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TWU Tough Talk

Jim Cramer is calling tonight for $10-$15 a gallon gas within 5 years on msnbc. Am I the only one who has noticed the contract language built in currenty lets the co. do what it wants in those circumstances?
And what are those circumstances.

If the gas goes up then raise the ticket price to offset the cost of gas.

or do you mean let the employee subsidise the cost of gas with more concessions to pay for the 69.99 dollar ticket prices
I mean the current contract has language that lets the co. do pretty much what it wants under a fuel shortage, national emergency etc. They could sign the best deal in the world and it wouldn't be worth the paper it's printed on unless the language is addressed.
I also firmly believe that in time that alternative ways will be found to address these problems, my point is that in the mean time the size of the flying public could be reduced dramatically in the short term and the co. may be able to use this as another "perfect storm". We should be prepared.

Hey maybe the Intl is getting the message? Mark Nelson the man they picked to head the negotiating commitee was voted out of office last week. The new president for local 513 in DFW starting Jan 1st will be Darrin J. Pierce. AA will always find an excuse for not wanting to raise there labor costs! If not oil then it'll be new airplanes, medical costs, pension costs, etc. The truth is they have no choice but to raise our wages. The banks and Wall Street want them to get there house in order before they can finance those new aircraft and capital improvements they need. And as for there excuse of labor competitiveness I'm tired already of hearing this. We're just the first to go to the bargaining table in the industry. The rest of the industry will fall in line behind us when they start going to the tables. The high price of oil WILL be compensated for in higher ticket prices and future consolidation of the industry which will lead to fewer seats to fill. And as for AA, the faster they resolve there labor issues with us the faster we can get back to genuinly working together to help our company succeed and the financing will come to get rid of those gas guzzling 80's that they want out so bad.

P.S. With financing they won't even have to make a payment on any of those new aircraft for 10 years. So before someone flames me on the prise of those aircraft who knows where things will be in ten years?
P.S. With financing they won't even have to make a payment on any of those new aircraft for 10 years. So before someone flames me on the prise of those aircraft who knows where things will be in ten years?

Absolute nonsense. It's apparent that you've never been privy to airplane financing agreements.

About the rest of your post: You're saying that big raises at AA will be matched quickly by other workers at other airlines, so AA won't be at a competitive disadvantage for long? Thanks for the humourous post! 😀
The company can give the unions what they want....then file for bankruptcy...lay off workers, shed debt, take back those raises and lower the worker's pay below everyone else, etc...then tell the unions...told you so...LOL!
Absolute nonsense. It's apparent that you've never been privy to airplane financing agreements.

About the rest of your post: You're saying that big raises at AA will be matched quickly by other workers at other airlines, so AA won't be at a competitive disadvantage for long? Thanks for the humourous post! 😀

Sorry but I don't get involved with discussions or arguments with members of management, there lackeys, croonies or parties not interested in seeing hard working blue collor AMERICANS not get lied to and shafted by the companies they work for. I'm UNION and all else are either jealous or out for there own agenda that I have NO interest in!

Any future replies from you FWAAA will be given the attention due and promptly ignored. But thank you also for showing your interest in my post and showing your disdain for working men and women in this beautiful country.

To my fellow UNION brothers and sisters. Please do not respond to any replies on this topic brought forth by this person (FWAAA) as he is only trying to provoke your anger and should be treated accordingly, by being ignored. :down:
The company can give the unions what they want....then file for bankruptcy...lay off workers, shed debt, take back those raises and lower the worker's pay below everyone else, etc...then tell the unions...told you so...LOL!


Go to this link. Did anyone pay attention at all to the new bankruptcy laws that took affect in Oct of 2005? Jeez!! AA will not file bankruptcy. They have too many assets (IE, Advantage Program, Eagle) to be allowed to do so by a judge. Not to mention that the execs could be out of a job without there own golden parachute if they do so!!!
Sorry but I don't get involved with discussions or arguments with members of management, there lackeys, croonies or parties not interested in seeing hard working blue collor AMERICANS not get lied to and shafted by the companies they work for. I'm UNION and all else are either jealous or out for there own agenda that I have NO interest in!

Any future replies from you FWAAA will be given the attention due and promptly ignored. But thank you also for showing your interest in my post and showing your disdain for working men and women in this beautiful country.

To my fellow UNION brothers and sisters. Please do not respond to any replies on this topic brought forth by this person (FWAAA) as he is only trying to provoke your anger and should be treated accordingly, by being ignored. :down:

I see you're new here. Man, you're batting .000 today. Ignoring facts will get you what you want. You post fabricated nonsense, and get mad at me? I'd suggest looking inward, instead.

Nope, I don't work for AMR nor any of its subs. Not management, not underpaid and underappreciated labor.

You may buy your mattress and your furniture at places that offer years worth of free financing and zero monthly payments, but that's not how Boeing sells airplanes.

As of 9/30/07, AMR's cash deposits toward new airplanes on order was $178 million, and it won't get any airplanes until next year. Even Industry Darling Southwest had $65 million of deposits held by Boeing.

I've got no disdain for working men and women. Had you read any of my posts, you'd realize that I want AA's employees to recover what they can from the company. Problem is finding the $$$. Good luck. You'll need it.

Your bankruptcy law link is broken and your conclusions about the 2005 changes (not 1995) are legally incorrect. Additionally, AA most certainly could file for protection under Ch 11. Fuel stays where it is for long and I predict it will.

Go to this link. Did anyone pay attention at all to the new bankruptcy laws that took affect in Oct of 2005? Jeez!! AA will not file bankruptcy. They have too many assets (IE, Advantage Program, Eagle) to be allowed to do so by a judge. Not to mention that the execs could be out of a job without there own golden parachute if they do so!!!

Yeah BUT what if management lets the company spiral downward, then what.....

Go to this link. Did anyone pay attention at all to the new bankruptcy laws that took affect in Oct of 2005? Jeez!! AA will not file bankruptcy. They have too many assets (IE, Advantage Program, Eagle) to be allowed to do so by a judge. Not to mention that the execs could be out of a job without there own golden parachute if they do so!!!

I'm not sure where you've gotten your misinformation re: bankruptcy laws but there is not, nor ever was, any criteria regarding the financial condition of any Chapter 11 filer with regard to whether or not they could seek protection under the law. The way the law read pre October 2005 and post October 2005, a company in excellent finacial condition could/can file for protection. That's why I got such a charge out of the dog and pony show and the confidentiality agreements signed when the unions involved got a 'peek' at the company's books. There was no need to display the balance sheet to know what was/is in the US Code, Chapter 11.

There are, however, numerous new restrictions in the 'new' law that knocks some wind from the execs sails; payment of retention (read failure) bonuses is one of more executive unfriendly modifications that makes it less profitable for the management to file.

Fix your link, though - I would like to read it.
Yeah BUT what if management lets the company spiral downward, then what.....

Draw a few parallels to the way Carty spiraled us down leading up to his "departure" and then look at Arpey's way of doing things.

They're both finance people and think the same way.

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