not thousands)of E-mails, and phone calls. The next step is to set up a secure website where members can make motions, discuss them and vote on them online. We will have some hurdles to overcome but it would put the whole membership in the same discussion and give members more access to taking part in union business. It allows the members on nights from SJU to hear and exchange views with members on days at JFk, afts at LGA and any combination you can think of. Instead of having 10 or more separate meetings at specific times or dates the "meeting" would be open for a longer period that would allow every member to access it at their convienience. The Contract, Convention, clearing up some backloged items such as retiree recognition, setting up Video-conferencing for EB meetings, and other issues had to take priority and have delayed development but we still plan on getting this going and presenting it to the members. One of the promising things about it is that it would allow us to consolidate locals without making the members in the smaller stations and locals irrelevant.They would have the same accessibility and audience as members from large stations. We still have over two years left to get it done.
One of the promising things about it is that it would allow us to consolidate locals without making the members in the smaller stations and locals irrelevant.They would have the same accessibility and audience as members from large stations. The International has been helpful and offered us the assistance of Dave Moses to get it set up.

Do you mean consolidating Locals like 562,561 etc? A similar issue was brought up after the 2003 concessions and did not get anywhere. Do you support consolidation?
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