Twu/amfa Update

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
Today will be the day for both the TWU and Amfa to submit objections to the AA list.

Amfa will make every effort to decrease the list. Amfa has filed 4 protest to date asking for more time.

TWU will be making every effort to increase the list, so far, have not filed any objections to the time frame.

AA filed a shorter list do to some duplications.

Either way both parties will have until may 8th to file any objections to the lists submitted today. It promises to be vey interesting. I suspect amfa will file for an extension soon after today.

Amfa has already announced they will have an update soon after the filing. We can be assured we will see the boards light up for a couple of days.

The saga continues,
You are again wrong as usual.

The parties have until 4:00 pm ET on May 6th not the 8th as you have claimed, to file responses to the challenges or objections within today's submissions.

Why is it that you are continuosly discoverd to not know the facts regarding what you are talking about?

Tell us all CIO, why would the TWU make "every effort" to increase the list size?
That tells me TWU does NOT want an election because they know they will LOSE! :shock:

A confident body would welcome the election so the membership can unite itself under democratic rule.
Checking it Out said:
Today will be the day for both the TWU and Amfa to submit objections to the AA list.

Amfa will make every effort to decrease the list. Amfa has filed 4 protest to date asking for more time.

TWU will be making every effort to increase the list, so far, have not filed any objections to the time frame.

AA filed a shorter list do to some duplications.

Either way both parties will have until may 8th to file any objections to the lists submitted today. It promises to be vey interesting. I suspect amfa will file for an extension soon after today.

Amfa has already announced they will have an update soon after the filing. We can be assured we will see the boards light up for a couple of days.

The saga continues,
If the TWU admits that they are only collecting dues from 14000 members why would they want to let another 4000, non-members, some of whom are in management, vote?

Seems to me that the TWU would rather risk us going non-union than AMFA.

And what do you think the result of going non-union would be?

For one thing pay in Tulsa would likely be cut down to "competative rates". That is the rate that the overhaul industry pays, not the airlines. And that rate would probably be based on worldwide rates, not just US rates because the point of delivery of service for overhaul is only limited by aircraft range, not neccissarily locality. In a non-union enviornment the line stations would likely be unaffected since our affiliation with the TWU really provided us no protection as far as station staffing. The creeping and coming layoff, the failure to pursue staffing Charlotte, the elimination of maintenance from scores of cities such as Buffalo and Cleveland are all proof of that.
DECISION 2007 said:
Not much difference between no union and amfa...good point Bob.
I think you have it wrong, as usual.

Look at what the company proposed and look at what they got at AA.

They got everything they asked for, there was no "negotiating", the TWU was only told "you decide how to meet the $610 million" and the Union did as the company directed. While they slashed us to the bottom, they kept their $3.1 million intact.

This has NEVER happened to AMFA represented employees.

If anything being TWU is worse than being non-union.

Non-union Fed-Ex still gets holidays and double time, TWU represented workers do not.
DECISION 2007 said:
Not much difference between no union and amfa...good point Bob.
They even have to emulate avatars and the alias to get someone to read their weak untruthful postings. Now they openly campaign for NO UNION!

What a pathetic group of useless wonders.

Thanks for your insight and postings Bob, we in Tulsa enjoy knowing the truth about the line!
Bob Owens said:
I think you have it wrong, as usual.

Look at what the company proposed and look at what they got at AA.

They got everything they asked for, there was no "negotiating", the TWU was only told "you decide how to meet the $610 million" and the Union did as the company directed. While they slashed us to the bottom, they kept their $3.1 million intact.

This has NEVER happened to AMFA represented employees.

If anything being TWU is worse than being non-union.

Non-union Fed-Ex still gets holidays and double time, TWU represented workers do not.
You boys are such morons!!! If you had been at the meeting yesterday you would have heard the truth. As it is you make up your own BS and sell it to those who are buying. It seems that the company was hiding the fact from ALL the unions at AA that they were on the brink of bankruptcy. Mr Little hired the folks who worked the World Com debacle and they and the other financial groups hired by the pilots and flight attendants figured out what was going on.

Mr. Little also mentioned a quote that O.V. Delle-Femine gave to the NY times regarding what he would have done. "We would have taken them into bankruptcy and had a bankruptcy judge decide" What do you amfa boys think of that?? I about hit the floor when I heard that!! Who does that man think he is, God almighty himself?? He is a pathetic excuse for a union leader and has no business controlling a union. Because that is exactly what he is doing, controlling the poor unsuspecting members and leading them down the path of destruction.

