Ms Tree said:
Have you figured out how to ban muslims yet?
This is an interesting position.
It's true the TSA doesn't profile, but maybe it's time they do.
Why not?
Liberals profile all the time, they profile wealthy people, buisnesses, they profile all kinds of conduct.
The Federal Leviathan and Federal Bueaucracy profiles all the time.
The IRS, when they audit, they profile.
Campaigns, Democrat or Republican, when they target certain demographics, they profile.
Profiling when it comes to National Security is bad, apparently.
Are we having a terrorist problem with Germans, Italians, Irish, and on and on down the list?
Santorum had it correct in the last debate,
"All Muslims are not Jihadists, but All Jihadists Are Muslim".
Every other aspect of our lives is profiled, legally, all the time.