I am telling you the government is inefficient by design and that it usually takes many more people to accomplish a task then it does in the private sector. I am telling you that when those people retire they get pension which is very expensive to maintain. I am telling you pensions in the private sector are all but gone but government employees
EXPECT to get one. 401k is the new norm, the government employees need to join us here in the real world.
401k is the new norm? That dosent make it right to want to take away a pension if it was promised by their employer. It was wrong when/if they took yours and it would be wrong to take it from them.
So your friend has full benefits, pension, and makes $19.23 an hour. Cry me a river. How many in the private sector do you think have it that good?
Who's crying? I never said he was underpaid. I just find people like you sickening who begrudge him his pay and benefits. People in the private sector who dont have it that good should fight to get more for themselves not to have it taken away from others.
What does your friend do? Where does he live? What kind of education does he have?
Heather Fong makes $277,656 a year. Tell me again about those "meager pensions".
Who is Heather Fong? A commissioner? A department chief? A city council member? A former mayor or govenor? I am talking about working people. No rank and file public worker makes that kind of pension.
The SFPD has also been criticized for the high salaries received by staff. Due to the high cost of living in the Bay Area, SFPD officers starting salary is the highest in the country at $88,842 to $114,164.[21] Greg Suhr, is the highest paid police chief in the country, at $321,577.[22]
What should a SF cop make? 35k? 20k? 17k? How little would be enough to satisfy you? Are you in law enforcement? What the hell do you know about being a cop in SF?