Now I see your error. You're laboring under the misunderstanding that the AA employees are holders of Allowed General Unsecured Claims, when you are not. Further, you are not the "creditors" discussed by the Dallas Morning News article you quoted.
The Allowed General Unsecured Claims are the non-employee unsecured creditors who actually loaned AA money without collateral or who were owed money by AA, like Boeing, HP, the catering companies and the hotels that provided crew rooms.
The APA, the APFA and the TWU are not General Unsecured creditors. You are holders of special claims that give you a percentage of the company. Your claims are spelled out in the Plan of Reorganization. Collectively, the employees of AA (APA, APFA, TWU, management and support staff) own 23.6% of the 72%, or approximately $3.4 billion worth of the new AA. The total market cap of new AA is about $19.9 billion today.
Yes, the holders of old AMR stock will make out like bandits, but that's because of the provisions you quoted above. The fixed dollar value General Unsecured creditors (of which the AA employee claims are not a part) are owed just several billion dollars, and the stockholders of old AMR stand to get at least as much as the employees, perhaps a lot more.
It's clear that your mind is made up, but trust me on this one - you are mistaken.