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TUL rumor not good for US Airways Mechanics

This thread isnt about UA.

I cld of sworn that this thread was about the rumors of tul but may be im seeing things :shock:
Who said there was going to be an election?

The IAM and TWU agreed to an alliance that will be voted on.
That the membership had no say-so in. And according to 700, when there is a vote on the alliance, the results (again per 700UW) will be "for alliance" or "No union" or "non-union". Gee, that's really democratic, a forced yes vote or you are no longer represented by a union. Overhauler; do not believe anything 700 says about the alliance voting and/or elections. I have presented "in-writing" from the NMB a letter that says they will not hold the voting process and that they have no jurisdiction, here is the para from the emails to and from the NMB "in-writing":
RE your Question: My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it?

Just how a union chooses to represent its members is an internal-union matter, not under the jurisdiction of the National Mediation Board. The NMB has no jurisdiction over the alliance or merger of unions and does not conduct such elections.-------- With the NMB NOT running the election or vote of the alliance, the two unions can put on the ballot anything they wish, as they are going to do (per 700UW) with only two options. One will be a yes vote for the alliance, and the other one will be for no union. Now 700 awhile back indicated that there may be another option of speak-in, but I don't think the TWU nor the IAM would want a speak-in or a write-in option to give AMFA a chance to be brought in, just don't see them providing such an opening for AMFA, they are too scared of the results. I would highly encourage you to do your own homework and call, write or e-mail the NMB yourself as I did, this is where you will get the real answers in writing, go ahead and ask your two unions to put the answers you are requesting in writing (and no 700, this does not include Q&A's produced by the union). I would also recommend you go back in some of the other union threads and research this topic and you will see for yourself how much 700 will mislead out here to get folks to vote for the alliance. Do not believe him and do not believe me, do your own homework and you will be well informed. Do not go by some ones word, send in your vote, then later be asking, "how can they do that" by then it will be too late, again, get your own information, you will thank us later...
That the membership had no say-so in. And according to 700, when there is a vote on the alliance, the results (again per 700UW) will be "for alliance" or "No union" or "non-union". Gee, that's really democratic, a forced yes vote or you are no longer represented by a union. Overhauler; do not believe anything 700 says about the alliance voting and/or elections. I have presented "in-writing" from the NMB a letter that says they will not hold the voting process and that they have no jurisdiction, here is the para from the emails to and from the NMB "in-writing":
RE your Question: My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it?

Just how a union chooses to represent its members is an internal-union matter, not under the jurisdiction of the National Mediation Board. The NMB has no jurisdiction over the alliance or merger of unions and does not conduct such elections.-------- With the NMB NOT running the election or vote of the alliance, the two unions can put on the ballot anything they wish, as they are going to do (per 700UW) with only two options. One will be a yes vote for the alliance, and the other one will be for no union. Now 700 awhile back indicated that there may be another option of speak-in, but I don't think the TWU nor the IAM would want a speak-in or a write-in option to give AMFA a chance to be brought in, just don't see them providing such an opening for AMFA, they are too scared of the results. I would highly encourage you to do your own homework and call, write or e-mail the NMB yourself as I did, this is where you will get the real answers in writing, go ahead and ask your two unions to put the answers you are requesting in writing (and no 700, this does not include Q&A's produced by the union). I would also recommend you go back in some of the other union threads and research this topic and you will see for yourself how much 700 will mislead out here to get folks to vote for the alliance. Do not believe him and do not believe me, do your own homework and you will be well informed. Do not go by some ones word, send in your vote, then later be asking, "how can they do that" by then it will be too late, again, get your own information, you will thank us later...

I don't quite get your fascination with US, its mechanics, and the association. Nothing has happened yet. And BTW did you or did you not, advocate for, during the wn/airtran merger, that a DOH intergration was unfair? At least for the WN mechanics anyway. Why exactly is a DOH intergration unfair when it comes to WN/Airtran? The Airtran guys earned their time just like you did, so why is their time less valuable than your time? I know it has been settled but your thoughts would say alot about your "union" character.
I don't quite get your fascination with US, its mechanics, and the association. Nothing has happened yet. And BTW did you or did you not, advocate for, during the wn/airtran merger, that a DOH intergration was unfair? At least for the WN mechanics anyway. Why exactly is a DOH intergration unfair when it comes to WN/Airtran? The Airtran guys earned their time just like you did, so why is their time less valuable than your time? I know it has been settled but your thoughts would say alot about your "union" character.

