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TWU - Fear Based Union Leadership and Intimidation

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I am telling you the government is inefficient by design and that it usually takes many more people to accomplish a task then it does in the private sector. I am telling you that when those people retire they get pension which is very expensive to maintain. I am telling you pensions in the private sector are all but gone but government employees EXPECT to get one. 401k is the new norm, the government employees  need to join us here in the real world.
401k is the new norm? That dosent make it right to want to take away a pension if it was promised by their employer. It was wrong when/if they took yours and it would be wrong to take it from them.
So your friend has full benefits, pension, and makes $19.23 an hour. Cry me a river. How many in the private sector do you think have it that good?
Who's crying? I never said he was underpaid. I just find people like you sickening who begrudge him his pay and benefits. People in the private sector who dont have it that good should fight to get more for themselves not to have it taken away from others.
What does your friend do? Where does he live? What kind of education does he have?
Heather Fong makes $277,656 a year. Tell me again about those "meager pensions".
Who is Heather Fong? A commissioner? A department chief? A city council member? A former mayor or govenor? I am talking about working people. No rank and file public worker makes that kind of pension.
The SFPD has also been criticized for the high salaries received by staff. Due to the high cost of living in the Bay Area, SFPD officers starting salary is the highest in the country at $88,842 to $114,164.[21] Greg Suhr, is the highest paid police chief in the country, at $321,577.[22]
What should a SF cop make? 35k? 20k? 17k? How little would be enough to satisfy you? Are you in law enforcement? What the hell do you know about being a cop in SF?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
A libtard stereotyping people. Nothing new to see here.
Not stereotyping when it comes to the law of averages. I survived 12 years in Texas and your kind were an infestation everywhere I turned. I was quite happy to get out of that hell hole full of ignorant, racist, homophobic, misogynist, intolerant, backwater illiterates.

Stereotyping? No. Reality.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The flaw in your logic is that private businesses has to control cost, the government never does.
So you are saying to lower the pay and benefits and work rules of the government employees. Getting rid of the lifetime befentits of all military branches and those that support them and lowering the existing pay and benefits would help your cause. Do you get a government benefit for service ?
WeAAsles said:
Angry white guy born in the South at least gives me a door prize.
The only prize you will ever win is the booby prize. 
booby prize is a joke prize usually given in recognition of a terrible performance or last-place finish.
WeAAsles said:
Not stereotyping when it comes to the law of averages. I survived 12 years in Texas and your kind were an infestation everywhere I turned. I was quite happy to get out of that hell hole full of ignorant, racist, homophobic, misogynist, intolerant, backwater illiterates.

