Sorry but I don't get involved with discussions or arguments with members of management, there lackeys, croonies or parties not interested in seeing hard working blue collor AMERICANS not get lied to and shafted by the companies they work for. I'm UNION and all else are either jealous or out for there own agenda that I have NO interest in!
Any future replies from you FWAAA will be given the attention due and promptly ignored. But thank you also for showing your interest in my post and showing your disdain for working men and women in this beautiful country.
To my fellow UNION brothers and sisters. Please do not respond to any replies on this topic brought forth by this person (FWAAA) as he is only trying to provoke your anger and should be treated accordingly, by being ignored. :down:
I see you're new here. Man, you're batting .000 today. Ignoring facts will get you what you want. You post fabricated nonsense, and get mad at me? I'd suggest looking inward, instead.
Nope, I don't work for AMR nor any of its subs. Not management, not underpaid and underappreciated labor.
You may buy your mattress and your furniture at places that offer years worth of free financing and zero monthly payments, but that's not how Boeing sells airplanes.
As of 9/30/07, AMR's cash deposits toward new airplanes on order was $178 million, and it won't get any airplanes until next year. Even Industry Darling Southwest had $65 million of deposits held by Boeing.
I've got no disdain for working men and women. Had you read any of my posts, you'd realize that I want AA's employees to recover what they can from the company. Problem is finding the $$$. Good luck. You'll need it.
Your bankruptcy law link is broken and your conclusions about the 2005 changes (not 1995) are legally incorrect. Additionally, AA most certainly could file for protection under Ch 11. Fuel stays where it is for long and I predict it will.