It is this very attitude that keeps one UNDER consessionary contracts Bobby. So this tells me that YOU are part of the probalem NOT the solution.
WRong again Bill. It is having an unaccountable TWU Internatioanl that gives themselves pay raises while signing in concessions for us that gets us concessionary deals.
What got us the big raise in 2001? Was it sucking up to the company and JLT, PLI or any of those other union busting company programs that got us the raise or was it the fact that AMFA had raised the bar at NWA and the company and TWU knew that if they didnt match that they would have serious problems?
We didnt have to suck up for the raise in 2001 because AMFA did the fighting for us at NWA.
Lets look at the facts. AA had $2.5 billion LESS in cash than they have now and around the same amount of debt when we got our increase.
If the companies situation was so precaroius why wasnt it an issue then,since after all we have the same debt now as then but over $2 billion more in cash?
Question....between contract dates, what can be done to get any benefits back?
If we can lose all those benifits in between contracts then we can get them back between contracts. Contracts are agreements between two parties and obviously, since ours was opened early in 2003, are not set in stone.
Lets also not forget that Jim Little ran around claiming that we were going to get it all back with the early openers in 2006.
Will bringing in a new union BETWEEN contract negotiations get anyting back??
It sure as hell would make it more likely than staying with a proven loser. We need to get ownership of our contract, which we do not have. The fact is the International owns the contract, not the members and the International is not accountable to the members.
Will a strike BETWEEN contract negotiations get you some money in your pocket??
It would likely be more successful than begging like the TWU is trying to have us do.
Because let's face it....all you are concerned with is getting money back into your pockets. There is no concern for recalls, reinstatements, or benefits. Just like during the AMFA drive, what can you do for me?!
If the TWU actually cared about those who were laid off they never would have agreed to roll back system protection so dont even try to take the high ground as if you actaully give a crap about the people, all you care about is the dues.The fact is the union should put the members interests first and only those who pay dues are members.The fact is they have failed to do that for at least 20 years, they have sacrificed quality of life for the members in exchange for more dues.
And while I'm at it, ask any officer of the TWU (local or internat'l level) if they are happy with the execs compenstation.
And what are they doing about it? If they are unhappy bending over backawrds for the same people is an odd way of showing their displeasure.
You use the term bonus but in reality that is not what they are. I (and everyone else) am just as upset about the payouts as you.
Obviuosly you arent since you are still sucking up to the company and negotiating away any leverage that we may have by working with the company to improve productivity without ANY quid pro quo.And recalls are not Qiud pro quo for the members.
And I also believe there will be backlash felt. Being a union does not give us the right to precisely dictate how CEOs choose to get paid. We are still living in corporate America and unions hands are pretty much tied. But if we take your advice and do nothing extra (and your preception of extra in this case is not being accountable) then we all suffer and continue to give those who are against unions as well as those CEOs, more amunition.
You are nothing less than sickening. Here you are saying that we should reward the company, which has more cash than ever before-our cash, for screwing us. You are saying that the "unions hands are pretty much tied", well if thats the case why have them? To keep people like you from having to work?
The fact is that unions were concieved in "corporate America", the only thing that has changed is the quality and the balls of the leadership of unions.
I say we do nothing extra for the company and prepare to shut them down if they dont restore what they took from us under false pretenses. You claim that we should be part of the solution, what solution-THE FINAL SOLUTION for unionism as seen from the eyes of corporate America? Thats what you are working towards. Remember what it said over the gates to the concentration camps-"Work will make you Free". Well here you are just like the Nazis, telling us , after we hgave back 25% of our pay, after we saw the workforce derease by another 25%, after we alraedy increased productivity that we must increase productivity even more and expect nothing for it until maybe, just maybe if we work hard enough , we will get something back in 2008. Sure, just like the work made the concentration camp victims free.
I also say that a union that is on company payroll is a company union and an obsticle to workers who seek fair pay, if they cant be fixed they must go.You are nothing but a scab masquerading as a unionist.
Its obvious that the TWU is going to get its payoff for selling us out. Why would AA be hoarding so much cash? To purchase another airline, that means that the TWU will get all its dues revenue back, but we will not get back our concessions. Once again the TWU will orchestrate a fued between the merged workgroupds that will have them fighting each other instead of the company while they sit back and collect the dues.