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Two More (Apparently Successful) Milestones This Past Weekend

WorldTraveler said:
AA used to have 6 person crews at DFW but that also included bag running, local and online.

let's be clear that the reason why Parker was so hot to pursue banked schedules is to offset the local revenue that WN has stolen from DFW.

Parker believes in banked hub schedules and as long as they can make the schedule work, I have never said there is anything wrong with them.

DL has had banked schedules at ATL and ditched them because ATL is too big. AA has also had banked schedules at DFW so it can be done.

DL's hubs at MSP, SLC, CVG, and DTW are banked and largely directional.

I have never said that AA shouldn't bank its schedules just that it is very hard to do at a large hub, esp. without adding more time than necessary to account for a certain percent of IROPS.
Who cares about the revenue or the cost of a banked flight.  Not my problem to solve.
Crew members hate the banked flight because in between flights the terminal becomes a zoo, and the line at Starbucks is completely unworkable.  We can't get our froo froo coffee and it ruins our day.  That is why Parker is in favor of the banked flights.. to degrade the culture.  
Whatever.  You can't harp on one variable of a big equation or you will miss the big picture.  
it isn't just one minor factor. THE major function of a hub is to connect passengers. It may not be your problem but it is indeed a HUGE decision for someone to make.

Banked schedules do everything you said but they might generate additional revenues.

The eight additional minutes per flight might well increase the total elapsed time for some itineraries and make AA less competitive.

I haven't simply said that banking large hubs is expensive and the fact that Parker is hiring thousands of additional airport personnel at the hubs which are being banked validates the decreased efficiency and increased costs.
Sorry we have already proven by looking at schedules DL has the most padded schedules - sorry if the facts get in the way
DFW has one crew chief and six rampers per gate. Two for the belly and three for running online bags and the other for running local bags. IF it's a 757/738/A321 and it has a split load, then two more rampers are sent out from zone support. If it's heavy on transfers or maybe real late you will get help from LTS-Line transfer Support. AE picks up their own bags from AA gates and transfers AA connecting bags off their flights to AA gates. AA has hired hundreds for the ramp since the first of the year,and quite a few have already quit or got fired. AE is driving the baggage numbers way down, they are misconnecting hundreds of bags a day, and can't keep people on the clock. They will have a CRJ-900 come in with 80 AA transfers on it and assign one guy to run all of the bags to A C D terminals and ends up making 30 and misconnects the other 50 and then dumps them into the AA bagrooms and creates more work and burden on the AA system.
no you haven't proven anything.

you looked at a COUPLE FLIGHTS and not even close to the full schedule.

AA and DL EACH have markets where they are shorter than the other to/from DFW.

For DFW to ATL, LGA, DTW, CVG, MSP, SLC, and LAX, DL's average flight time per flight is 168 minutes compared to AA's 181 minutes.

so, no, AA flights are longer by 13 minutes to the exact same destinations as what DL flies.

and for AT LEAST the LAST 3 DOT reports, DL's on-time at DFW has been a minimum of 7 points better than AA's and in one report, DL's on-time was a whopping 16 points better than AA's. (91 compared to 75%)

So, DL gets passengers to/from DFW faster than AA but they also operate their shorter schedules more reliably.

don't argue with me if you don't like that news - it is all DOT and published schedule data.

thanks for that insightful update, DFWFSC.

Are you serious that AA itself is having that much difficulty finding qualified new hire ramp employees? Not terribly surprising for AE but a surprising to hear that about AA.

also surprising that AE is responsible for picking up and delivering their own bags to/from AA flights.
very sad when people who make an argument are proven wrong with actual facts and then people call the messenger a moron.

No, it is a fact that AA schedules more time to fly to the same markets that DL flies from DFW and AA's on-time from DFW is worse than DL's.
of course I don't really recall this being DL this  DL that nor their hubs   but then again this is expected from the one and the only World Baffoon
go back and read the thread and see who decided to throw in a comparison about AA vs. DL's scheduled times.

if some people could have accepted that AA added 8 minutes on average to every AA/AE flight at DFW, we could have left the discussion to the side a long time ago.

but because some people wanted to deny that reality and bring in DL to the argument, the statement that was made that DL pads its schedules more than AA has been shown to be false.
To be clear this thread was started to congratulate AA on two milestones - and surprise we quickly went to trashing AA for driving up costs by adding time to the schedules - so no thread according to one poster can ever compliment AA on an achievement
agree w you jcw   next milestone shld be the 4th qrtr when the res is suppose to be combined   
If you can't admit that AA had to extend the flight times of every flight by 8 minutes in order to bank its DFW hub, then you shouldn't have brought up the subject.

Increased flight times was a known and well-discussed aspect of banking hubs.

The fact that I put a number on how much was added should surprise no one.

the fact that the usual AA whining club object to facts that prove the points I made should also be no surprise.

AA got its banked schedules thanks to Parker.

Not a surprise that he did it or that it would require adding over 100 hours of flight time AA's DFW schedules to fly the same number of flights - and that's on top of the extra personnel.
WorldTraveler said:
If you can't admit that AA had to extend the flight times of every flight by 8 minutes in order to bank its DFW hub, then you shouldn't have brought up the subject.

Increased flight times was a known and well-discussed aspect of banking hubs.

The fact that I put a number on how much was added should surprise no one.

the fact that the usual AA whining club object to facts that prove the points I made should also be no surprise.

AA got its banked schedules thanks to Parker.

Not a surprise that he did it or that it would require adding over 100 hours of flight time AA's DFW schedules to fly the same number of flights - and that's on top of the extra personnel.
Harping on one variable still....
Is your house as big as DUI's and Kirby's?  😀
We can all "harp on" the big picture when we see it... including how many more passengers AA pushes thru DFW compared to what it has lost in the local market (a stated reality that AA execs have acknowledged is part of the goal) when those statistics become available.

but for now, schedules are available and they do show that AA increased the block time of its schedules at its hubs as part of the rebanking effort.

Why some people find it so hard to admit such a basic fact is really quite amazing.
No one is disagreeing block time has increased it you who went on to say itis uncompetitive etc higher costs etc - you always have to find negatives I'm everything AA does - do not call me a fan kid as I think there are many things AA can do better - vs you who can't find a single thing DL can do better

Once again if you did an indepth schedule review DL block times are not better than AA's your grasping for things to trash AA on

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