Twu Lies - On Video

Originally posted by Steve Conell:
I do not see the "gun to the head" contract that was voted in as a routine contract signing..neither do you as I'm sure. As AA's stature grows so will we once have to believe this or kill yourself with grief.
Here again you thought it was a gun when it was actually a water pistol filled with "BOOO!!!" and lies!!! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again!!!

Why did we give the company steep contractual consesions instead of a loan???

Ok, back to the original reason for this post. Why are TWU officers making and spreading lies about AMFA???
Steve Connell said:
We actually instituted a program to hand deliver to each union member a newsletter so all get to read and cannot state they did not receive.
Of course this is anti-AMFA info passes out during work hours, and if a AMFA guy does the same he is ratted on by the union.
Buck..if you mean my 50 yr. old view of unionism means that the other classifications, above AND below the classification of mechanic have the right to a fair days pay for a fair days wage then we are in agreement.

Ok so we are in agreement concerning a fair days pay. Fleet Service is the highest paid in the industry and we are number six. Were the mechanics making to much money? Is that why we took 17.5% or more in pay cuts compared to Fleet Services 16%?

I do not see the "gun to the head" contract that was voted in as a routine contract signing..neither do you as I'm sure. As AA's stature grows so will we once have to believe this or kill yourself with grief.

You did not see the gun AA held to the TWU's head? How did it go? You had better have your people make a decision today or we will file bankruptcy, were on the steps of the court house as we speak or something like that. The TWU was in a panic mode. And while we are waiting on AA's stature to grow, our peers atother airlines are compensated more than us. There is no grief on my part, when in the history of labor relations at AA and the TWU did the company come out and , Hey guys look at all the money we are making, let me just raise your pay.

Do you have mechanics in MCI that were bumped to OSM and lost approx. 38% of their pay?

At the time AA absorbed TWA and the TWU became our bargaining agent we were instructed and helped by what seemed very able TWU members. If this has changed perhaps the floor has made them weary. We have no magic here, no trick, just absolute trust in who we elect. I guarantee you without hesitation, that any elected official here can draw on the floor at his/her every whim...we respond.

And you are angry because you did not receive your full seniority. If they were any more capable, you would have been stapled to the bottom of the list. There is nothing wrong with placing trusting those whom you elect. However it is those who negotiate your concessions you need to worry about. Those that you do not elect.
So you are saying at MCI there is participation from the floor? That is an interesting concept, and one that is basically foreign to the TWU.
Originally audio/video recorded G. T. Bunch
uhh, you had 4500 members laid offf at Northwest. We had people up there from Northwest that ya'all are representin now from our local said they had been talked to about 2500 more may be leaving.

I wrote down word for word of what I think G. T. Bunch said but, maybe someone could do a better job of it.

In my opinion it sounds like someone trying to come up with or spread a lie. Can't explain why but, if you read and listen to it a couple of times, maybe a person could make ones own opinion.

Maybe it's the "We had people up there from Nothwest" that makes me wonder or maybe it's 2800 is a far cry form 4500. Bwaaahahahahaha

When will these paid officers decide that lieing and decieving is not the answer to thier problem?????????????????????
When can we order complete copies of the tapes made at the 12 Sept. TUL AMFA meeting?
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  • #21
Boomer said:
When can we order complete copies of the tapes made at the 12 Sept. TUL AMFA meeting?
Tapes will be available by Thursday of this week.

PM me with your work location and/or address to mail you one.
Steve Connell said:
Buck...yes I do see the difference. I have read postings from credible peeps and see the same frustration there and present at your local meetings held monthly? Or do they voice it here, in script, as a release. Believe loyal as I am to my local if they go outside of what is expected of them they are required to face the charges. They are held to a higher standard as the floor awaits sometimes it seems in anticipation for their failure instead of their gains, that is sad. Our meetings are slowly gaining in attendance through the work of stewards and the committee, information is given as received and posted to the floor as often is possible. We actually instituted a program to hand deliver to each union member a newsletter so all get to read and cannot state they did not receive. As long as there are humans running this union there is going to be mistakes and misgivings, learning to back these volunteers in the bad times as well as good is difficult to do as we have the need to blame all on unions instead of the company that gives us our pay. Why would someone run for anyone's union office? Rats? management misfits? Because as soon as they are in office someone somewhere has a new moniker for them regardless of their time spent and their determination to attain the best for their membership with what they have as tools.
That's great Steve. you guys get it all together and formulate what you want to do and when Lord Sonny the Bus Driver comes down from on high and tells you how it will be, maybe you'll WAKE UP!
You guys at MCI can bang your head against the TWU wall all you want.l Not me.
After 18 years of TWU sell outs, all I can say is...
AMFA NOW! :up:
Lets see if i can figure this out,

American Airlines #6 in pay and benifits :down:
T.W.U International union officers ( That no one voted for ever!!) negotiating The mis-informer spreading lies (and will not talk about there failed record)
And lets not forget T.W.U is the industry leader-- in CONCESSIONARY CONTRACTS

I have been here going on 17 yrs my first contract in 89 i realized the T.W.U does not negoiate they get the offer from the comp and divide it up who ever has the biggest voice gets the biggest share, did i forget to mention i was a shop steward at one time so ive seen some of the bullshit this union is all about.

