Last things first:
If the average wage argument has to include the impact of work outsourced to raise the in-house wage rate why does the TWU only include WN, UPS and FDX when discussing the in-house wage rate during outsourcing if they also include UA, DL, CO and US when discussing the pay parity of the AA AMT?
I agree that the wage rate argument has to include the impact of work outsourced: the problem is that outside the TWU Elite; you guys have never bothered to inform us of the degree of the wage disparity for Overhaul.
In fact, we do not know that the total cost of outsourcing is lower than the total cost of insourcing given that the comapny never actually funded their promises under the DBP and that they now propose, to the BK Court that they own their contributions to the TWU Retiree Health Care Trust, and to totally eliminate retiree health care for those already retired and eliminate retiree health coverage for all of those still employed.
We do not know that actual average wage rate for any of the overhaul bases given the number of OSMs' deployed and the fact that overhaul does fully staff all docks, shops and lines 24-7-365 is not competitive with the costs of outsourcing that same work and the rework experienced from the recent experience with the last several 757's outsourced to Greensboro, NC.
This is not a Line v. Overhaul thing: this is an information versus disinformation thing. Sort of like Obama wanting Romney to give up all of his financial records while Obama refuses to give up all of his educational records.
I personally think that having refused the 2010 TA, we only avoided deeper concessions now given that the ask would have had to include those raises.Given that most people spend more when they make more, I could reasonably argue that the degree of financial difficulty would now be far worse for the average TWU M&R Represented Union Member given the ratification of the 2010 TA and that the job of the TWU International Officer would be far easier given that we had already given significant concessions which the Company, under testimony and negotiations, have refused to grant credit in the current BK Negotiations.