TWU/IAM Association Negotiations for Fleet Service and M&R Are Delayed For Extension Talks

yeah, it's a no-brainer for those maxed-out. some peers of mine are grumbling a bit about no signing bonus. we (me included) never got the memo that today's signing bonus is a distorted quasi yesterday's retro pay. i got the memo here, so, i'm not too disappointed.

example - the ticket agents. if they got a $3/hr raise on DOS and worked 8,000 hours between 2020-2024: $200 per year of service signing bonus does not equal $24,000 retro pay. another piece of math that only works for the powers that be....but, i digress...

overall, i'd be leery of the next contract. i got it wrong in 2016. when parker bumped us up - with no obligation; $4/hr to match united, i felt the proof was in the pudding that an industry-leading contract was right down the road. 4 years later, we got that contract. not very expedient at all.

i'm looking to leave and the timing seems right, but this is a different era. no retro does not incentivize the company to negotiate in a timely manner. until then, we'll watch united and delta make moves to keep up.

With that 2027 raise I’m going to be over the 100K mark without OT in wages/Holidays/retirement contributions. The way the Company is headed if it keeps up I may actually be enticed to go past my planned retirement date (2030)

Truth is I’m starting to actually wish people would start appreciating this and (gasp) actually thank the Company. I mean why the hell not? I’m getting sick of the miserables in my age range group now.

I get it the job can suck sometimes. Lot’s of work and weather. But this is at the point of being paid well now and I work to get paid.

The CWA is a weak Union. That’s just a fact. The Airlines is not where they belong.

Don’t be surprised to see a repeat of this economic extension the next time too. It’s quick and un-messy for the Company. Less headaches and maybe in time happier employees.
no doubt. as a shareholder, i rate him an asset to the company.

can't and won't get into details, but this company needs more ralphs and less ambitious/incompetent levels in between the work and the top bosses.

i don't remember the twu's stance, but i believe the aa pilots and aa flight attendants unions went for parker's plan and leadership post-merger and rejected the legacy aa mngt.'s plan and leadership. if i remember correctly, legacy aa's plan was more RJ flying and hold steady mainline flying. i guess we got what we asked for - ramp ops-wise; dubious concepts like rovers and dynamic manning have to be lumped, since we (the unions) embraced legacy us air's post-merger plan.

TWU didn’t jump right in bed with Parker. They needed convincing from some economists first. They also didn’t go for that Interest Based Bargaining schtick that the other Unions fell for. I’m glad we got our long haul negotiations out of the way when we did. The other Groups had buyers remorse and I never had that. I like our Contract just as it is fine. It could be better sure but so can the World. 🌎
Here the Maintenance Presidents mention the comparison to SWA but with some areas they will make more and also mentioning the multiple thousands more jobs in house.

An AA Lead (CC) forwarded the twu video to me about their latest extension. He said it was the first time that they did use SWA wages as the main comparo. He said thx to us for having the industry leading wages that they could use. They matched all wages at SWA except for line as they added $1 line prem.
The twu just proved that AMFA @ SWA had the best in industry wages and even used AMFA's contract for the main comparo for the wages.
So for all you AMFA haters out here, you can now thank an AMFA/SWA mechanic for your new wages in the extension.
AMFA once "again" set the wage bar in the industry, you're welcome... :)
Congrats to all our fella mechanics at AA should you all decide to vote it in. Was hoping for you all to get 2-5% higher like AMFA did over the other airlines when they did our extension so we would have a better target next time too.
I have not verified any numbers as of yet-only going by what they all say in the video at this point...
