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Turkey Dinners- Thanks A lot

Feeding the front line, or any other gesture of appreciation, should happen more often
oh and i agree with what dog said , i don't think they feed us for PR , i think someone , somewhere actually cares .
Do things that matter to show us you "care" about us. It takes a hell of a lot more than a stupid turkey dinner to care about your employees.

First post so show me some mercy, please.

Having read the previous posts, I am glad to see that some of you have it right, and am disheartened that others of you equate the pure gesture of a holiday meal provided for fellow employees is interpreted as some kind of dark ploy on the part of the company. The company did what it should do for employees working on a holiday ... that being .... provide a good meal, express thanks to all, and share a smile or two.

Yes, 2 or 3 times a year is not a lot, but do you really think the company should provide meals daily? BBQs, holiday meals, and other food events are a heck of a lot more that I got in the old US Air I worked for. I think that this is one of the positives in the new US Air. Please do not read into this that I trade a fair wage for meals on the job.

However, I can assure you, as a non management employee who assisted serving on my day off rather than staying home with my family, this was not done as a PR stunt. Quite frankly, I have never heard in my years of doing this for AW and US PR being mentioned as a possible result of this event. I have, however, heard mention of this being the right thing to do for our "family" of fellow employees.

We all know that there are those of us who make a lousy wage - not enough to support our families or, in some cases, ourselves. We all know of fellow employees on food stamps, living in a car or homeless shelters, on the edge of losing their home, having their power turned off, etc. We all know that a fair wage will go a long way towards fixing some of this, but it will not fix it all. Until the contract negotiations are finalized, we all have to live with what we have.

Until that time, are we to ignore each other? Do we not make a gesture to our fellow employees, no matter how small? As one that is not in a union and awaiting a contract, I see no raise of wages in my forseeable future. Do I sit and complain on this board or do I try to do everything I can to help my fellow employees in any way I can.

Nope - not a koolaid drinker here. Just trying to be the best person I can possibly be with what little resources I have. I truly enjoy working for this airline, the second time around. I just wish we could, as a group, recognize when something purely good has been done for us and not see the dark side of every cloud.

I feel we will get these contracts settled with fair and just agreements - give and take on both sides. In the meantime, is it too much to accept a goodwill gesture for exactly what it is?

I certainly hope not.
nice post urpiusphus.

it's sad to see how much people hate - and I mean hate everything management does. If you read the papers today - United employees became sick from the meals United provided. (United did not cook them they were catered). Other carriers supply meals and do it for the reasons you indicate above. I'm not drinking managements or labors kool aide (and remember they both serve kool aide). I have friends of mine who brag about sleeping in the hanger all night and are proud they get paid to sleep. On the other hand, I have friends who go to work and work hard every day even though the industry is very different today than 20 years ago. They have personal pride in their jobs.

My guess is if everyone put their energy in finding common ground instead of blaming each other the airline would be better off today. Although it's easy to say management should extend the olive branch first. Labor can also make the first move.

I wish everyone a safe and very happy holiday season.
Not to worrry Etops, you are the king of the kool aid drinkers.
:lol: ROTFLMAO isn't that the TRUTH. As someone else referred to Kev.......the Management Confidant wearing the UAL vest and trying to COACH the rest of US. Stop the Madness! Next thing He will do is dress up as the Town Crier with a BELL reading ABOUT US in a station Near You. (I'd rather listen to EMBFA or Travelpro on any given day).
:lol: ROTFLMAO isn't that the TRUTH. As someone else referred to Kev.......the Management Confidant wearing the UAL vest and trying to COACH the rest of US. Stop the Madness! Next thing He will do is dress up as the Town Crier with a BELL reading ABOUT US in a station Near You. (I'd rather listen to EMBFA or Travelpro on any given day).
You may not like him but to condemn him for a positive outlook only verifies the basic tenant of this board:

If you have nothing good or constructive to say then just criticize someone else while offering no valid arguments .

Argue the points not the person.
The company has always feeded us on Thankgiving and XMAS. At least at HP. I don't see the big deal?? I think it should be a given to feed us when for one most of us don't get Holiday pay. I am very apperciative. We even got crew meals on our flight because we didn't have time to get food at the airport. Some of the hotels have gone out of there way to feed us over the years too. 😉
You may not like him but to condemn him for a positive outlook only verifies the basic tenant of this board:

If you have nothing good or constructive to say then just criticize someone else while offering no valid arguments .

Argue the points not the person.
You missed the point! The folks in Tempe will no more SHARE their corporate agenda and confidential information with the likes of etops any more than George Bush will be stopping by my house for updated strategies on the War in Iraq. (It is his holier than thou, "I am the informed, enlightened One" that wears on people. And btw.....don't think of telling Me what I can, should or would do. Period.
"I question your motivations"

I am sorry that you question my motivations. They are pure and from the heart. For the past 6 of 7 years I have been accompanied by my child serving on the ramp mornings of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Partly to teach that you should give some of yourself to others, partly to be able to wish happy holidays to those I work with on a daily basis. My family looks forward to this yearly, it takes very little time out of our day, and we are always able to go home and celebrate together in the afternoon. On Christmas, presents are opened, we go to the airport, and we have Christmas dinner together. My families (home and work) are not neglected/forgotten.

Hopefully, my efforts are not for naught. I do know that I, at least, feel good about this tradition.
"I question your motivations"

I am sorry that you question my motivations. They are pure and from the heart. For the past 6 of 7 years I have been accompanied by my child serving on the ramp mornings of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Partly to teach that you should give some of yourself to others, partly to be able to wish happy holidays to those I work with on a daily basis. My family looks forward to this yearly, it takes very little time out of our day, and we are always able to go home and celebrate together in the afternoon. On Christmas, presents are opened, we go to the airport, and we have Christmas dinner together. My families (home and work) are not neglected/forgotten.

Hopefully, my efforts are not for naught. I do know that I, at least, feel good about this tradition.

It's just hard for some people to believe in the goodness of others, it's a shame. May god bless you and your family.
It's just hard for some people to believe in the goodness of others, it's a shame. May god bless you and your family.
It takes a special person to come out to the airport on there day off on a big holiday such as Thanksgiving and Christmas and serve food to there coworkers. I must say you are a very very special agent

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