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Trump's immigration proposal

Thomas.Goats1964 said:
Not all situations have a solution. There are times when all one can do is sit back and watch it unfold. I think this is one of those times.

The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years. I think it's a bit arrogant to think the US can just march in and fix it. And as others pointed out, how many soldiers is it worth to arrive at the same situation and realize nothing has changed?
The issue of the lives of US soldiers is irrelevant to townpete.
townpete said:
. Besides lay down like cowards and accept our fate. Are you going to be the first one lay down?
Wanting to send other people to fight and die for dubious reasons does not make you brave. Just as not wanting to send people in to fight and die for dubious reasons make you a coward.

P.S. A lot of empty talk coming from someone who never served his country.
For crying out loud, man.  All well due respect, give it a break.....you've made your point many times.
delldude said:
For crying out loud, man.  All well due respect, give it a break.....you've made your point many times.
I'm the one with the problem? I'm not the one constantly talking about how we need to go in and kick ass.

Why don't you tell southwind to give the whole "libtard" thing a rest? After all, he's made his point many times.
777 fixer said:
I'm the one with the problem? I'm not the one constantly talking about how we need to go in and kick ass.
Only one half of the issue..... 😉
Ifly2 said:
This East dork knows more than the entire 9/11 commission...
Perhaps you could also extol on the virtues of the Warren Commission's "findings" while you're at it. No matter....By all means mindlessly put your faith in after-the-fact government missives kid, but do at least consider the following:
Thomas.Goats1964 said:
Not all situations have a solution. There are times when all one can do is sit back and watch it unfold. I think this is one of those times.
The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years. I think it's a bit arrogant to think the US can just march in and fix it. And as others pointed out, how many soldiers is it worth to arrive at the same situation and realize nothing has changed?
Yeah, sit back and let Islamic Terrorists carry out their attacks, in the U.S., France, Britain, etc.....that's the ticket!
777 fixer said:
Wanting to send other people to fight and die for dubious reasons does not make you brave. Just as not wanting to send people in to fight and die for dubious reasons make you a coward.P.S. A lot of empty talk coming from someone who never served his country.
Dubious reasons?

Ok man, im sure the families of the San Betnadino slaughter feel differently.

How many more are you willing to sacrifice by doing nothing? You gonna volunteer yourself?

Didn't think so.
Ifly2 said:
I bet he's real impressed with his own childish stringing together of meaningless perjoratves, too...
Is anyone else?

He is.

Probably thinks he should be annointed dictator, and allowed to use his superior intellect and omniscience to "fix" everything, too...
"Bigger they are, harder they fall" comes to mind.

Consistently, those who talk the loudest and most and are the most sure that they are right and everyone else is wrong turn out to be the most ignorant, least wise and biggest failures.
Ifly2 said:
"Bigger they are, harder they fall" comes to mind.

Consistently, those who talk the loudest and most and are the most sure that they are right and everyone else is wrong turn out to be the most ignorant, least wise and biggest failures.
Ifly2 said:

He is.

Probably thinks he should be annointed dictator, and allowed to use his superior intellect and omniscience to "fix" everything, too...
Ifly2 said:
"Bigger they are, harder they fall" comes to mind.

Consistently, those who talk the loudest and most and are the most sure that they are right and everyone else is wrong turn out to be the most ignorant, least wise and biggest failures.
You often have conversations with yourself.
Is it helping?

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