I am sick and tired of hearing you boys cry and cry because you can't get answers.....well you just had your chance and you chose not to show up!!! There were two brave fellas who came to get answers and I applaud their courage. You talk about how much the TWU members are cowards....well you just proved to us that you are the true cowards.
And I am sick and tired of concessions!

Twenty years of concessions are enough.
Bill said:
You boys are such morons!!! If you had been at the meeting yesterday you would have heard the truth. As it is you make up your own BS and sell it to those who are buying. It seems that the company was hiding the fact from ALL the unions at AA that they were on the brink of bankruptcy. Mr Little hired the folks who worked the World Com debacle and they and the other financial groups hired by the pilots and flight attendants figured out what was going on.

Mr. Little also mentioned a quote that O.V. Delle-Femine gave to the NY times regarding what he would have done. "We would have taken them into bankruptcy and had a bankruptcy judge decide" What do you amfa boys think of that?? I about hit the floor when I heard that!! Who does that man think he is, God almighty himself?? He is a pathetic excuse for a union leader and has no business controlling a union. Because that is exactly what he is doing, controlling the poor unsuspecting members and leading them down the path of destruction.

I am sick and tired of hearing you boys cry and cry because you can't get answers.....well you just had your chance and you chose not to show up!!! There were two brave fellas who came to get answers and I applaud their courage. You talk about how much the TWU members are cowards....well you just proved to us that you are the true cowards.
william, william, william, relax. The "moron" comment is very positive. Keep it up.

Why would I want to go to a meeting that was packed with paid twu union stewards and rampers and stock clerks and other airline employees? The "questions" asked were sure just as scripted as they were in Tulsa last year when the twu stewards were reading off of note pads.

"Because that is exactly what he is doing, controlling the poor unsuspecting members and leading them down the path of destruction."

Riiiiiiiiight. That is why EIGHT airlines elected AMFA as their bargaining agaent. Tell me william, if AMFA is so bad and the twu is such a great union where are the twu drives organizing AMTs at other airlines? Better yet, why has AMFA not been removed from the EIGHT airlines they already represent?

"You talk about how much the TWU members are cowards....well you just proved to us that you are the true cowards."

twu members are not cowards william. Just twu supporting posters hiding behind an alias while attacking those who wish for democracy and acoountability in a craft union. I will add that twu international UNELECTED officials are below cowards because they are the ones that are "controlling the poor unsuspecting members and leading them down the path of destruction." all the while not sharing the same sacrifice.

Did jim little explain why he lied about the promised FULL REVOTE?

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!
You boys are such morons!!! If you had been at the meeting yesterday you would have heard the truth.

Whose truth? Jim Littles truth? Did he mention anything about the $3.1 million in company paid UB that they saved?If you choose to believe Little then you are the moron.

As it is you make up your own BS and sell it to those who are buying. It seems that the company was hiding the fact from ALL the unions at AA that they were on the brink of bankruptcy.

I thought the union had "full access" to the company's books? How come it took a Wall Street Journal reporter to find the executive packages and Littles experts missed it, along with the $988 million in goodwill, among other things? Didnt Little hire the same company that the company used to make the presentation?

Mr Little hired the folks who worked the World Com debacle and they and the other financial groups hired by the pilots and flight attendants figured out what was going on.

Ok name them all.

Mr. Little also mentioned a quote that O.V. Delle-Femine gave to the NY times regarding what he would have done. "We would have taken them into bankruptcy and had a bankruptcy judge decide" What do you amfa boys think of that??

I am fine with that. Our Lawyer said the same thing.
The figure I've heard is $500 million in costs to go through BK, and that was from the union so it was probably and exaggeration like Littles assertion that the company may go straight to liquidation.

Who really got "saved by all of this?

Boeing- we are still taking delivery of new aircraft from Boeing. If we went BK we could have walked away from those airplanes. We probably recieved a lot more than $500 million worth of airplanes since April of last year.

The Banks- The banks who own the planes can still get the same lease rates as before. As a matter of fact the 10K filed last year said that the company had prepaid some leases.

Other creditors and contractors, these people wre allowed to keep their contracts intact.

The union- they kept their $3.1 million dollar kickback from the company that goes directly into union officers pockets.

