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SWA mechs remove ALR

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Oct 23, 2010
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Below is the results of SWA's/AMFA's current ALR re-call vote: 2013 SWA Airline Rep Recall Election Results
222 Voted Yes re-call ALR
139 Voted No to re-call ALR
A very sad 365 members voted. But it does show a rather large majority wanted change, and got change only because we are AMFA. No other industrial unions can you do this with, none... You guys cannot do this with teamsters, IAM, or the TWU. Vote for the membership to take over and run the union. Write in AMFA guys, it will still count as the member wanting to be represented, and if enough of you at US "write in" AMFA on the ballot you guys can very well have a run-off election with AMFA on the ballot. The AA mechanics are having a "write in campaign" to try and get AMFA in over there, you guys would benefit from doing the very same thing over here. Good luck to you all this could be the way to get AMFA in once you all are fully integrated with AA...
So AMFA didn't even bother doing a card drive at US and yet you want them to write in AMFA? What happened at AA? Not enought cards to get on that ballot? So another write in campaign there? You would think that if either of these workgroups wanted AMFA, AMFA, would have had no problem getting the required cards, and thus no need for a "write in" campaign.
AMFA is GRASPING for straws and IMO they did not have the cards at AA but to save face dropped the ball on the filing with the NMB due to lack of supporters. Now they call it a Conspiracy.

AMFA is GRASPING for straws and IMO they did not have the cards at AA but to save face dropped the ball on the filing with the NMB due to lack of supporters. Now they call it a Conspiracy.


I guess you were at the NMB the day of the filing since you appear to know it all.

Please tell us how things transpired while you were at the NMB. We would all like to know.
So AMFA didn't even bother doing a card drive at US and yet you want them to write in AMFA? What happened at AA? Not enought cards to get on that ballot? So another write in campaign there? You would think that if either of these workgroups wanted AMFA, AMFA, would have had no problem getting the required cards, and thus no need for a "write in" campaign.
You can do whatever you want; But I will tell you this. If you guys bring the teamsters in at US, you guys will regret it later. I can say this as we had the teamsters for way, way too long here at SWA. I would also highly recommend that you all "write in AMFA" on the ballot. Much better representation, transparent, democratic, class and craft union where only mechanics run the union. We got sick and tired of the "behind close door" deals that were being done by the teamsters not only at SWA but at CAL (prior to merger with UAL) as well. If anything leave the IAM in place until merger is complete. Too many negatives and problems with the teamsters...
I guess you were at the NMB the day of the filing since you appear to know it all.

Please tell us how things transpired while you were at the NMB. We would all like to know.
That is IMO ONLY... I will say this, It is a smart way to try to stay in the running but that is only IMO also.
Have A Nice Day Sr.
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