Twu Lies - On Video

hey Radboy..get it right here ma man...AMFA - A Union Of Professionals Your professionalism is leaking through..hahahahahahahaha..and Busty..don't ever never ever apologize for your a proud amfa follower ma bruddah...even losers should expose some proud!...and Hackboy..what is it that captures your eye on me...someone lied to ya..that's not my branch going straght up...but feel free to climb...hahahahahahaha...hunters you all is...Bob produces intellegent thougts and spends the time to type those thoughts for us to read.
...hey dummie...knock knock...anyone close to being home in your mind there RV?...Do you really mow Booby's lawn and fill in as his houseboy?...*buuurrrrrppp*....and Davey...can we talk about your forum, or what's left, just a bitsy witsy. I see by the drop off of posts that you amfa boyzzzzzz are wishy washy followers of evils of the world...they are out fighting the battle ma bruddah..they don't have time to come to your forum and participate...agitate, agitate, agitate....until the blood of the evildoers runs through the streets like water to the got a high level of self esteem Davey...might want to cut it down a least make it believable, and member ma bruddah...ya must make your goals attainable..don't always set yoself up for failure...follow the quest for the Holy Quill with me Davey...I can set you free...hahahahahahahaha...(_*_)..*pfffoooof*...scooze me....high protein...hahahahahahahahahaha
Hey Dippy, looks like AMFA supporters would like to see you stick around and help us out. Where have you been?
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