I don't know how old you were at the time, but Jimmy Carter had the country in a major funk long before Reagan came along. Nobody was getting hired while Carter was President.
By the way a vote for the prophet Obama is a vote for marxism - he is way beyond your garden variety Democrat.
He is against oil exploration in anwr and off the coasts as well as building new refineries. Look for gas to sky rocket to about $7.00 per gallon if this phoney is elected. Common sense would tell anybody in this industry we need more gas now and in the future. That is, if you like being employed. <_<
Common sense would dictate that had we followed Carter's plan to make us energy independant by the year 2000 we wouldnt be paying $4/gallon for gas(and if we were it wouldnt be a big deal if the "average" car got 35mpg), the Twin Towers would still be standing and we wouldnt be in Iraq. Common sense dictates that we need to find a way to use less oil because even if we drilled off every beach, in every national park and built a refinery in every state we would still use more than we produce.