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Turkey Dinners- Thanks A lot

What a gross post. I bet you went back for seconds, too, and b*tched the whole way down the buffet line..... both times.....

We want you to quit.

Itestwell, funny I was thinking the same thing. On a side note, Iwantout it's really bad form to complain about a free meal on Tday it's really about the opposite giving thanks. Think about it.
As for myself & most of the senior CLT fleet service agents we passed & brought our own meal. I will keep opinions to myself.

I was wondering why you didn't pass through the line at B-11 tonight. Heck, I was
looking at all of the ID's just to see who you are. I was actually invited to partake
with your group, but I was busy serving dinner to the others and missed out.
Pay attention to the people who support you, ignore the ones' who
don't. I know it's tough but if you can do this you'll be alright, you'll be OK.
The similarity is comporable to ''Pavlov's Dogs'''..They beg and are happy
with the crumbs, I want to and believe I deserve to sit at the table.

It makes me sick how the company thinks they care so much about us by giving me a stupid turkey dinner once a year. As I sit here in my crash pad not working away from my family on a holiday because the idiots in Tempe can't staff the place correctly. You want to show me you care, get us a merged contract, clean the planes, get us the proper tools on the aircraft, cater the aircraft properly, do something about this reserve system. Do things that matter to show us you "care" about us. It takes a hell of a lot more than a stupid turkey dinner to care about your employees.

Only thing worse then working a Holiday is sitting in a crashpad for the Holiday. =(

It is always better, for me at least, when I can actually work and get out around people instead of just feeling like I am missing the Holiday with my family to stare at the walls waiting for the phone to ring.

It is sad that things are so bad that people look at money being spent to do something that if things were going well would be viewed as something nice.
Just love how it's assumed that just because someone isn't unhappy and bitter that, then they are automatically called kool-aid drinkers. .amazing. These crappy attitudes are a big reason I'm glad I'm out of this company. Has the management done a lot to screw up the company? Absolutely. But those that constantly complain would likely be unhappy anywhere they go.

I agree 100%, the airline would function better if the angry people just left. Life is too short to waste years in something that causes you such angst.

There are other careers out there, ones which will make you a happy person. But, if you are not willing to change your life to be happy, then all I can say is tough luck. Live a bitter life, work for less money, be forever angry, it will end your life early, and the world won't have to deal with you. Or, get off your butt and find something that makes you happy, but you can't do it unless you try.

Happy thanksgiving, and thank you to all the employees of USAirways.
Hey at least this didnt happen at US:

CHICAGO (AP) - Five United Airlines workers sought medical attention for nausea and vomiting after the company provided a Thanksgiving meal to employees.

United offered the turkey dinner Thursday to nearly 3,000 mechanics, baggage handlers and other employees working the holiday at O'Hare International Airport.

Flight crews didn't participate.

The dinner was seen as a reconciliatory gesture from the company to its employees, said Don Wolfel, president of Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Local 4, which represents mechanics at United.

Unions have criticized the airline, a unit of UAL Corp., for awarding tens of millions of dollars in pay increases and bonuses to top managers after employees took big pay cuts to help the company survive bankruptcy.

``For years, management worked to distance themselves from employees, but now they're trying to reach out to us,'' Wolfel said of the holiday meal. ``The idea is that we're all in this together.''

But one of the meals for dayshift crews quickly ended after staff found that the turkey ``was not edible,'' said Megan McCarthy, a United spokeswoman.
``There were questions about whether the turkey smelled quite right,'' Wolfel said. ``The popular opinion was that it didn't.''

Five employees reported nausea and a few workers vomited, said John Zautcke, a medical director at the O'Hare office of the University of Illinois-Chicago Medical Center. He did not have a diagnosis Thursday.

Three employees returned to work, McCarthy said. She didn't know if the other two did.

The meal had been catered. The caterer could not be reached for comment Thursday.