Card count 7908 A i personally turned in anonther 30 + cards in the past week :up: soon the twu era will be over!!! and its all there own fault but there too stupid to figure it out.

So whats the TWU done for you? destroy your profession with srp's-osm's strip your pay and benifits and still lay you off take your pay if you go too a shop!

A.M.F.A NOW!!! :up:
Our only hope at MCI as I see it is to have AMFA in with T.A. Haines as President, his favorite sidekick Pete as VP.. (these titles could be swapped as they are a true matching set) and Danny as recording secretary...I do hope that no one currently supporting TWU is allowed to run for office, hopefully the widespread love for AMFA will keep these members at their toolboxes and allow us to see true professionalism at work....makes me comfortable knowing their knowledge and leadership skills will shine through adversity, never bowing to any company requests ....please allow all their inept attempts at organizing be rewarded.

Won't be so much fun when the rabbit got the gun...sorry AMFAMAN...we'll get you elected as sargeant -at- arms...knowing no one will wanna mess with you. I bet you are no one to mess with...please be part of the leadership skills w/'re wit and writing skills are badly needed....
The video from September 12 hit the floor and the amount of editing that took place was crazy, The members who seen this piece was surprised at the amount of lies and twisted information that was put out by Amfa. The TWU members were professional and did a great job at asking the hard Questions, Keep distributing them.

I was even surprised at the amount of comments made in favor of the TWU, Thanks for the Video.

In Solidarity TWU
I was at all three meeting and I do have a copy of the video and nothing was edited or changed the meeting was shot from 3 cameras and the final video was recorded so that it moves from one camera to the other but nothing was put in or taken out, what you see is exactly what happened, the TWU was spanked and now they are mad about it, oh well get over it, we are at 50% now and we did this on a shoestring budget now that AMFA National is going to help fund our drive this last 10% will happen you can bet on it TWU, start packing your stuff and taking down your stupid signs, cause AMFA is coming, give yourself a pat on the back Jim Little. :rolleyes:
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Steve Connell said:
Buck..if you mean my 50 yr. old view of unionism means that the other classifications, above AND below the classification of mechanic have the right to a fair days pay for a fair days wage then we are in agreement.

Here is a 35 year A&P Mechanic expressing his views at a recent AMFA Informational Meeting in Tulsa.

35 Years of Experience Speaking - Click Here
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  • #28
Checking it Out said:
The video from September 12 hit the floor and the amount of editing that took place was crazy, The members who seen this piece was surprised at the amount of lies and twisted information that was put out by Amfa. The TWU members were professional and did a great job at asking the hard Questions, Keep distributing them.

I was even surprised at the amount of comments made in favor of the TWU, Thanks for the Video.

In Solidarity TWU
Contrary to the typical TWU lies, there was no edit of content on the video.

And this also brings to the front, another TWU informer lie. The informer claimed the questions were not "directly answered", I think the video proves otherwise.

Simple, get a copy and watch it for yourself. Don't let me or CIO attempt to convince you, get a copy and think for yourself!
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Raptor said:
I was at all three meeting and I do have a copy of the video and nothing was edited or changed the meeting was shot from 3 cameras and the final video was recorded so that it moves from one camera to the other but nothing was put in or taken out, what you see is exactly what happened, the TWU was spanked and now they are mad about it, oh well get over it, we are at 50% now and we did this on a shoestring budget now that AMFA National is going to help fund our drive this last 10% will happen you can bet on it TWU, start packing your stuff and taking down your stupid signs, cause AMFA is coming, give yourself a pat on the back Jim Little. :rolleyes:

Video was shot from 2 cameras, not 3.

And much work remains before the TWU should pack anything. The last 10% will by far be the tuffest.

Thanks for Your Support and Help.
CIO, you remain an ignorant coward. If there was any editing it was probably the spot where Kirk Wells acts like a typical inept twu lackey. You must come up with something more original then your recent post. Getting nervous? 8000 cards and signing. What about that 50% mark comment you made?

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