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Customer service success!


Apr 11, 2007
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It seems that Doug has succeeded in moving US even farther towards his goal -

"Parker also said the industry puts too much focus on the customer"

Had to fly on US yesterday as it was the only option from PHL to my destination. The customer service I witnessed was comical at best.

The flight from PHL to CLT was delayed - and I will give US credit for calling me at home several hours prior to the flight to re-book. But that was the last shred of customer service that I experienced.

At the airport - the flight was posted for a 50 minute late departure - although priot to and at the original flight time no customer service agents anywhere near the gate. Two finally did show up about 10 minutes after the original flight time.

Not a single announcement about the delay - or connections - was made at the gate by either agent.

When the agents arrived at the gate -there were what appeared to be about 50 boarding passes that had printed out and were on the floor - presumably for people who had been rebooked who were going to miss their connections. One agent picked them up - and put them in a nice neat pile on the desk - and that is where they stayed. Again - no announcements about connections - rebookings - or anything from either agent.

IF a customer went to the desk and inquired - one of the agents would suffle through the stack of boarding passes and give them theirs for the rebooked flight - but ONLY if the customer inquired about their connection. At boarding - there was still quite a thick stack of new boarding passes that had not been distributed.

Finally boarded the plane - no boarding announcements about zones, luggage or anything - just mass crowing towards the gate and down the ramp.

The flight attendant on the plane making the announcements was quite funny - so monotone it was laughable - like the teacher on "Ferris Buelers Day Off".

About half way through the boarding process - a fight attendant went down the aisle closing all of the overhead bins - whether full or not - which of course slowed down the rest of the boarding since passengers then had to open the bins looking for space. Clearly they weren't full since no carry on bags had to be checked - so why they closed all of the bins before boarding was complete is a mystery.

After boarding - we sat at the gate for about 20 minutes while maintenance came on and off the plane - NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT about any delay or what was going on. The first flight attendant clearly knew we weren't leaving since she parked her butt on the jump seat in the cockpit during this entire process.

Finally backed away from the gate - the pre-flight demo was barely completed - and in fact the first flight attendant didn't bother to demo the mask - just held it up like show and tell.

Then - the ONLY announcement from the cockpit - that we were delayed another 25 minutes going to Charlotte - presumably because of ATC - but not explaination given.

Finally took off.

No service in flight - and no announcements as to why - or apologizing for not being able to do service for some reason - or indicating our flight time - or arrival time - or anything. Didn't even see a flight attendant in the cabin until it was time to prepare for landing. There was some turbulance most of the flight - but not severe - and if you aren't doing service because of that at least say so!

Captain announces 15 mintues till landing - flight attendant comes down the aisle - tells me to turn off my iphone - my response "but the sign isn't on yet" - his response - "we are turning them off now anyway" - so I guess he makes up his own rules as to when and when you can't use electronic devices and the signs are just meaningless.

But the best was - in Charlotte - at the gate - a long line of passengers who had missed their connections at the gate - and I overhear the agent say "you mean Philly didn't give you your new boarding pass for your new flight?"

But hey - in Doug Parker's world this is a good thing - US certainly didn't focus too much on the customer yesterday on my flight - but then again - they didn't get me there on time either.
Captain announces 15 mintues till landing - flight attendant comes down the aisle - tells me to turn off my iphone - my response "but the sign isn't on yet" - his response - "we are turning them off now anyway" - so I guess he makes up his own rules as to when and when you can't use electronic devices and the signs are just meaningless.
The Federal Air Regulation (FAR) does not stipulate which signs must be on or off or when electronic devices should be turned off other than it must be before sterile cockpit (10,000 ft). However, just FYI, there IS another FAR which states that passengers must comply with any direct instruction from a working crew member. It does not say you have to agree with it, like it, or even understand it--just that you must comply with it.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe the f/a who spoke to you on this flight is the ONLY one following the FARs correctly?
Due to a must be back I had to take US373 Su. night JFK-CLT. The flt was delayed to late inbd from PHX. No c/s agents at the gate. They did finally ahow up, but were not friendly. Guess they listened to Doug. The flight crew were neither friendly or unfriendly imo. Inflight svc was a drink.

Flew up on another airline with friendly folks from check in to boarding. The crew very friendly. Service choc. chip cookies & Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. Inflight entertainment watched tv all the way up.

