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TWU and Teamsters are mirror images of each other.

If the label says; "AFL-CIO" it's not a good thing. The AMFA is an A&P's best option.
If the IBT is so great how come they only really have UA/CO?

Why does the IBT AMT CBA's have the highest outsourcing going on?

UA/CO, UPS, do I need to continue?
The AFL-CIO is not a good thing. The IBT Airline Division is an AMT's best choice.

It only takes a 3rd grade Math Student to understand Majority Rule and what will become of a minority group in a majority rule structure.

There are many campaign "slogans" and using large blue letters regarding the IBT Airline Division is a great attention getter. But I need more than that to be convinced.

Using your best articulation and mental capacity, please make a posting that responds to the below pie charts that clearly show that the American Airlines AMT's will be a severe minority in the Teamsters 1.4 Million membership and in the 80,000 member IBT Airline Division. Please explain in detail was it being offered to overcome the majority rule system of the Teamsters and the undeniable fact that the AA AMT will be a minority in this structure. My lack of college education might not match some here, but I do know what happens to a group that becomes a minority in a majority rule structure.

Riceweevil, without personal attacks and without deflecting attention, please explain the plan you have in place to overcome simple math and how a majority rule structure will work for us once we would follow your lead and become a minority in the IBT Airline Division that you seem so convinced is our "best choice".

Thanks in advance for adult response to this request.


Out the 4,000 (only 4,000?) A&P's the AMFA represents. How many are welders?
You stumped me with your typical deflection away from a serious issue....how many?
I just figured you being the AMFA wizard, you would know. Do you not know? I imagine Alaska and SW must have a few at their OH bases. Right?
Oh! You never did tell us your version of what happened at NWA after the AMFA got in? Do tell.

How about United?

You should change your screen name to the TWU MISINFORMER. Once again you spread misinformation with your fancy charts. The IBT DUES are 2.5 hours per month of BASE PAY.

Can amfa or the TWU sign an agreement that they won't raise the dues to 2.5 hours/month in the next 36 months.It takes money to operate a union and fight corporate America on many different fronts.
Maybe if amfa charged 2.5 hours/month they could afford return postage on the election cards that were mailed out recently to AA MXS.

Simple math= add the AA MXS and you have almost 30,000 AMTS in the IBT

FYI I was at the meeting and they discussed the POSSIBILTY of TULE being part of the Houston Local. It is not a done deal as you state in your fancy charts. Once again MISINFORMATION.

You should change your screen name to the TWU MISINFORMER. Once again you spread misinformation with your fancy charts. The IBT DUES are 2.5 hours per month of BASE PAY.

Can amfa or the TWU sign an agreement that they won't raise the dues to 2.5 hours/month in the next 36 months.It takes money to operate a union and fight corporate America on many different fronts.
Maybe if amfa charged 2.5 hours/month they could afford return postage on the election cards that were mailed out recently to AA MXS.

Simple math= add the AA MXS and you have almost 30,000 AMTS in the IBT

FYI I was at the meeting and they discussed the POSSIBILTY of TULE being part of the Houston Local. It is not a done deal as you state in your fancy charts. Once again MISINFORMATION.
You guys are unbelievable.
Check the AMFA constitution and you will find your answer.

Maybe if amfa charged 2.5 hours/month they could afford return postage on the election cards that were mailed out recently to AA MXS
Odd you would mention this as I posted a link to an authorization card with return postage a few months ago.
I would bet that the twu/ibt minions sent in so many bogus cards just to drain the postage fees from the international.
Really a class act.
Do you have a link to the ibt and twu authorization cards that have return postage?
Maybe I can return the favor.
B) xUT
You should change your screen name to the TWU MISINFORMER. Once again you spread misinformation with your fancy charts. The IBT DUES are 2.5 hours per month of BASE PAY.

Can amfa or the TWU sign an agreement that they won't raise the dues to 2.5 hours/month in the next 36 months.It takes money to operate a union and fight corporate America on many different fronts.
Maybe if amfa charged 2.5 hours/month they could afford return postage on the election cards that were mailed out recently to AA MXS.

Simple math= add the AA MXS and you have almost 30,000 AMTS in the IBT

FYI I was at the meeting and they discussed the POSSIBILTY of TULE being part of the Houston Local. It is not a done deal as you state in your fancy charts. Once again MISINFORMATION.

Teamsters Constitution Article X Sec

(i) dues for members employed in an industry in
which there is a legal right to strike, other than members
employed as flight attendants or pilots in the airline
industry, shall be increased by one-half times the hourly
earnings rate; thereby establishing a minimum dues rate
of two and one-half (2.5) times the hourly earnings rate;

This does not say "base rate" as you claim. It says "hourly earnings rate"

And at SWA those AMT's left the Teamsters because without a vote their dues were raised to 3 X hourly rate.

Why do you guys pushing the Teamsters not know a damn thing about what you are advocating?

So you admit that the Houston Local is an issue. When do they plan on telling you what you want to hear instead?

And can you address the majority rule issue anytime soon? I can hardly wait!

I just figured you being the AMFA wizard, you would know. Do you not know? I imagine Alaska and SW must have a few at their OH bases. Right?
When AMFA was was voted in at UA they saved many unlicensed jobs in the back shops.
Line Mechanics = A&P (some have R&E/FCC as well) then seniority
Line R&E = FCC then seniority
Engine shop = P (Powerplant) then seniority
Sheet Metal shops = A (Airframe) then seniority
Avionics = FCC then seniority

The rest are not required a license so seniority ruled.
In BK the bump and roll started and some shops pulled out qualification tests that were antique and nobody could pass them. AMFA saw this and fought to remove all but the last qualification tests. This saved many people with seniority.

AMFA will protect you by class and craft and seniority.
Been There, Done That...
B) xUT