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Twu Lies - On Video

Boomer said:
The video is a big hit locally.

Several Members have bought blank tapes and made their own copies to ship throughout the system using contacts they have had for years. The response has been overwhelming.

The number of TWU 514 Union Officers being paid to be at the meeting is as big a hit as Luby being tossed out.

I encourage anyone interested to obtain a copy and view it. When you are finished, either give it to someone else, ask someone that may be in doubt to come over and watch it with you, or make copies and send them to those you know.

If the TWU wants to clarify anyhting they feel has been mis-represented in the tape, all they have to do is pay their half for the Brady Theatre and invite the TUL base in for the debate.

"as Luby being tossed out."

Then answer this. . .why did Luby get tossed out in the first place? Were the AMFA boys scared, not up for the truth to be told, threatened by the true facts?? Please enlighten me. I know Luby and he is far from the kind of guy who stirs up trouble so he couldn't have been thrown out because he was acting inappropriately. And did you include the part of the meeting (in the tape) where Delle was caught in a lie or two?? Confronted but couldn't deliver??

Just want the truth. . .
Its ok twuer, Luby was not far making sure his boys were asking the questions he had written.

Funny you should mention this, as one of the paid TWU boys asked a question just a little wrong and Luby was chewing him out for not asking it exactly as he had written it. A Crew Chief that had been a staunch TWU supporter heard him chewing this poor UB paid boy out and signed an AMFA card on the spot. Thanks Luby!!!

According to the Crew Chief, Luby said "If you had asked the question the way I wrote I would have gotten the response I wanted".
Rusty said:
Its ok twuer, Luby was not far making sure his boys were asking the questions he had written.

Funny you should mention this, as one of the paid TWU boys asked a question just a little wrong and Luby was chewing him out for not asking it exactly as he had written it. A Crew Chief that had been a staunch TWU supporter heard him chewing this poor UB paid boy out and signed an AMFA card on the spot. Thanks Luby!!!

According to the Crew Chief, Luby said "If you had asked the question the way I wrote I would have gotten the response I wanted".
Well, that's funny because I was there and didn't see anything like that. Were you there Rusty?? Let me get back to you on this one okay?? Just want to check MY source.

Can you answer the question I asked of Boomer, about why Luby got kicked out in the first place? Go ahead, take a stab at it. If you're up for the challenge. 😉
I could be wrong but, I believe it was because it was an AMFA informational meeting and not a debate!!! It's because an AMFA supporter made the rules, and as you know, we all have to live by rules or our society would be very unruly indeed!!!

I also believe the informational meeting was for our craft, class, and immediate families. Would you take a lawyer to a quit smoking seminar just to harass the speakers???

Informational meetings are laid back no big deal setting, although you would like to make it more than that. I think AMFA will accommodate you in the form af a debate.

Hey as Delle said if you will debate lets rent the pavilion and go for it!!!
It was an informational meeting. The TWU has been asked to debate, but each time they are asked they fail to respond. Of course the debate would be at half of the TWUs expense.

First of all, if the AMFA paid for the room, they have every right to determine just who is and who is not allowed in there. They allowed the UB boys from 514 to not only attend but take up the majority of the time at the microphones. If I was them and wanted to get out my message, I wouldn't want anyone taking up space that would never be able to vote on the issue.

I met Luby some years back, he appeared a nice enough fellow until you remembered that he is an Attorney who is being paid by the TWU International and is legally required to represent their interests despite what he may think. And for what it is worth, Luby may as well have been there, cause the UB boys kept opening up the rolled up papers in their hands when they wanted to ask a question. If the TWU International wants to prep for a debate with the AMFA, they can call up the Brady Theatre and I'd bet the AMFA would go halfers.

The bottom line is that the TWU just don't get it. If they want us to stay, they would have to tell us what their vision is for our future and what measures they plan on taking to get there. But before that can happen, they would have to square those kind of statements with the one below:

NEW YORK, Aug. 20 /PRNewswire/ --
...TWU International Secretary Treasurer John J. Kerrigan stated: "TWU was founded as an industrial union to advocate for the needs of all workers, regardless of job title. For Roger Toussaint to offer this kind of support for a person charged with bringing in an organization, whose basic belief is that mechanics should have nothing to do with cleaners, baggage handlers, bus drivers and other blue collar jobs, to replace TWU at American Airlines is a total outrage to the very basic concept of our union and would have Mike Quill turning over in his grave."...

I no longer believe that the TWU can continue representing us while standing behind statements such as the one above.
"as Luby being tossed out."

Then answer this. . .why did Luby get tossed out in the first place? Were the AMFA boys scared, not up for the truth to be told, threatened by the true facts?? Please enlighten me. I know Luby and he is far from the kind of guy who stirs up trouble so he couldn't have been thrown out because he was acting inappropriately. And did you include the part of the meeting (in the tape) where Delle was caught in a lie or two?? Confronted but couldn't deliver??

Just want the truth. . .
Well since when do lawyers seek the truth?

It is my understanding that this was an informational meeting for the mechanics class and craft. The lady from Zebco left also. She had no more business there than Art Luby. The rules were clear, it was an informational meeting for the mechanics class and craft only, all others were asked to leave which was fair considering that from the video it was standing room only. If the meeting was meant for mechanics and related, why should they be stuck out in the hall while the Zebco lady and Art Luby are in the room? They cant vote.

Why doesnt the TWU agree to a debate like they did at Horizon so they can split the cost of a larger arena? Then anybody could go. Even the Zebco lady and Art Luby. Well then again considering what happened at Horizon we know why they will not consent to such a debate.

I saw the video. I did not hear any lies. If they were edited out what are you claiming that was said?