On the Net:
United Airlines: http://www.united.com
Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association: http://www.amfanatl.org
That meal was for show not for the employees. They did it so they could put it in their paper. This is a time to be thankful for your families and what you have in your life not what you have had taken from you. I think if you feel strongly enough don't participate in their meal. The fact that they are doing this has nothing to do with employee relations it has everything to do with show and tell! US Airways has trucks in the city of PHL delivering food for the homeless. That is great they do that year around but they only do something nice for the employees once a year and think that cleans the slate! They only do the dinner because they want something out of it. Their hope is that they can get guys to show up to work the holidays that is why they are doing it, or they wouldn't even do the dinner. I am very thankful for the coworkers that work at US Airways. The pilots still have issues, the mechanics still don't have a consolidated contract that is reasonable and the fleet service employees are getting screwed by the company also. This is both the east and the west. If you think that these guys should be thankful to the company my hat is in their ring. They clearly deserve far more than the company photo shoot turkey dinner! Good Luck to all and have a peaceful holiday!
That meal was for show not for the employees. They did it so they could put it in their paper. This is a time to be thankful for your families and what you have in your life not what you have had taken from you. I think if you feel strongly enough don't participate in their meal. The fact that they are doing this has nothing to do with employee relations it has everything to do with show and tell! US Airways has trucks in the city of PHL delivering food for the homeless. That is great they do that year around but they only do something nice for the employees once a year and think that cleans the slate! They only do the dinner because they want something out of it. Their hope is that they can get guys to show up to work the holidays that is why they are doing it, or they wouldn't even do the dinner. I am very thankful for the coworkers that work at US Airways. The pilots still have issues, the mechanics still don't have a consolidated contract that is reasonable and the fleet service employees are getting screwed by the company also. This is both the east and the west. If you think that these guys should be thankful to the company my hat is in their ring. They clearly deserve far more than the company photo shoot turkey dinner! Good Luck to all and have a peaceful holiday!
I'm sure it was at least in some small part done for the PR potential. After all nobody's motives are 100% pure. But if it was all about PR, then why not do it really right and feed a bunch of homeless with a crew of thankful off-duty US people doing the work on their holiday? Have the Ink-wire there and get on the evening news. That's what a PR-driven gig would look like.
I'm sure it was at least in some small part done for the PR potential. After all nobody's motives are 100% pure. But if it was all about PR, then why not do it really right and feed a bunch of homeless with a crew of thankful off-duty US people doing the work on their holiday? Have the Ink-wire there and get on the evening news. That's what a PR-driven gig would look like.

No PR value in feeding rampers in a secure area.

There was value in raising the morale of a beaten up group at work on a holiday.
Your animosity towards this company is a beautiful thing . You sir or madam are nothing less than a precious resource .

Condemn Iwantout all you want , but if you ever hope to achieve your goals you will need individuals with an irrational hatred of this company .This person is angry and bitter 365 days of the year , who could ask for more ? I guess you all must just not want it badly enough … in his or her eyes you ARE kooliaide drinkers because you’ve laid down your tomahawk in truce for just one day , that makes you a sell out ( in his or her mind )

I only wish that you were on my team iwantout , while we do have many like you , I always say , the more the angrier !

p.s While I appreciate the thanksgiving meal provided by the company , I’d trade the meal for more iwantout's in a heart beat .

I'm a bit confused by your post Freedom...weren't you doing the happy rah-rah dance for the company inflight magazine a few months back wanting to make it the best in the industry ??? You certainly weren't angry then...good to see you've come to your senses.
I definitely want the best for this company , but before that I want the best for my BROTHERS AND SISTERS ! While I can be a rational person , there’s a war coming , and I’m putting on my war paint as we speak … we in the west have suffered for far too long , soon you shall hear us Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war ! :angry2:

p.s back then was not the time for true anger , it would have been useless rage , wasted . Soon the other shoe will drop and we can commence .
OK, I can be a tough critic to say the least but having lived though holidays eating out of a vending machines, the gesture was appreciated. They were not obligated to do crap but did! Does it make up for the way we are treated the other 363 days of the year? NO. Might there be a scrap of morals or guilt under what they do to us daily. I hope so but thanks for the turkey and stuffing.

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