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TWU and Teamsters are mirror images of each other.

Here is a bit of fact to chew on.

So few members, most of the Locals can not be supported and have ZERO members. How sad for the AMFA. I almost feel sorry for them.


Locals and other Affiliated Organizations
Union Unit Name Location Members Aircraft Mechanics Association National Headquarters Aurora, CO 2,827 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 11 Dallas, TX 933 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 32 Tempe, AZ 723 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 18 Houston, MO 687 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 14 Seatac, WA 447 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 37 Romulus, MI 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 34 Laconia, NH 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 2 Laconia, NH 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 33 Msp Aurora, CO 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 5 Aurora, CO 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 35 Bloomington, MN 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 38 Memphis, TN 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 19 Morrow, GA 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 17 Laconia, NH 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 9 Sfo Aurora, CO 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 39 Amfa Local 39 Aurora, CO 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 4 Aurora, CO 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 1 Mineola, NY 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 3 Aurora, CO 0 Aircraft Mechanics Association Local 8 Aurora, CO 0


Your back!

Now you have 446 total posts and 288 slams. There's just a whole lotta people who don't like what you write.

Why is that?

Your back!

Now you have 446 total posts and 288 slams. There's just a whole lotta people who don't like what you write.

Why is that?

That is all rather cute, but the FACT remains, amfa has given up almost 20 THOUSAND members, while the Teamsters have gained that and more. Why do you think that is??

Say what you want, under amfa, I LOST money and benefits. They promised the moon and I received dirt.

Just ONE Teamster contract reversed all the damage dome by amfa and more. Our second might even take us to where we should rightfully be financially. If not, I am making much more money than amfa ever promised in many of their empty campaigns.

How many times have you PERSONALLY voted me down? It only tells me that I threaten your rhetorical BS. I am good with getting the truth out about your silly little amfa circus. Vote me down all you want. The facts are still on my side.
An older post by a former NWA employee...

a picture painted is only painted by the artist. If you allow the picture to be painted without your hand on the brush then you alone are the fool. Just look at nwa. People that should be there and are not because they followed the heard and fell over the cliff just for themselves believing in fools that have no reality of what existence is. Believe in yourself and your years of knowledge in the industry. Fools are fools and they will always be. AMFA never believed in you they only believed in themselves, they never gave the workers the ability to control any situation. Trust me I know. fools are fools and fools will go away in time. Good luck to all those who believed that what they were told would be true. Why are so many mechs returning to nwa if there are SO many good jobs out there. guess what there are not and they are realizing that. It's not that there are it's that they were fools believing in fools and they are where they should be in a word of misfits in the world of those that are not.
That is all rather cute, but the FACT remains, amfa has given up almost 20 THOUSAND members, while the Teamsters have gained that and more. Why do you think that is??

Say what you want, under amfa, I LOST money and benefits. They promised the moon and I received dirt.

Just ONE Teamster contract reversed all the damage dome by amfa and more. Our second might even take us to where we should rightfully be financially. If not, I am making much more money than amfa ever promised in many of their empty campaigns.

How many times have you PERSONALLY voted me down? It only tells me that I threaten your rhetorical BS. I am good with getting the truth out about your silly little amfa circus. Vote me down all you want. The facts are still on my side.

Rice, you really need to get more informed about the teamsters. Once again, DO NOT believe what the teamsters tell you, make them prove it, or you guys will be in the same shoes as the UAL/CAL guys. You seem to be the only one on here completely confused or brain washed from the teamsters. Wake up man!!!

To each his own opinion.
No brain washing here but if I'm going to sign a pitcher I had much rather have a MAJOR LEAGUER than a minor leaguer.
To each his own opinion.
No brain washing here but if I'm going to sign a pitcher I had much rather have a MAJOR LEAGUER than a minor leaguer.

Wow, are you going to be the leader of the minority group if you succeed in your quest to take us into basbeball instead of better representation? This isn't fantasy baseball, it is our futures.
When AMFA was was voted in at UA they saved many unlicensed jobs in the back shops.
Line Mechanics = A&P (some have R&E/FCC as well) then seniority
Line R&E = FCC then seniority
Engine shop = P (Powerplant) then seniority
Sheet Metal shops = A (Airframe) then seniority
Avionics = FCC then seniority

The rest are not required a license so seniority ruled.
In BK the bump and roll started and some shops pulled out qualification tests that were antique and nobody could pass them. AMFA saw this and fought to remove all but the last qualification tests. This saved many people with seniority.

AMFA will protect you by class and craft and seniority.
Been There, Done That...
B) xUT
Thanks for the heads up and straight up answer. I wonder why the AMFA was voted out?
I gave my take on that a few pages ago.... Where were you? I'm still waiting on Dave's take on things..... He must be overcome with FEAR!

No your answers will be forth coming from people directly involved.

I wasn't there, so best get answers from those that were.

You will have an answer soon enough.
An older post by a former NWA employee...

a picture painted is only painted by the artist. If you allow the picture to be painted without your hand on the brush then you alone are the fool. Just look at nwa. People that should be there and are not because they followed the heard and fell over the cliff just for themselves believing in fools that have no reality of what existence is. Believe in yourself and your years of knowledge in the industry. Fools are fools and they will always be. AMFA never believed in you they only believed in themselves, they never gave the workers the ability to control any situation. Trust me I know. fools are fools and fools will go away in time. Good luck to all those who believed that what they were told would be true. Why are so many mechs returning to nwa if there are SO many good jobs out there. guess what there are not and they are realizing that. It's not that there are it's that they were fools believing in fools and they are where they should be in a word of misfits in the world of those that are not.

How about this person?
How about this person?

You can continue to believe eveything a Teamster Stooge says if want.
I don't see a name or a face. Just rhetoric, campaign rhetoric.

We will soon put a name and/or a face on our material for credibility purposes.
You can continue to believe eveything a Teamster Stooge says if want.
I don't see a name or a face. Just rhetoric, campaign rhetoric.

We will soon put a name and/or a face on our material for credibility purposes.

While were waiting on that, why don't you give us your take? Are YOU not credible?