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Twu Lies - On Video

Checking it Out said:
I want to Thank amfa for putting the video together, It is a little long and 2 hours is a bit much for members to watch, usually the attention span is about 15 minutes.

The response was not what the amfa members expected. In many cases it showed how insecure the amfa leaders were and how they could not stand still and tell the truth.
Once again we see how the TWU leadership views its members with contempt. 15 minute attention spans!

Maybe thats been your experience CIO since after 15 minutes you dont have anything left to say. You start repeating the same lies over and over again.

By the way it takes a lot less than 15 minutes to fill out a card.

I saw the video, it looked as if the meeting had their attention a lot longer than 15 minutes.

The TWU leaders tend to have a negative view of the members but they sure like the six figure salaries that the members provide.

Mike Bakala said that the reason why workers are doing so bad is because the members dont participate. Participate in what? When was the last time leaders of this union asked anyone to participate in anything meaningful?

Jim Little said that the members dont care. How would he know?

Sonny Hall tells union leaders that being a leader is a thankless job. Seems to me that the $200,000 a year that he gets should be considered thanks enough.

And now CIO says that members only have a 15 minute attention span.

We are in a union that is being run by unaccountable self serving morons that are contemptuous of us while they take our money. Its time for a change.
Checking it Out said:
I want to Thank amfa for putting the video together, It is a little long and 2 hours is a bit much for members to watch, usually the attention span is about 15 minutes.
I can't wait to hang this one up at work. You rock this is a 50 card comment.

The only ones who have a short attention span are officers like you who give us zero attention span and are going to lose because of it. Thanks again for insulting the membership, we can't thank you enough. :up: :up: :up: :up:
Thanks for posting the information, like I say the video shows how inept the leaders of amfa are and does a great job of catching the amfa in the lies repeatedly. Maybe they should have went and learned the facts before they held the meetings.

Have A Great TWU DAY!!!!!
So are you going to list the lies you speak of?
Checking it Out said:
Thanks for posting the information, like I say the video shows how inept the leaders of amfa are and does a great job of catching the amfa in the lies repeatedly. Maybe they should have went and learned the facts before they held the meetings.

Have A Great TWU DAY!!!!!
The way I remember it, Kevin Wildermuth pointed out so many TWU Lies on two distributed documents, that NO TWU supporter dared to approach the microphone and dispute the lies.

In fact here is proof CIO. The video you speak of doesn't lie, yet you are foolish enough to lie about the video???????? 😛h34r:

TWU Lies on the "informer"
Checking it Out said:
Thanks for posting the information, like I say the video shows how inept the leaders of amfa are and does a great job of catching the amfa in the lies repeatedly. Maybe they should have went and learned the facts before they held the meetings.

Have A Great TWU DAY!!!!!

Once again we see how the TWU leadership views its members with contempt. 15 minute attention spans...maybe ah seeing something here....Bobby..wasn't you TWU leadership until ya got cought with yo sister?...and isn't it a fact that AMFAMAN is yo son?..hahahahahaha..hey Bobby..not everyone here is a fan of yo's..you definately are a hero in your own mind....hahahahahahaha..you run for Gov. of Calif.?...hahahahahaha...lub you....
Drippy Quill said:
Once again we see how the TWU leadership views its members with contempt. 15 minute attention spans...maybe ah seeing something here....Bobby..wasn't you TWU leadership until ya got cought with yo sister?...and isn't it a fact that AMFAMAN is yo son?..hahahahahaha..hey Bobby..not everyone here is a fan of yo's..you definately are a hero in your own mind....hahahahahahaha..you run for Gov. of Calif.?...hahahahahaha...lub you....
Let me see here,

We have Bob Owens vs Drippy Quill.

Bob produces intellegent thougts and spends the time to type those thoughts for us to read.

Drippy porduces playground rhetoric that makes us yawn.

Bob supports AMFA.

Drippy supports TWU.

If the debates on this board are intended to convince the fence sitters to move in one direction or the other...

AMFA wins hands down!
hey Mr RV4, or can I call ya useless administrator..is your board dead like you?....Mr. cut and paste....hahahahahaha..you always win .."hands down"...but what are they doing down there?hahahahahahahaha

let me see why you a winner...stby...data coming to me now...ohhhhhhhhhh...I see..I can get layed off for years of lost wages so that if I want to ever come back to AA I could at better wages vs concessions...food on the table...kids in school...and mortgage...well pally...*expands chest area* I think I'd vote AMFA and never give in under the duress of AA...show them who's boss from the cheese line..I can proudly say.."I showed them commie bastids"...NOT...*back to reality*...do the math, or get your kids to do it for ya...I lose 50K a year for just 2 yrs...that's 100K...but I saved $8/hr...X 2080hrs/yr =$16,640 saved in wages it would only take me what..a little over 5 years to recover from the stupid AMFA stance...but by God..we are a stand alone...well...except for our lawyers and real estate agents...organizations..looking out for the betterment of those that are left hahahahahahahaha...you all aren't really that bright..is ya? AMFA! AMFA! AMFA!...*finger down throat*..do the ole Drippy a favor and stop making things better for my craft...can't take much more...hahahahahahahahahaha...oh mylanta..I can vote for the International officers of an unaffiliated AFL-CIO union...whooopeeeee...shoot up two flares and an enima...and if they make me angered I can vote them outsy....uh....I can have 25 sharp AMFA boyzzzzz sit in on contract negotiations...so they can see where their jobs are being outsourced to..hahahahaha..it just gets going better here....will I have to surrender my commie card?, no way Jose...I won't drink from your boots just yet...oh sorry..I forgot ya'll won a biggy w/ PDX..how many AMT's jobs saved?..don't move..I'll get ya a towel....hahahahahahahahaha

...hey...hold the flippin phone..no one denied AMFAboys DNA test........hahahahahah

and really you guys..ya'll gotta get over me being the supreme one here....I got the looks and the brains....Drippy vs Delle in 2004!!!!
Get help, Herr Quill, get help! It is not too late for you. Modern psichiatry can do marvels, you know!
Gutten tag, Drippy.
Drippy I hear Dave (RV4) is asking you to come back to his site! The posts have dropped off and they miss you! Keep up the work.

Are you and dRIPPY cousins? You have to be related somehow. One continously lies, and the other does nothing but drool and laugh. Must be because the family tree has no branches, it just goes straight up!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

CIO, you are still not answering my questions, what's wrong??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Dippy for TWU international president. 😀 😀 😀 Ooops, I forgot we don't get to vote for TWU international president and some TWU supporters try to make a case that the membership shouldn't be allowed to vote for one. Sorry Dippy maybe next time!! 🙁 🙁 🙁
I think the alias drippy quill was developed after the person had to get a shot for an infection!!
I was there at the noon meeting and it was not the AMFA that looked bad it was the the twu UB team that were caught in several lies an deception tactics. The one I like the most is when a person had his arm twisted behind him and (oops 😀 wrong incident); I mean when a twu ub man got to the microphone and tried to make out that he was represented by AMFA at Braniff. When the truth came out he was with Braniff 1 (iam) not Braniff 2 (AMFA). Take off your blinders 😛h34r: and watch the tape over again. Of course you may have a twu edited version.

AMFA - A Union Of Professionals