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agree with you jcw   completely     he wont stop at nothing when it comes to trashing AA   while bloating about how wonderful his former employer is
No one is disagreeing block time has increased it you who went on to say itis uncompetitive etc higher costs etc - you always have to find negatives I'm everything AA does - do not call me a fan kid as I think there are many things AA can do better - vs you who can't find a single thing DL can do better

Once again if you did an indepth schedule review DL block times are not better than AA's your grasping for things to trash AA on
actually there were all kinds of people on here who doubted the facts I presented were correct just because I presented them - even if they didn't have any idea of the correct number themselves.

and from DFW, which is the most direct comparison here, DL's block times are indeed shorter on the same routes.

when I get a spare moment, I will look at JFK/LGA and LAX but I'm not sure what the point is because so many are so defensive with the facts.

If you have actual facts to show that AA's block times are longer, then you should be able to present it in more than a comparison of a couple flights and it should reflect both directions.

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