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TWU - Fear Based Union Leadership and Intimidation

OldGuy@AA said:
I don't want the alliance because the TWU and IAM have done a lousy job of representing their memberships by themselves.  Logic tells me they would do no better and in fact most likely be worse in the alliance.  I never tried a #### sandwich either but I know I wouldn't like it.  I also know what it is like to be the lowest paid with the worst benefits in the industry.  I don't like that either.  I would love to see change.  Making two inept unions into an association is not change at all.  Quit drinking all that Koolaid and wake up!
I don't drink Kool-Aid. Water or Fruit Juice for me thank you.
WeAAsles said:
I have no respect for anyone who says they would vote no union and I really don't have any words either.

You want to vote no union I'd prefer then to not even waste my time with you.
If you don't respect my opinion and you don't want to waste your time with me then please put me on ignore.
Do us both a favor.
Bob Owens said:
Really? Public sector unions exist in Europe and they have more democracy than we do. That statement is ridiculous. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Actually you do see European societies collapsing......  Perhaps you have heard of the European Debt Crisis. Join us in Realityville Bob.
No rebuttal Bob? I must say I am a bit disappointed. 
NYer said:
You either support unions or you don't. It is quite apparent, like many the feel as you do, as long as you reap benefits from a union then you're fine. Unfortunately, it is difficult to have a conversation about this with you because you will just repeat the same nonsense conservative talking heads spew.
After my time (12 years) working under the TWU I would NEVER vote for a UNION in my workplace. I cannot even express how much better my life is now. 
WeAAsles said:
Oh I get it. Since YOU are in the private sector it's ok to have unions but you don't think the public sector should be afforded the same rights or protections. Whatever the public decides these people should make that's it.

What a load of BS.
MetalMover said:
Now this is a load of BS...
The public pays for those contracts with their taxes.
My taxes pay help pay for some of the highest paid teachers and cops in the nation....I don't ever recall receiving a ballot to vote on their salary and benefits.
MetalMover pretty much said anything I would have said. 
WeAAsles said:
Union workers complaining about what other union members make because THEY have to pay them.
That is some impressive detective work there Sherlock.
700UW said:
And Bob, you arent being truthful, 
I have never caught Bob in a lie. I catch you in one about once every two weeks. Your credibility is less than ZERO.
MetalMover said:
Of course public workers pay taxes...SO WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BET THEY WILL ALWAYS VOTE YES? You know, so they get more for their tax dollars than those who aren't public workers.
Exactly, public sector UNIONS are nothing more than taxpayer funded Democratic Party voting machines. You would have to be truly stupid or in denial not to see it.
MetalMover said:
Hey' there's always the bankruptcy option. More will follow Detroit.
As long as the Democratic Party is buying votes with taxpayer money this will be a trend.
OldGuy@AA said:
Logic tells me they would do no better and in fact most likely be worse in the alliance. 
I am glad to see you say that. I am in full agreement.
700UW said:
Those issues dont put food my table or money in my wallet.
Neither does supporting private sector UNIONS being funded with taxpayer money by the Democratic Party. 
You seem to be fine with that, of course you are pushing an agenda so I can see why. 
You never answered my question, what did the IAM do for you to make you such a loyal follower
700UW said:
I am not an IAM employee, nor am I rep, I dont represent anyone.
So please tell me how I am keeping everyone in the dark when I have no official capacity for or with or on behalf of the IAM?
Again what kind of deal did they cut you?
700UW said:
I dont speak for the IAM, I speak for myself.
Who are you trying to kid? You speak for them every day.
700UW said:
You do realize EVERY union took it in the shorts during the Bankruptcy era, do you realize US filed Chapter 11 in 2002 and we were forced into two rounds of concessions or face chapter 7.
In 2004 they filed again and we never reached an agreement and our CBA was abrogated.
ALPA, AFA, CWA, IAM, IBT, TWU and every other union in the business took it in the shorts, as the laws favor the company and creditors, not the employees.
Until Congress becomes labor friendly nothing will change. 
You do realize that while every union took it in the shorts only the IAM and TWU ended up taking it much much deeper. Look at the deal the IAM cut eight years AFTER their company left BK and after the new company posted record profits of $1.5 billion in just one quarter!!! Cant blame BK on that turd, this is their second agreement after leaving BK,  boasting that they were able to get what the TWU got in BK while staying silent about what delta and UAL, let alone SWA was getting. 
The laws don't favor "the companies", they favor the Airlines, only the airlines can impose permanent contracts on their Union members. 
Wait for a labor friendly Congress? Don't count on Congress to do the Unions work for them. What efforts have the Unions made to correct 1167 and take away an airlines ability to impose permanent contracts on Airline Workers? What efforts have the Unions made, unions that collect millions in COPE dollars from their members , that's the  Committee on Political EDUCATION  to even inform its members of the impact of the AFA/NWA decision? 
Actually you do see European societies collapsing......  Perhaps you have heard of the European Debt Crisis. Join us in Realityville Bob.
Perhaps you haven't heard about the American Debt Crisis? And our Public sector groups don't have the right to strike, and neither do Airline workers, and now even private sector nurses, the list continues to grow and with it income inequality grows, and as the tax burden on the Rich gets lessened, and as the rest of us make less, the crises gets worse.
MetalMover said:
Now this is a load of BS...
The public pays for those contracts with their taxes.
My taxes pay help pay for some of the highest paid teachers and cops in the nation....I don't ever recall receiving a ballot to vote on their salary and benefits.
True, but in the case of teachers you elect the people who negotiate their contracts. 

