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TWU-IAM Finally Getting Ready for JCBA Negotiations

Rogallo said:
Possible NMB ruling letter put out. Contract proposal form letter put out.
Sounds like a decision tomorrow.
And as predicted, association granted.
Any wagers?
I think they'll be a vote?
4.2 BILLION and OIL nearing  40$
Plenty of room for contract enhancements
3X holiday Pay for 12 Holidays
180 Days IOD
Pension reinstatement
Retiree Medical
12 Sick days a year
8 hour Day
8 weeks Vacation
Medical Cap
Shift Differential 10 percent nights 5 percent afternoons
Industry leader in pay plus 10 percent
If you want to be number this is a step in the right direction but then again there is always number 2 and 3 and 4.....
what does AA want to be ?
AA-MRO.COM said:
4.2 BILLION and OIL nearing  40$
Plenty of room for contract enhancements
3X holiday Pay for 12 Holidays
180 Days IOD
Pension reinstatement
Retiree Medical
12 Sick days a year
8 hour Day
8 weeks Vacation
Medical Cap
Shift Differential 10 percent nights 5 percent afternoons
Industry leader in pay plus 10 percent
If you want to be number this is a step in the right direction but then again there is always number 2 and 3 and 4.....
what does AA want to be ?
You forgot a car allowance and free college for the kids.
Maybe because the vote will be granted is why they "came to Jesus" with the marriage made in hell known as the twu/iam.
I got my $$ on Black....... No Vote and a agreement within 3 mos....... Did you AMFA guys really think you were gonna get in?...
Mr. Parker is going to give us so much back the Twu/Iam are going to be beside themselves and will most likely ask to give back things!
Looking for leading pay plus the 4% and increase for no profit sharing.
Double time after 12
Holiday pay back to 2.5X
10 Holidays
10% 401k contribution no match required on are part, young guys starting out having a hard time making it out there. **** I am having a hard time.
Sick time back to full pay and increase sick bank
2 Comp days a year
this would be a good ending point!
It'll be interesting to see how this finally plays out.
After the TWU/ibt -AA quick file shenanigans, and the ibt attempted raid at US, the dissatisfaction in the craft is evident. Add to it, the alliance was formed without membership consent,  and the NMB would need big stones indeed to try and float this absent a membership vote.
If the NMB tries to certify the association without a vote, I'd expect to see legal action taken almost immediately
It wasnt an attempted raid at US, it was a raid.
ThirdSeatHero said:
It'll be interesting to see how this finally plays out.
After the TWU/ibt -AA quick file shenanigans, and the ibt attempted raid at US, the dissatisfaction in the craft is evident. Add to it, the alliance was formed without membership consent,  and the NMB would need big stones indeed to try and float this absent a membership vote.
If the NMB tries to certify the association without a vote, I'd expect to see legal action taken almost immediately
Another lawsuit? Wow that's one suing happy group you got there.
WeAAsles said:
Another lawsuit? Wow that's one suing happy group you got there.
Its not my group, but I doubt those interested parties at AA are simply going to sit on their hands, if a supposed neutral government agency (NMB) violates its published rules and attempts to certify the alliance without a vote of the membership.
We'll certainly see.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Its not my group, but I doubt those interested parties at AA are simply going to sit on their hands, if a supposed neutral government agency (NMB) violates its published rules and attempts to certify the alliance without a vote of the membership.
We'll certainly see.
"IF, IF" the NMB certifies the Association without a vote I'm 100% sure that they will have their ducks very solidly straight in a row.
WeAAsles said:
"IF, IF" the NMB certifies the Association without a vote I'm 100% sure that they will have their ducks very solidly straight in a row.
Well those would have to be some "ducks" to get around their published rules on representational issues related to mergers.
As I said, we will certainly see.