I saw where one steward asked about Delle being in favor of "Binding Arbitration". Delle denied that he ever favored it. The Steward seemed to feel that Delle did favor it at one time. I think the steward confused "Binding Arbitration" with "Intrest based Arbitration". Honest mistake on the part of the steward, at first I thought he was right also. I dont favor either.
Boomer said:
NEW YORK, Aug. 20 /PRNewswire/ --
...TWU International Secretary Treasurer John J. Kerrigan stated: "TWU was founded as an industrial union to advocate for the needs of all workers, regardless of job title. For Roger Toussaint to offer this kind of support for a person charged with bringing in an organization, whose basic belief is that mechanics should have nothing to do with cleaners, baggage handlers, bus drivers and other blue collar jobs, to replace TWU at American Airlines is a total outrage to the very basic concept of our union and would have Mike Quill turning over in his grave."...

I no longer believe that the TWU can continue representing us while standing behind statements such as the one above.
What a hypocrite Kerrigan is.

He doesnt want to have anything to do with any Blue Collar workers.

Thats why they moved their offices to some fancy Skyscraper on Broadway.

Kerrigan does not even bother to go to the NYC Labor Day Parade.

While Kerrigan talks about blue collar workers when is the last time he had to live on "Blue Collar" wages?

While he negotaites concessions for us his pay continues to go up. How old is that old bugger? Shouldnt he retire to make one more slot for someone who is unemployed? Wouldnt that be the right thing to do for someone who says that we should all take massive paycuts to save jobs? Why dont these guys lead by example? How big of a sacrifice would it be for an 80ish year old man to retire so a younger man down the line could keep his job to support his family? Do these clowns, who keep theselves locked up away from the members really think they are an assett to the labor movement? Do they really care? Im sure that Kerrigan has stashed away enough funds by now to last the rest of his days, after all how many more days could he possibly have? Have you ever seen him? Probably not. Probably never will either.

If anything Mike Quill has been spinning since Kerrigan got in office. You should hear the stories the Pan Am guys tell about him and Baccala.
twuer said:
Boomer said:
The video is a big hit locally.

Several Members have bought blank tapes and made their own copies to ship throughout the system using contacts they have had for years. The response has been overwhelming.

The number of TWU 514 Union Officers being paid to be at the meeting is as big a hit as Luby being tossed out.

I encourage anyone interested to obtain a copy and view it. When you are finished, either give it to someone else, ask someone that may be in doubt to come over and watch it with you, or make copies and send them to those you know.

If the TWU wants to clarify anyhting they feel has been mis-represented in the tape, all they have to do is pay their half for the Brady Theatre and invite the TUL base in for the debate.

"as Luby being tossed out."

Then answer this. . .why did Luby get tossed out in the first place? Were the AMFA boys scared, not up for the truth to be told, threatened by the true facts?? Please enlighten me. I know Luby and he is far from the kind of guy who stirs up trouble so he couldn't have been thrown out because he was acting inappropriately. And did you include the part of the meeting (in the tape) where Delle was caught in a lie or two?? Confronted but couldn't deliver??

Just want the truth. . .
Here's the truth. This was an INFORMATIONAL MEETING for future AMFA membership. NOT A DEBATE.
These men were here to answer questions about AMFA by legitimate inquirers, not debunk alligations from TWU and AFL-CIO zealots.
As Delle stated in the meeting, the TWU will be invited to a debate forum soon. Art Luby said he would be there, let's see if Sonny Hall shows up.
Luby wasn't "tossed out"! Kevin Hammack was tossed out, Luby left on his own.

Why can't everyone just get a copy of the video and see what transpired regarding Luby?

The rules were stated. Then Luby volunteered to leave, and respectfully stated that he didn't want to attend under "false pretense". Him and Sandford Dennison both left on their free will.

The rules were clear, and were the same for all meetings, including the first meeting, which Luby did not attend.

Anybody that claims otherwise, is going to be declared a liar by simply watching the video.
I wonder what would happen if Dell and Lee Seeham showed up at the TWU Union hall and said hey were here for a debate are you up for it Randy, I would bet my house that they would not get in to debate Randy McDonald or anyone else, When your paying for the room to put out your message then you get to call the shots, and the AMFA informational meeting was for Mechanic and Related only, the people who are eligible to vote in the representation election.

Oh by the way we are at 50.8% and climbing Have an AMFA Day
Twuer wouldn't know the truth if slapped him on the back of the head. Actually the back of his head is probably quite numb from hitting it on the bottom of his supervisor's desk. While presented with facts and even video he still refuses to see the truth. Most likely he is a paid lackey doing his part for Sonny and the boys. This type of behavior is quite common in the TWU lackey. It comes from years of drinking the TWU Kool Aid from the porcellain chalise at the sacred shrine of the bus.

Oh great Dark Lord Sonny, we implore your help in our quest in stemming the AMFA tide. We are weak minded and feeble and we beseech that you use your mighty AFL-CIO clout. Our lies and deceit are not working, our clever slogans are useless the TWU snake has no venom. Oh help us Sonny, lest we lose our cushy union positions and must return to the wrenches!

If TWA bought AA would guys have done it diffrent????????

YES, ask the OZARK workforce, who BTW were AMFA, and the TWA workforce/IAM dovetailed
That was the right thing to do for your fellow A&P Mechanics. I believe
AMFA would have supported the same rational, in the spirit of Allegheny-Mohawk.

I don't understand though, assuming from your alias, that you support the TWU when they openly wanted you stapled. :unsure:
I want to Thank amfa for putting the video together, It is a little long and 2 hours is a bit much for members to watch, usually the attention span is about 15 minutes.

The response was not what the amfa members expected. In many cases it showed how insecure the amfa leaders were and how they could not stand still and tell the truth.