Not according to this guy
A long video but one that will make you wonder
CIO <_<
Guess I'm going to the water cooler.
I agree that there is no energy shortage-only a shortage of viable options for energy.
If there was a shortage we would see gas stations with signs out front saying "CLOSED -OUT OF GAS" like we did in "74".
Not only are just about all automobiles powered by oil but a lot of homes are heated by it and 70% of our electricity is also produced from fossil fuel.
Oil has a near monopoly on energy and thats why we are paying $4 a gallon and going up -BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Lets say they do indeed get enough oil out of Alaska to supply the US for the next 200 years like Lindsey Williams says, so what?, That doesnt mean the price would come down unless the few oil companies we have left(since the government has allowed the industry to consolidate) decided to have a price war.
The fact is oil was very cheap up until Bush invaded Iraq, partly because Saddam Hussain, who sat on the second largest known reserves, was 'illegally"(in violation of UN sanctions) dumping oil onto the market. Other oil producers kept their price low to deny Iraq the ability to sell even more oil.
President Bush has said very few things that have merit, but when he said we were addicted to oil he was correct. Carter saw that 28 years ago and wanted to break us from that addiction.PVs have been around a long time. PVs were used to power skylab in the 70s. Everyday the sun rises and dumps all this free energy on us but we have failed to capitalize on it due to the convienence and affordability of oil. We still produce 70% of our electricilty with fossil fuel! Look at how people burned wood, then coal before they developed oil. Its time to move on to other sources. Solar cells can be made from silicon-the second most prevent element on earth. The same stuff used to make computers-look how mass production had made computers cheap, there is a lot more involved in making the PC you are sitting in front of than a solar covered roof. We have not progressed as we should and had we followed Carters lead, and spent the 80s and 90s developing alternate sources the oil companies and OPEC would not have us in the bind we are in. Sure they could try and charge $4 a gallon, but we would have other options.
Our dependance on burning oil presents other problems as well, we are taking carbon and other pollutants from underground where God put it and putting it in the air resulting in climate change and pollution. As the rest of the earths population becomes as energy thirsty as we are through the expanded use of automobiles and electrical appliances the amount of carbon emissions and polutants will increase, possibly to catastrophic levels. We (the US) prohibit the developement of Nuclear facilities not only within our borders but in other countries as well. Leaving poorer counties with few alternatives other than becoming oil addicts like us.
Imagine if we had made the investment on alternate energy, not only could we turn our backs on the Mid-east and let them sort things out themselves (thus not being the target of Mulsim radicals) but we could sell the technology we develop and be more of what we once were-and exporter. Only instead of exporting products made from finite raw materials we would be exporting limitless technology.
If the Railroads had as much influence on our government as the oil companies have on it today we would still be taking a train from city to city and flying would only be for the richest. The solution is not more oil, the solution is to find alternatives.