HA HA, The twu talking about morals when they (Kirk, Steve, and the Tulsa E-board) continue to lie at all cost to save their sorry ass company-union. Talk about morals when your ratting people out to management left and right. There are no morals within the twu. :down:Checking it Out said:See Ken in order for Unions to work you have to be dedicated and have morals.
Looks like bootlicker Steve never met a twu stoolie he didn't like. Keep up the comments, they give us more cards everyday Steve. KC will be AMFA, were not afraid of you Steve. :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:Steve Connell said:I have met most of the International I believe and have also found them to be quite efficient and dedicated,
Steve,Steve Connell said:Ratting people out to management? Do you know something I don't or are you throwing accusations due to lack of anything intelligent to discuss.
Steve or AMFAMAN;Steve Connell said:Because I met with the International members and found them to be adequate I am now a "bootlicker"? Let me suggest this AMFABOY..that you are and will continue to be my best ally in keeping MCI AMFA free.
I suppose that the TWU guys would argue that it was AMFAs fault and the AMFA guys would claim it was the TWUs fault.Steve Connell said:And the fact that some members do not care one way or another is a fact, but at all bases this exists...and imagine...push a vote on unions...do not satisfy the 50% plus 1 vote count and then we have your AMFA organizers to thank for a non-union workplace...or will that also be a TWU fault?
Originally posted by CIO
Ken supporting your union takes guts and being positive, you as a C/C have that power, Instead you choose to support an organization that believes in their own self interest, even you have followed blindly, Your the one who has taken money from Delle, over a thousand dollars in exchange he bought you and was successful at making a joke out of the Charles Taylor Award. If I pay you, will you do the samething? or do I have to not be a mechanic for 37 years to be eligible?