I don't know about where you live Cavalier, but where I live the word "Shyster" is considered an anti-semetic remark. As the self appointed bastion of morality & ethics perhaps a different word would be in order and an apology to any Jewish folks who might post here.
Since Mr. Siegel is of Jewish extraction, I think the "Shyster" comment is totally and completely inapropriate.
Gee, I'm sorry, but it really doesn't matter what part of the country or world you happen to live in, it does matter what the dictionary defines the word to mean:
Pronunciation: 'shIs-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: probably from German Scheisser, literally, defecator
Date: 1844
: one who is professionally unscrupulous especially in the practice of law or politics : PETTIFOGGER
The word is usually used to describe a shady attorney, and in no way delineates with, toward or near a particular religion or cultural slant.Â
Bob, do you absolutely, positively KNOW which religion Mr. Siegel practices, if any???
Since you're the self-appointed bastion, you might want to have that conversation with yourself.