Twu And Afl-cio Caused 700,000 U.s. Job Losses

Your_Ex-Wife said:
I see..agitator= holder of the facts.

Here's some more ....

Can you imagine working for a company that has a
little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet?
I thought you were talking about the twu Intl. :( :(
As I remember it, labor backed Clinton all the way into the White House, then Clinton pooped on labor by signing NAFTA. Had we, labor, known of Clinton's intentions he would not have received our support. Is this the spin you speak of Princess?
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What spin?! Clinton ,early in his campaign, stated he was going to sign NAFTA into law ,if elected president. So with AFL-CIO(TWU) financially supported politicians, NAFTA became law and 700,000+ American's lost their jobs!
Your_Ex-Wife said:
As I remember it, labor backed Clinton all the way into the White House, then Clinton pooped on labor by signing NAFTA. Had we, labor, known of Clinton's intentions he would not have received our support. Is this the spin you speak of Princess?
This is non-sense, organized labor and the AFL-CIO have their head up the Democratic Party's ass so far, they can not feel the vaseline free back door jobs done in conjunction with every dollar of contributions.

Look at the facts.

Politicians are not your friends and they are not the answer to our problems.

Look at history, the best labor laws were written to calm the working man from chaos. You want solutions? Take to the streets and dump the political wallet.

Next Revolution Target after TWU is eliminated... The AFL-CIO!
Not that I don't believe your little history quips, but can you prove where Clinton told labor he was going to vote NAFTA in prior to election? may want to take this one...Princess is no where near your cut/paste level....but with proper guidance from the master...who knows?
This is non-sense, organized labor and the AFL-CIO have their head up the Democratic Party's ass so far, they can not feel the vaseline free back door jobs done in conjunction with every dollar of contributions

Now'd have banned a TWU supporter for such obvious tendencies of your likings as you have typed here. Let's hope Kyle isn't reading in here.
Your_Ex-Wife said:
Now'd have banned a TWU supporter for such obvious tendencies of your likings as you have typed here. Let's hope Kyle isn't reading in here.
What do you mean? You are the one with the female alias while living in a man's body?

You best sweep your own porch.
Your_Ex-Wife said:
Not that I don't believe your little history quips, but can you prove where Clinton told labor he was going to vote NAFTA in prior to election? may want to take this one...Princess is no where near your cut/paste level....but with proper guidance from the master...who knows?
I never claimed that there was any evidence that Clinton was going to sign NAFTA prior to the election. But Al Gore was his V.P. and Labor sure backed him at the next chance to dump millons of our paycheck dollars into a campaign.

I do find it interesting that you personally appear opposed to NAFTA, because the arguements were similar to our current demise with the TWU. Check this out. NAFTA proponents favored NAFTA because they claimed it would create jobs. Labor opposed NAFTA because it would lower wages. But today, the TWU favors lower wages in exchange for jobs? What the hell happened?

January 1, 2004 marks the tenth anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement’s implementation. NAFTA promoters - including many of the world’s largest corporations - promised it would create hundreds of thousands of new U.S. jobs, raise living standards in the U.S., Mexico and Canada, improve environmental conditions and transform Mexico from a poor developing country into a booming new market for U.S. exports.

NAFTA opponents - including labor, environmental, consumer and religious groups - argued that NAFTA would launch a race-to-the-bottom in wages, and undermine democratic control of domestic policy-making and threaten health, environmental and food safety standards.

He-She 'er I mean yourex-wife,

Can you tell us why the TWU now favors lower wages in exchange for jobs? Right-to-Work and NAFTA promoters claim that these laws would create jobs. Organized Labor claims that these laws would lower wages and therefore oppose such legislation.

But today, the TWU openly advocates lower pay in exchange for jobs.

Has the TWU turned company union? Or is there something we missed in the transition of beliefs? I am confused, which way does the TWU really want it?

The opponents of NAFTA include labor and environmental groups, among others. Labor groups voiced their fears of wage and benefit reductions that would be asked for in the name of competitiveness, as well as their fears of complete job displacement. They foresaw American companies moving to Mexico to reap the ultra cheap labor and lax environmental laws. Environmentalists envisioned more severe environmental degradation in Mexico where environmental laws are lax and often unenforced. They also predicted that there would be a weakening of America's present environmental laws in the name of staying competitive with Mexico. Critics include labor leaders such as John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, and some political figures such as Rep. Richard Gephardt, House Minority leader. The Sierra Club, an environmental group, has been a strong critic of NAFTA.

The proponents of NAFTA include most economists, multinational corporations in general, and several key political figures, like President Clinton.  Economists predicted the gains their models indicated, while multinational corporations were attracted to the expected bottom line gains.

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Clinton ,during a nationally televised debate,said he supported NAFTA. This was the same debate where ROSS PEROT said there would be a GIANT SUCKING SOUND if NAFTA was implemented. How come the AFL-CIO didn't throw their support to PEROT?

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