If you recall the union had to have good reason to deny the companys offer, however we submitted to just about everything the company wanted even though we had good reason to saying no. The good reason is that the company already enjoyed lower labor costs through our contract prior to concessions. The company had enjoyed twenty years of industry leading concessions and the companys demands were without precident and outrageous. USAIR and UAL had already gone through BK, both still had higher labor costs and they were not getting what this company was demanding.

I about hit the floor when I heard that!! Who does that man think he is, God almighty himself?? He is a pathetic excuse for a union leader and has no business controlling a union.

His members feel differently, they put him there and they can take him out. In a couple of months you will have the right to try and recall him if you still feel that way. However regardless of how you feel about Little, Hall, Gless or Yingst you have no say. Gless was unelectable, thats the type of person that the TWU picks for International spots.

Because that is exactly what he is doing, controlling the poor unsuspecting members and leading them down the path of destruction.

And what would you call the contract that Little rammed down our throats? Progress? In one fell swoop he destroyed just about everything that labor unions fought for over a 50 year period. Al Blackman, the only mechanic on payroll who was here prior to the TWU said that they had more when he started than we have now, he filled out an AMFA card and is looking forward to the vote. He wants the TWU gone, for nearly 60 years he has waited for this.

I am sick and tired of hearing you boys cry and cry because you can't get answers.....well you just had your chance and you chose not to show up!!!

Oh yes I should have simply taken two days off and flown to Tulsa to hear more of Littles lies. Did you make a video? I would have went, the TWU simply had to provide me what they provide themselves.

There were two brave fellas who came to get answers and I applaud their courage.

Why would they need courage? I would expect that you treated their questions with courtesy.

You talk about how much the TWU members are cowards....well you just proved to us that you are the true cowards.

Not TWU members, the leaders yes, and those who hide behind aliases and thow out insults, threats and accusations.
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What Happen to Amfa's Big announcement yesterday?

Did the cat catch your tonque? Who surprised who Dave?

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!
AMFA's big announcement at MCIE is usually.."Donuts at first break!"...their only way to gather a crowd is to feed their stomachs, not their minds...that's the amfa way....HAHAHA!
American Airlines Update – April 22, 2004

AMFA submitted its objections and challenges to the American Airlines (AA) voter eligibility list today, as required by the National Mediation Board (NMB) after denying AMFA’s request for an additional two-week extension. Even though we were unjustly denied the time needed to complete the task, we believe we provided a very detailed and undisputable presentation.

Our total protest calls out for the removal of approximately 2400 ineligible voters, supported by over 22 lbs of documents, which included more than 30 AA employee declarations. The AA voter eligibility list contained the following ineligible voters: 269 Retirees, 140 Resigned, 72 Terminated, 118 Stores Clerks, 363 Fleet Service Clerks, 80 Management, 37 Employees working at other Airlines, and the list goes on and on. The most disturbing are the 16 deceased employees that we were able to identify. It has always been the Association’s position to remove all deceased employees. We find it unconscionable for a grieving spouse to receive a ballot for their deceased love one.

The TWU also submitted their objection to the overly inflated AA voter eligibility list of 18,698. They did not even recognize the 97 duplicates identified by the Company. Apparently they now wish to inflate the list even further by adding 2087 questionable individuals bringing the total very close to 21,000. Surprisingly, the TWU also seeks to remove 78 management workers, unsurprising and as expected, at first glance we have found that 10 of them are not even on the AA voter eligibility list. It causes one to wonder if they even looked at the AA eligibility list. Further examination should reveal even more inconsistencies, which will further support our case concerning probable fraud perpetuated upon the NMB in a desperate attempt to stop this election.

For all those that have helped in the search for the ineligible voters, Thank you, we could not have accomplished this enormous task without you. Now Round Two begins. We have two weeks to discredit the blatant attempt by the TWU to silence your voice.


On behalf of the AA AMFA supporters

Terry Harvey

Assistant National Director
DECISION 2007 said:
AMFA's big announcement at MCIE is usually.."Donuts at first break!"...their only way to gather a crowd is to feed their stomachs, not their minds...that's the amfa way....HAHAHA!
Well you better call the Health Department and report this grievous act of breaking bread together.
Decision 2004 said:
Well you better call the Health Department and report this grievous act of breaking bread together.
That would be the amfastyle we are accustomed to Davey boy, but I think we'll wait and see what amfa has instore for the management of AA.

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