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American Woos Unions, Seeking Cooperation (AP)

It is attempts like this foolish post that shows the fear some individuals have of standing up for what is right and just.
Sure, let everyone lie down when an injustice appears. Let's all behave like this coward so that a proud profession can become extinct.
Do everyone a favor coward, don't attend the AMTA's free event at the San Diego Aerospace Museum on December 18th, 2005.

There is no fear here Ken. It's not a matter of lying down but more along the lines of culling the riff-raff. This profession is going nowhere as a matter of fact it is growing. The problem we are having today is that the entire industry as a whole is in the middle of massive change thus making it very turbulent. The ones that stick it out will reap the benefits. I am not interested in a made up name to make someone feel better about their job.
Playtheodds...How proud you must be to have secured a job on the back of unionists who have spent decades negotiating the pay and benefits you now enjoy as a SCAB.

You guys really need to make your minds up about what unions have done for the pay in this industry. You guys walked off of this job because the pay was reduced to 1980's wages. So everything your unions have accomplished here is null and void for the past 25 years. If what unions have gained was lost, how am I working off the back of unionists? Actually it was the hippie generation that has put the screws to the industry.

Also it is obvious that you know nothing of the contract world of aviation. The only job security for a contractor is that the next job is but a phone call and a few hundred or thousand miles away.

Enjoy your union while it lasts.

How come I have never heard of a union card drive for contractors?
<_< Ken! What your doing to advance the recognition of the AMT is great and noble! But it is also a distraction!!! And we have at least two J.C.Tayler winners still working here at MCI! The emphasis should be on the fact that the industry is in crises!!!Here at aa especically! Get a hold of a copy of the TUL(TWU)"Crib Notes" dated Nov.22ed. and tell me that we're not being set up for more concessions!!???? :shock:

MCI, Thanks for the kind words but I do not see the AMTA's goals as distracting. I am trying to direct as much attention on our craft as possible. I am trying to do this with educating the public. Will it help? I do not know for sure. But it is something I can do instead of eroding our craft like this fool PTO.

The industry is in crisis because in part unions have allowed the erossion. As for the Tulsa crib notes I have not read it. I can't even log onto the Tulsa web site when on Jetnet like I can do with other AA stations. Why is that?

You are correct that we are being set up for more concessions. I think AA actually messed up on the first round of concessions. AA could have gotten A LOT more because the twu would have swallowed any lies in order to keep dues coming in. Now they must paint a picture of cooperation. I do not trust airline management. Do you?

As for the two Charles E. Taylor Award recipients I applaud their contributions to aviation. These men are certainly NOT a distraction and should be listened to when the crisis in our industry is talked about.
You guys really need to make your minds up about what unions have done for the pay in this industry. You guys walked off of this job because the pay was reduced to 1980's wages. So everything your unions have accomplished here is null and void for the past 25 years. If what unions have gained was lost, how am I working off the back of unionists? Actually it was the hippie generation that has put the screws to the industry.

Also it is obvious that you know nothing of the contract world of aviation. The only job security for a contractor is that the next job is but a phone call and a few hundred or thousand miles away.

Enjoy your union while it lasts.

How come I have never heard of a union card drive for contractors?

Because most Unions don't recognize active SCABs. Nothing justifies the lack of integrity of entering another's legal dispute with an employer, for personal gain. Nothing...
MCI, Thanks for the kind words but I do not see the AMTA's goals as distracting. I am trying to direct as much attention on our craft as possible. I am trying to do this with educating the public. Will it help? I do not know for sure. But it is something I can do instead of eroding our craft like this fool PTO.

The industry is in crisis because in part unions have allowed the erossion. As for the Tulsa crib notes I have not read it. I can't even log onto the Tulsa web site when on Jetnet like I can do with other AA stations. Why is that?

You are correct that we are being set up for more concessions. I think AA actually messed up on the first round of concessions. AA could have gotten A LOT more because the twu would have swallowed any lies in order to keep dues coming in. Now they must paint a picture of cooperation. I do not trust airline management. Do you?

As for the two Charles E. Taylor Award recipients I applaud their contributions to aviation. These men are certainly NOT a distraction and should be listened to when the crisis in our industry is talked about.
<_< I applode you Ken! Wish I could say the same for the rest of my fellow AMT's here at aa! But it seems the name of the game here is "Watch you back!!!" What a waste!!!We've had a total of six Charles Taylor recipiants here from MCI, but only two are still working! Not for long if my fellow Brothers in TUL had their way! 😉Mr. Former Moderator thinks Charles Taylor is a joke! Tipical aa management thinking !!! :down:
Because most Unions don't recognize active SCABs. Nothing justifies the lack of integrity of entering another's legal dispute with an employer, for personal gain. Nothing...

The union doesn't recognize active Scabs? So tell me what was the big deal of NWA removing the clause that allowed Dell the power to fine the members that crossed? It hung the reds on Dell so bad he wouldn't put the offer up for vote. I also recently found out that the guys that went direct were hired under a AMFA contract. How ya like them apples? AMFA representing Scabs. You guys just do not have a clue.
The union doesn't recognize active Scabs? So tell me what was the big deal of NWA removing the clause that allowed Dell the power to fine the members that crossed? It hung the reds on Dell so bad he wouldn't put the offer up for vote. I also recently found out that the guys that went direct were hired under a AMFA contract. How ya like them apples? AMFA representing Scabs. You guys just do not have a clue.

Not have a "clue"? I was a full term stiker from Mar.'86 to May'88. When I chose to withdraw my services I knew I might never fly again BUT I took a moral and ethical position to do whatever necessary to preserve my legally negotiated contractual provisions. I had enough confidence in my skills to know that I could provide for my family without compromising my ethics. Were there change in our lifestyle? Absolutely! BUT, my family was never ashamed of their mother and I gained the tools needed to insure any future removal from my chosen career would not be financially or emotionally devastating. It is ALL about character.
The union doesn't recognize active Scabs? So tell me what was the big deal of NWA removing the clause that allowed Dell the power to fine the members that crossed? It hung the reds on Dell so bad he wouldn't put the offer up for vote. I also recently found out that the guys that went direct were hired under a AMFA contract. How ya like them apples? AMFA representing Scabs. You guys just do not have a clue.

You're still breathing? :unsure:
Not have a "clue"? I was a full term stiker from Mar.'86 to May'88. When I chose to withdraw my services I knew I might never fly again BUT I took a moral and ethical position to do whatever necessary to preserve my legally negotiated contractual provisions. I had enough confidence in my skills to know that I could provide for my family without compromising my ethics. Were there change in our lifestyle? Absolutely! BUT, my family was never ashamed of their mother and I gained the tools needed to insure any future removal from my chosen career would not be financially or emotionally devastating. It is ALL about character.

That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Had your family never been brainwashed in the first place you would have had nothing to worry about. Character? Elmer Fud and the Coyote have character so what is your point.
Oh My God!
Stop feeding this creature.
He is a troll.
Put him on your ignore list.

Wretched Wrench, You are a worthless coward to no end. Your ignorance exceeds that of DEAD BIRDS, which is off the scale. I fully understand that you are afraid of me but I am here to tell you that if you cower in fear of people like me we will stomp your beliefs into the dirt. You see Wretched Wrench you are the worthless ones that need to be exiled from the industry. You sit by and let your brothers do the fighting and debating while you cower in the shadows. Then you want to cry foul when the heat gets to close. Go find you another corner to cower in Wretched Wrench and leave me alone. You are not worthy of my time.

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