La Li Lu Le Lo said : "After my time (12 years) working under the TWU I would NEVER vote for a UNION in my workplace. I cannot even express how much better my life is now." 

They why, La Li Lu Le Lo, are you in these pages wasting your happiness
MetalMover said:
Now this is a load of BS...
The public pays for those contracts with their taxes.
My taxes pay help pay for some of the highest paid teachers and cops in the nation....I don't ever recall receiving a ballot to vote on their salary and benefits.
The public doesn't have a say in private sector unions, but I guess it's OK if we eventually have the highest compensation in the country and the passengers have to pay more.

So the moral of the story seems to be that YOU don't want to contribute to someone else's contract, but it is perfectly OK for others to push for yours. That's called hypocritical.... just like most Conservatives.
Back on topic. Are we going to let them use fear to try and push this abortion through
NYer said:
The public doesn't have a say in private sector unions, but I guess it's OK if we eventually have the highest compensation in the country and the passengers have to pay more.

So the moral of the story seems to be that YOU don't want to contribute to someone else's contract, but it is perfectly OK for others to push for yours. That's called hypocritical.... just like most Conservatives.
No the public doesn't have a say in my contract...They don't need to. The companies we work for just force feed contracts down our throats with the help of unions like the TWU or they have a bankruptcy judge do it for them. No one wants to pay higher fares just to pay the tab on my contract. But they sure don't have a problem paying airline fees like baggage and more legroom.
When the public has had enough of elected officials negotiating these contracts, we are stuck paying the tab until they can be voted out....That is hypocrisy.
I have no problem paying taxes for the police and teachers, but when it gets outrageous, enough is enough. 
Would you be willing to pay $15000, $20,000...maybe $30,000 a year in taxes for general and school?
What's your limit?
NYer said:
 La Li Lu Le Lo said : "After my time (12 years) working under the TWU I would NEVER vote for a UNION in my workplace. I cannot even express how much better my life is now." 

They why, La Li Lu Le Lo, are you in these pages wasting your happiness
I have my reasons. I will not go into specifics because I do not wish to publicly share that much information about myself.
The biggest reason I come here is because I see the TWU for what they really are.... control and manipulation. I think the membership deserves better than that.
I did not say "I cannot even express how much better my life is now."  because I wanted to brag or gloat. I said that because I think a lot of American Airlines employees probably want to leave American Airlines but they are a bit apprehensive, which is totally understandable. They have been caught in that seniority to survive mindset too long (GOLDEN HANDCUFFS). Those were supposed to be words of encouragement. 
I know I am not the only one that has considered that it is important to remind people that "there is life after the airlines".
MCI transplant said:
Remember there is life after the Airlines!  My son's an AMT ----------, Currently in Washington State!  

Bob Owens said:
Perhaps you haven't heard about the American Debt Crisis
Of course I have, I call them Democrats. The party of spending other people's money.
By the way how is that whole Obamacare thing working out?
The fact is Bob you stated that European societies were not falling apart.... the fact is that is EXACTLY what is happening, and it is due to government debt.... government pensions being at the top of the list.
NYer said:
The public doesn't have a say in private sector unions, but I guess it's OK if we eventually have the highest compensation in the country and the passengers have to pay more.

So the moral of the story seems to be that YOU don't want to contribute to someone else's contract, but it is perfectly OK for others to push for yours. That's called hypocritical.... just like most Conservatives.
The flaw in your logic is that private businesses has to control cost, the government never does. 
We now hopefully conclude this public service announcement from your talking heads over at Faux news.

Please continue to support the elitists as they're looking out for (themselves) you.

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