Stereotyping? No. Reality.
I am sure they were quite happy you got out to. 
Survived......... you have a very active imagination. It must be from all the fantasy you partake in as a libtard. How is that Obamacare working for you?
Zom JFK said:
Who's crying? I never said he was underpaid. I just find people like you sickening who begrudge him his pay and benefits. People in the private sector who dont have it that good should fight to get more for themselves not to have it taken away from others.
Who is Heather Fong? A commissioner? A department chief? A city council member? A former mayor or govenor? I am talking about working people. No rank and file public worker makes that kind of pension.
What should a SF cop make? 35k? 20k? 17k? How little would be enough to satisfy you? Are you in law enforcement? What the hell do you know about being a cop in SF?
You are right. I am not suggesting taking it from people who have already earned a pension. Nothing is stopping the government from putting all new hires on 401k though, and they should.
YOU are the one who alluded to 40k being a low wage. YOU are the one who called his pension paltry. I have news for you... most people don't get a pension. If he gets one at all he should count himself lucky.
Heather Fong is a retired police chief of the SFPD. Most of her pension was earned working as a "safety worker". If you want to know more Google her.
That depends on your geographical location, cost of living, and population. I would say over a quarter of a million dollars a year would not fall into "reasonable" in any way. Keep in mind that was her pension not her pay. That is over a million dollars of cost to the taxpayers over 4 years for ONE person. A million dollars of tax money that is showing no benefit to the taxpayers of SF.
What you should really be asking yourself is how you can justify paying someone 80k a year when the employer (in this case the people) on average make far below that. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
Wild guess is you have lived in Oklahoma your entire life.
No. I have lived in Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, and Georgia as well.
What is wrong with Oklahoma? I can say while the rest of the United States had high unemployment and high fuel costs our unemployment remained fairly low and thanks to our local refineries our fuel was generally cheaper. I have heard many travelers and people bumping into TULE comment on how clean Tulsa is.  You can own a nice home here fairly cheaply. If there is one complaint I have it is the sorry roads. Our roads are truly abysmal.  i attribute that to semi truck traffic and chaotic weather patterns.
What was unemployment like where you lived? How much was your fuel? How clean is your city? How much does a house cost where you live?
I will take for granted your roads are better.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You are right. I am not suggesting taking it from people who have already earned a pension. Nothing is stopping the government from putting all new hires on 401k though, and they should.
Why? so they can join the race to the bottom? You dont get one so neither should they? The 401k was created to supplement a pension not replace it. Private sector workers should get their pensions BACK.
YOU are the one who alluded to 40k being a low wage. YOU are the one who called his pension paltry. I have news for you... most people don't get a pension. If he gets one at all he should count himself lucky.
I have news for you, 40k isn't a lot of money where we live. I was responding to your belief that people like him make too much.
Heather Fong is a retired police chief of the SFPD. Most of her pension was earned working as a "safety worker". If you want to know more Google her.
Like I thought a department chief, of course she worked her way through the ranks but her pension is based on her last position.
That depends on your geographical location, cost of living, and population. I would say over a quarter of a million dollars a year would not fall into "reasonable" in any way. Keep in mind that was her pension not her pay. That is over a million dollars of cost to the taxpayers over 4 years for ONE person. A million dollars of tax money that is showing no benefit to the taxpayers of SF.
99% of SF police dont retire with a quarter of a million pension. Nowhere near it. You're using the example of a department chief. Its like comparing a Fleet service pension to an AA executive retirement package.
What you should really be asking yourself is how you can justify paying someone 80k a year when the employer (in this case the people) on average make far below that.
In many cities it takes that much just to get by. Public employees are not getting rich in spite of what the think tanks for the one percent are telling you. What you should be asking yourself is if public employee pensions are discontinued and their pay lowered  where do you think that money is going to go? Tax breaks for billionaires, not you or me.
Sorry for being off topic. I just couldn't take this guys spew about how public employees need to be brought low. Working class people across the board in this country have been brought low enough.
Private sector workers should get their pensions BACK.
Let me know when you get back from Fantasy Land and join us back here in Realityville. 
I have news for you, 40k isn't a lot of money where we live. I was responding to your belief that people like him make too much.
You keep saying that but supply no details about, time on the job, average income per resident, education level, job title.
Like I thought a department chief, of course she worked her way through the ranks but her pension is based on her last position.
No. She draws 2 pensions. The one she gets for being a "safety worker" is over 200k. Spin it how you want but a quarter of a million dollars a year in pension is ridiculous by any stretch of the imagination.
99% of SF police dont retire with a quarter of a million pension. Nowhere near it. You're using the example of a department chief. Its like comparing a Fleet service pension to an AA executive retirement package.
No, I am using the example of a safety worker. The pension she gets for being a police chief was under 50k.
In many cities it takes that much just to get by. Public employees are not getting rich in spite of what the think tanks for the one percent are telling you. What you should be asking yourself is if public employee pensions are discontinued and their pay lowered  where do you think that money is going to go? Tax breaks for billionaires, not you or me.
What you should be asking yourself is where that money comes from.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
No. I have lived in Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, and Georgia as well.
Sounds like you got some government service ? will all those moves
Back on Topic. Although I didn't make it to the TWU 514 meeting yesterday I was told the VP said the US guys would love to have our Scope on outsourcing and recommended we go forward with the association as a means to get back to negotiations quicker.
2ndGENAMT said:
Back on Topic. Although I didn't make it to the TWU 514 meeting yesterday I was told the VP said the US guys would love to have our Scope on outsourcing and recommended we go forward with the association as a means to get back to negotiations quicker.
Do they realize with the past history of the TWU in order to get something they have to give up twice as much? I dont see JCBA talks in no hurry. Look at UAL, they are operating as a single airline and no JCBA. It does not seem to have an affect on the operation of the airline whether they have one or not. We all have agreements in place. This makes it easier for the company to sit back and keep us on the back burner so they can take care of more pressing matters. I also strongly doubt anything the TWU says that sounds promising to the membership.

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