Didn't you just post the IAM and their concerns DON'T matter? Do you realize mergers bring nothing but animosity and bad blood between workers of both companies. --And a vote brings harmony? Or expecting the IAM to cede to the TWU is not going to bring animosity? You guys should think your position before coming out with a convoluted stance.
Not sure if you work with any ex TWAers, but there is ALWAYS that dislike and mistrust on both sides. --I do work next to TWA folks and they're upset because they feel they were wronged. They've carried that torch for the last 13 years. Your solution is to create more of that but not allowing the IAM Members an ability to have a voice of their own.
As the US guys how they and the Piedmont people feel towards each other nearly 20 years later?
Delta and PAN AM? Delta and NWA scabs? NWA and Republic?
Do you really believe this is going to be a love fest? --Not by any stretch, many TWU Members can't get along with people they've worked with for the last 20+ years. The Association allows the majority of those IAM Members the ability to keep what they're familiar with representation wise and that will certainly help in making the work environment better for both sides.
Do you realize this "butting of heads" will ensure that the JCBA gets dragged out months maybe years? --Do you realize we can take care of negotiations dragging for years without the assistance of anyone else. That's not really a good point, Metal, it's not like we have swift negotiations. To the contrary....they Draaaaaaaaag.
Just look at UA and CO.......6 years and no contract? AND WITH THE SAME UNION? Your point? Do you believe it is better for the TWU to control the entire negotiation? Does that mean the IAM concerns will be brushed off in the same manner as the OH concerns?