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TWU.....Transparency Now on Equity Distribution!


If not for Mr HMK, many of us would still be in the dark about how and what parameters TWU was using to calculate the equity distributions. It is obvious that his hard work and asking the questions that many found difficult, resulted in responses that forced the TWU to come out and be more transparent. So what you are saying to us is " Don't questions and don't ask for clarity". None of you would and should go meekly with out asking the questions of TWU leadership. We are paying weekly dues and we deserve to know how these initial distributions were calculated. As it is, we probably will not receive much more. Because, the initial 52% may turn into 98% shortly. I'm sure that you would agree that the "American way" is to question our leadership, and if we don't get responses, keep questioning until we receive one that makes sense. Let's not crucify those that are actually bold.
Nice to see AAL up $7.47 a share since we received an unknown amount of our shares. Am I benefiting from the rise?? Or, am I actually losing??
Nice to see AAL up $7.47 a share since we received an unknown amount of our shares. Am I benefiting from the rise?? Or, am I actually losing??
Losing, you get less shares the more it goes up.
That was the master plan all along. The TWU agreed to have the distribution done this way. The stock hit $30 the other day. If we had all our shares back in December we would be in a better financial position but thanks to the TWU we lost again.
It was a great plan hatched. However, it was approved by Jim Little. He stated that "he negotiated this "4.8%". 4.8% of crap. Now the two distributions are valued at around 72%, and we can expect to get little more. I can't believe this ****. But, I should have known better after 20 plus years of this TWU ****. I really mean tears. I have a feeling that there maybe some AMFA in our plans. I just can take it anymore. We can't even get the existing TWU leaders to provide us the details to the formula.
Tex-Mex, you are asking me to apologize to the membership?
We should be waiting to hear an apology from the TWU!
Drummond's letter saying that the TWU will be taking an additional 5% to keep in reserve, more money stripped away from us members....where is the apology from the TWU for screwing its members??? 
I have tried to keep my thread on topic....but now I have to admit it's time to say...VOTE THE TWU OUT!!!!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU International has launched a new webpage, which will serve as a hub for all information on the American Airlines/American Eagle equity distribution. Go to www.TWU.org/Air/EquityDistribution.aspx to get all of the resources you need:

Appeals: To appeal your number of shares, download and mail in the AA or AE appeal form.

News: Get the latest AA/AE equity distribution updates.

Equity Distribution Plan Documents: Take a look at the TWUs detailed breakdowns of the AA and AE equity distribution processes.

Live Q&A: Read the TWUs responses to questions other members have posted, and submit your own!

We have done and will continue to do everything in our power to get you, our members, the information you need in order to be informed, empowered, and feel confident in the equity distribution process. Working together with the International, your locals have used the following methods for communicating to you all available information: 3 home mailings; 6 blast email notifications; 9 on-site presentations at locals in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, St. Louis, and Tulsa; all forms, fact sheets, and notices posted online at www.TWU.org.

From the start of the process, AA and AE locals have taken the lead on equity distribution matters through the TWU AA Equity Distribution Committee, the TWU AA Presidents Council, and the TWU AE Presidents Council. If a member has any questions or concerns about their number of shares or the equity distribution process more generally, the first stop in getting answers should be your local. Go to www.TWU.org/Air/EquityDistribution.aspx to contact your locals Equity Distribution Point Person.

The TWUs latest info flyer, Setting the Record Straight on AA/AE Equity Distribution is out in the field now! Download a copy here.

Click here to read my January 10th letter to members regarding the AA equity distribution. And make sure to get involved in the TWUs Q&A discussion at www.TWU.org/Air/TWUEquityDistributionQA.aspx!

In Unity,

Garry Drummond

Director, Air Transport Division

TWU International
•TWU damage control flyer
One of the quotes by the TWU on their flyer - page 2
Right now, the TWU is the target of a lawsuit brought by a group of former employees who chose
an early-out or stand-in-stead separation in exchange for payouts from the company. This lawsuit
may impact the number of shares each member will ultimately receive. At the same time, the
TWU has been under attack by those who claim that the union is hiding information from its
membership. A quick look at the facts shows that this is a CLEAR LIE. The union believes that
this campaign to undermine the TWU is isolated to a few individuals.
•TWU damage control flyer
One of the quotes by the TWU on their flyer - page 2
Right now, the TWU is the target of a lawsuit brought by a group of former employees who chose
an early-out or stand-in-stead separation in exchange for payouts from the company. This lawsuit
may impact the number of shares each member will ultimately receive. At the same time, the
TWU has been under attack by those who claim that the union is hiding information from its
membership. A quick look at the facts shows that this is a CLEAR LIE. The union believes that
this campaign to undermine the TWU is isolated to a few individuals.
The TWU is under attack? That's a laugh.... the TWU is stating that they are NOT hiding information from us. One simple question then....why are they not giving us any information on how the TWU determined what we received on the first and second distribution?  Not once have I asked them to tell me how many shares we are supposed to get in total, at the end of the distribution process. But, they twist things around and tell us it's impossible to determine this until all shares have been distributed. 
The flyer goes on to state that  if you have questions, you should contact your local president. I have contacted him via email, and his repsonse was to ask me to stop emailing him and talk to my section chairman.....
Only a few individuals are trying to campaign to undermine the TWU? Are there only a few of us members not wanting to know how they got their intial distribution?  
People wake up....the TWU is hiding something. Now they are coming after us for more with the additional 5% for reserve to handle a lawsuit. Why should we members be paying for the this? We pay union dues every week, shouldn't the union have some of the money that they collect in reserve for such an event?
The twu should have never handled the equity distribution. They should have the company do it. The twu saw a opportunity to make money on this deal. First 5% now 10%. Crying about being a target of a lawsuit is no excuse for scanning the membership.

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