Turkey Dinners- Thanks A lot

you drank the koolaid, too!! and apparently LOVED it!! :blink:

True, but you drank the People's Temple, full pay to the last day koolaid first. Thank heavens we showed up in the nick of time to bring you back from the dead. Bad pilot! No more spiked koolaid for you!

I LOVE my koolaid. No "apparently" about it. It's especially delicious with hot turkey on Thanksgiving. Thanks again, Doug! :lol:
The line in the turkey has been carved , which side of the table are you sitting on ......…… :unsure:

You missed the point! The folks in Tempe will no more SHARE their corporate agenda and confidential information with the likes of etops any more than George Bush will be stopping by my house for updated strategies on the War in Iraq. (It is his holier than thou, "I am the informed, enlightened One" that wears on people. And btw.....don't think of telling Me what I can, should or would do. Period.

Could etops1 maybe know more than you about some things? Could be.

As far as his tone-who cares. But since you brought it up, your tone is none too pleasant also.
As a cumuter I was very thankful for the meals, both of them since that was my regular day to work a swap I got to enjoy it twice as much as most people. I would be even more thankful for a seat on any flight going home . Oh well can't have everything.
I love how everyone says I should just quit for stating my opinions. Well guess What? I dont want to quit. I love my job and have given up a lot just to stay here. Is it too much to ask for my employer to care about their employees, provide me with the tools to do my job and act responsible. I dont think so. Providing me with a lousy meal on Thanksgiving is not showing me you care. Doing so the other 364 days shows that you care.

Hmmm... provide this the other 364 days? That wouldn't be an airline. That would be a soup kitchen.
:lol: ROTFLMAO isn't that the TRUTH. As someone else referred to Kev.......the Management Confidant wearing the UAL vest and trying to COACH the rest of US. Stop the Madness! Next thing He will do is dress up as the Town Crier with a BELL reading ABOUT US in a station Near You. (I'd rather listen to EMBFA or Travelpro on any given day).
:huh: :huh: . man i am so sorry you feel that way. my intentions are never to offend anyone. if ihave ever offended anyone of my coworkers then i am really sorry. and just one thing . the vest is not from ual . it's from uty if you must know . united's vests are from brookhurst. i try to share as much info as i can . if it sounds like i think i know more than anyone else then i am sorry. that is not the way i want to sound. i get alot of info from people in the higher ups. not because they call me when something comes out but because i look for the info to know the facts . they are just good at responding to e-mails really quick. anyone can e-mail these guys and get answers to rumors . i am not saying that all the answers may be true . but i would rather get it from them then get it from a pilot or another f/a. what's wrong with that ? listen seriously people like you can really just kiss my ass . i think i am a good flight attendant . i have many friends (or at least i think i do ) i do my job the way i am supposed to. i am very easy going and laid back onboard the a/c . everyone knows i love to have a good time on my layovers . and i will give the shirt off my back to anyone of my crewmembers !! so for you to insult me like that on this board you sir can really kiss my puerto rican ass!!!. it's amazing because half of you on here who talk crap ,i have probrably flown with you and had a good time on the layovers . probrably even paid for drinks. it goes to show how many two face people we have on this board who hide behind the keyboard. freakin amazing.

Since I was working, I was VERY HAPPY that there was a turkey dinner for us. I am very appreciative that the dinner was available as I would not have had a thanksgiving dinner this year if it wasn't for the people providing/ serving it.
Looking at the photos of the spread down in TPA, that was better than some of the free dinners I’ve had in hotels.

Back in the CCY days for the holidays we received in different years:
- A license plate frame with the company logo
- A tin of cookies (the girlfriend liked them)
- And of course the infamous expired cheese.

So IMO the Turkey Dinner is a nice gesture.
It's pretty safe to say that I'm alergic to Kool-Aid, so supporting Tempe is not something you see often.

Good Lord do you come off as a whinning bunch of ungrateful people. You could have been dodging bullets in Iraq of Afganistan, or worse yet ended up like one your own in a fatal car crash.

It was THANKSGIVING!!! You know about giving thanks for all of the blessings in your life! Like for instance:

You have a job
You Live indoors
You have health insurance
family & friends that alledgedly love you

The company actually TRYS to do something right and you urinate all over it. If I was Doug and read these posts there sure as hell woudn't be another Turkey Dinner. I'd send some Cheese and tell you you apparently have plenty of whine already.


Ok, I'm afraid...very afraid.

I agree with .....oh damn, I just cant bring myself to say it
You missed the point! The folks in Tempe will no more SHARE their corporate agenda and confidential information with the likes of etops any more than George Bush will be stopping by my house for updated strategies on the War in Iraq. (It is his holier than thou, "I am the informed, enlightened One" that wears on people. And btw.....don't think of telling Me what I can, should or would do. Period.

Yeah, because this issue is about Bush...NOT

Ever see Big Lebowski? You are like John Goodman's character.

Stick to the topic and keep your politics to yourself or to a political board.

As for T day, I would have killed for a turkey, as it is, I had a terrible substitution for chicken quesadillas at a dive in Hanoi.

But, it was fun. :up:

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