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ISIS is fighting this war, NOT because we had boots on the ground but, because of the following......

" We can gather that their state rejects peace as a matter of principle; that it hungers for genocide; that its religious views make it constitutionally incapable of certain types of change, even if that change might ensure its survival; and that it considers itself a harbinger ofand headline player inthe imminent end of the world."


So, you go on living in your Libtard fantasyland, full of rainbows and unicorns, never facing reality!
Who said ALL Muslims are terrorists. And please show legitimate quotes, not some made up Libtard fantasy!

So you are racist!

Trump must be behind it .
southwind said:
So, your saying just sit back and let the attacks take place on American soil.....Got it!
Please tell me how sending US soldier back into Iraq and possibly Syria is going to make us safe here? You have yet to explain this.
700UW said:
Six American troops killed in Afghanistan today, so how is having troops on the ground going to stop attacks in the US?

I really think you are asking the wrong guy here. 
Call 202-456-1111 ask for  

WASHINGTON — President Obama halted the withdrawal of American military forces from Afghanistan on Thursday, announcing that the United States will keep thousands of troops in the country through the end of his term in 2017 and indefinitely prolonging the American role in a war that has already lasted 14 years.   http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/16/world/asia/obama-troop-withdrawal-afghanistan.html
I bet Soros didn't like it.
Even though it is a tv show, they nailed it on the only two ways to defeat ISIS.
southwind said:
Who said ALL Muslims are terrorists. And please show legitimate quotes, not some made up Libtard fantasy!
What is this thread about? Pay attention or the State of Georgia will revoke your certificate.
southwind said:
Yep! Since we're blaming the past, instead of addressing the issue today, too bad Clinton didn't take the shot, on Bin Ladin, when he had it and we never would have been there, in the first place!
So, your saying just sit back and let the attacks take place on American soil.....Got it!
Bin Laden was no longer there when Clinton (didn't, actually...) had "the shot" to take

The invasin of Iraq had nothing to do with AQ, except that the neocons in charge used the American public's fear to sell the lie that invading Iraq had something to do with The War On Terror, which it didn't.

Idiots fell for it though
Ifly2 said:
Bin Laden was no longer there when Clinton (didn't, actually...) had "the shot" to take

And your supposed, personal "knowledge" of that's based on WHAT?
And btw: That worthless little jerkoff clinton NEVER personally had any "shot to take", such things are always done by REAL people with real weapons, not ever some pathetic little pimple like slick willie.
I'm just ALL ears here kid: What intelligence briefings of ANY kind have YOU ever attended in your whole "life"?
Here's a hint kid: Whatever you've EVER seen, or now see on the "news" is NEVER even the slightest semblance of an accurate portrayal of what's actually true at any given time. I'd hate to burst your childish bubble, but your "side" feeds you every bit as much unadulterated, 100% pure BS as does the other "side"....
Case en pointe: Do you, for even a second actually believe that slick willie didn't "know" about the Rwandan genocide immediately? "We" did at even a Squadron level of briefings, yet "Aw shucks folks...I just didn't know" Clinton went, years later, to Rwanda (having all 4 of Air Force One's engine's left running the whole time "he" was on the ground lying his ### off for a possibly needed, immediate escape)...Ummm...Should I further assail your manifestly childish ignorance of how things "really work"?  If I seem a bit bitter about that lying clinton coward's BS to this day, well, call me old fashioned, but I am. American Forces could've easily stopped the genocide in Rwanda long before another fully half a MILLION or more people were brutally murdered...if a "liberal hero" like slick willie wasn't otherwise just too busy with fine likes of Monica/et al......
Umm...Tell us all again about just how very much you utterly worthless liberals supposedly "care" about other people again?
This East dork knows more than the entire 9/11 commission...

"Clinton’s recorded statements from 2001 referred to a proposed strike in December 1998, after intelligence indicated that Bin Laden was staying at the governor’s residence in Kandahar. That proposed attack was addressed in the 9/11 Commission Report, released in 2004.

According to the report, the missed chance made some lower-level officials angry, but later intelligence appeared to show that bin Laden had left his quarters.

“The principals’ wariness about ordering a strike appears to have been vindicated: Bin Laden left his room unexpectedly, and if a strike had been ordered he would not have been hit,” the commission wrote."
I bet he's real impressed with his own childish stringing together of meaningless perjoratves, too...

Is anyone else?

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