Any customer who has a choice which would you choose. If I had not had to be back earlier no question. Why any FF would choose US is pretty much beyond me.
Due to a must be back I had to take US373 Su. night JFK-CLT. The flt was delayed to late inbd from PHX. No c/s agents at the gate. They did finally ahow up, but were not friendly. Guess they listened to Doug. The flight crew were neither friendly or unfriendly imo. Inflight svc was a drink.

Flew up on another airline with friendly folks from check in to boarding. The crew very friendly. Service choc. chip cookies & Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. Inflight entertainment watched tv all the way up.

Any customer who has a choice which would you choose. If I had not had to be back earlier no question. Why any FF would choose US is pretty much beyond me.
:lol: 🙄 And this is way US is close to the bottom of the list in customer service and TOp of this list in complaints. The other airline you referenced is innovative, customer focused and a pleasure to fly.
Thanks Doug and the Misfits in Tempe <_<
US is all over the map when it comes to how it handles irregular ops. Sometimes I have experienced excellent customer service (i.e. being met at the gate and handed a new boarding pass), and sometimes I have ONLY been able to get information on a re-booked flight by calling the Gold line and asking the agent to check my record. 🙁
It seems that Doug has succeeded in moving US even farther towards his goal -

Captain announces 15 mintues till landing - flight attendant comes down the aisle - tells me to turn off my iphone - my response "but the sign isn't on yet" - his response - "we are turning them off now anyway" - so I guess he makes up his own rules as to when and when you can't use electronic devices and the signs are just meaningless.

The Captain may have told the FAs to take their seats in which case they clear the cabin and that includes portable electronic devices. An announcement should have been made. Not defending the crew, just stating a possibility. No excuse for the crew not making the proper announcements and keeping the passengers informed.
It seems that Doug has succeeded in moving US even farther towards his goal -

"Parker also said the industry puts too much focus on the customer"
For those looking for the reference:

Parker also said the industry puts too much focus on the customer and on beating each other up. “That is a touchy issue but it is part of the problem,â€￾ he said. “I believe firmly our focus is misguided when we know full well that what customers want is safe, reliable, on-time transportation, bags arriving when they do and making the airline experience as easy as possible. We need to focus on that and less on softer product items that, one, don’t do anything to increase profitability and, two, make it harder for us to delivery a better product.â€￾
The Captain may have told the FAs to take their seats in which case they clear the cabin and that includes portable electronic devices. An announcement should have been made. Not defending the crew, just stating a possibility. No excuse for the crew not making the proper announcements and keeping the passengers informed.

My experience is that the F/A's take it upon themselves at times to "clean up" the cabin early simply because it is convenient for them. They make the announcement when they please and make everybody turn off their electronics and sit upright-and-locked. Often it is quite a while before the Airbuses "NO Electronics" sign is switched on at the appropriate time.

How do I know this? I've had "chats" with my cabin crews over this very matter when I've heard the announcement thru to cockpit door. I made it clear that it is NOT company policy to do this announcement arbitrarily or for their own convenience, and that it would stop immediately. And it did....at least until the next captain came along.
As Doug has always been telling us he is a financial guy surrounded with financial minds, if that's
what you want to call there minds. They haven't shown to have one. Since Doug is a bean counter then then how the heck would he know what customer service really is. Clueless, all we can hope for When Doug goes and pays for customer service, I hope he gets the same service
that usair gives there customer. Lousy.
My experience is that the F/A's take it upon themselves at times to "clean up" the cabin early simply because it is convenient for them. They make the announcement when they please and make everybody turn off their electronics and sit upright-and-locked. Often it is quite a while before the Airbuses "NO Electronics" sign is switched on at the appropriate time.

How do I know this? I've had "chats" with my cabin crews over this very matter when I've heard the announcement thru to cockpit door. I made it clear that it is NOT company policy to do this announcement arbitrarily or for their own convenience, and that it would stop immediately. And it did....at least until the next captain came along.

Well, I've been here only half the time that you have, but I couldn't tell you the last time a crew "cleared in" before the 10K sign. Why? Because after about 5 minutes the pax will turn their electronics back on and recline their seats anyway. Then you have to do a second cabin check. We do it when we are supposed to...not just because of policy, but of convenience.

P.S. What's up with pilot tutorials describing every effin landmark along the way prior to 6 am or on a redeye????? " Ahhhhhhhhh, frooooommmmm the cooooccckkkppiiitttt......"