I didn't get it at first either. But after working there and going through the probation, I see why the WN time is perceived to mean more. It's not that WN time is more valuable, but, it sure is harder to get through probation. Not to mention, all of the $$$ that the airtran guys got. The majority of them were ok with giving WN guys a boost in seniority, that's why it was voted in. The AMFA members voted in their best interest, and so did the IBT. That's what it comes down to.
A true unionist would never ask for a four year bump in seniority.
A true unionist would never ask for a four year bump in seniority.

Nor would they abandon their very own members like the IAM did and then defend all their actions in a single breath like you do. You acknowledge it was wrong but yet you defend it to no end.

I didn't get it at first either. But after working there and going through the probation, I see why the WN time is perceived to mean more. It's not that WN time is more valuable, but, it sure is harder to get through probation. Not to mention, all of the $$$ that the airtran guys got. The majority of them were ok with giving WN guys a boost in seniority, that's why it was voted in. The AMFA members voted in their best interest, and so did the IBT. That's what it comes down to.

My girlfriend is a SW flight attendant and she thought getting seniority was wrong. SW pax is IAM and they didn't screw with seniority. I'm ex AWA and appreciate how IAM gave me all my seniority.
A true unionist would never ask for a four year bump in seniority.

A true union acts for its members, not its own business interests. If the members decided it is what they wanted, then that's what the union sought. Can't say I was for it (wasn't at WN at the time), but I think it's good that AMFA pursued the members' desire.
My girlfriend is a SW flight attendant and she thought getting seniority was wrong. SW pax is IAM and they didn't screw with seniority. I'm ex AWA and appreciate how IAM gave me all my seniority.

Good for her. So, she voted no? Or did she try to turn down her 2.5 year bump?
I don't quite get your fascination with US, its mechanics, and the association. Nothing has happened yet. And BTW did you or did you not, advocate for, during the wn/airtran merger, that a DOH intergration was unfair? At least for the WN mechanics anyway. Why exactly is a DOH intergration unfair when it comes to WN/Airtran? The Airtran guys earned their time just like you did, so why is their time less valuable than your time? I know it has been settled but your thoughts would say alot about your "union" character.
I have never advocated that DOH was unfair for anyone. I simply advocated that AMFA will do what the "majority" of the membership wants, which was, after the membership spoke, to end up with a boost in membership seniority for the SWA mechanics. AT mechanics are not "less valuable" than SWA's. It was nego, by law, and both sides voted it in overwhelmingly by 85% or better. The results speak for themselves. Now to your very first question. My fascination with the US guys is the fact that there are people out here like 700 spreading lies and misinformation about what will happen if a merger is granted and how the whole process will work out. When folks like him, representing the unions side, comes out here and lies just to get the membership to vote a certain way, (scare tactics) is pathetic and needs to be addressed. If you would prefer to follow him and others and later on say; Gee, how the hell did that happen? Then be my guess and follow him and them. I was one you just a few years back listening to the ibt over AMFA's info and I decided to do "MY OWN HOMEWORK" best thing I ever did. Never looking back from firing the ibt in a record card drive, and bringing in AMFA. Get over my fascination, and gather your own info to educate yourself instead of listening to the IAM or the TWU, they will tell you anything to get you to vote to keep them, especially when AMFA is involved with replacing them...
And since we are still WAY off topic, look what happened to the TWA guys when AA bought them.
It went to arbitration.

I am not lying, you aren't part of the IAM nor the TWU.

I posted what will happen in the process.

You are the one who is posting misinformation.

Amfa did such a great job at NW and AS.
700 why do you have deep disdain for AMFA and AMTs? Sounds like you are jealous. You don't have an A&P license, you have never worked on an airplane only as a stock clerk and lav service man. You really hate AMFA and you are going around looking for things to fault AMFA for. Unlike IAMAW, AMFA is a real union that actually works for their members. AMTs are skilled professionals, you are not. And the AMTs aren't elitist, the only elitist one here is YOU.

First of all you aren't anything connected to a union or an airline.

Second I don't hate mechanics, never have and never will, I have represented them, have you?

Third, AMFA failed at NW and thousands lost their jobs over it and started the downfall in the industry.

Fourth, they failed at AS and AS closed their OAK heavy mtc base and several hundreds lost their jobs.

Fifth, I have assisted mechanics when I was utility when working on planes, and I guess you have no clue what utility in heavy mtc does.

WN has 600+ plus planes and only do four lines of heavy mtc, and subjected the AirTran mechanics to a four year loss in seniority.

Also the Department Of Labor does not consider and AMT to be skilled labor. Guess you don't even realize at most MRO's the unlicensed mechanics out number licensed mechanics.

So once again you have no clue what you are talking about.

Go back to your bridge.

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