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Trump's immigration proposal

Ifly2 said:
Bin Laden was no longer there when Clinton (didn't, actually...) had "the shot" to take
The invasin of Iraq had nothing to do with AQ, except that the neocons in charge used the American public's fear to sell the lie that invading Iraq had something to do with The War On Terror, which it didn't.
Idiots fell for it though

So we can now add Hillary, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and John Kerry(who served in Vietnam btw), to the list of idiots, along with the rest of the Democrats that voted for it.
Thanks for that update.
Ms Tree said:
Have you figured out how to ban muslims yet?
This is an interesting position.
It's true the TSA doesn't profile, but maybe it's time they do.
Why not?
Liberals profile all the time, they profile wealthy people, buisnesses, they profile all kinds of conduct.
The Federal Leviathan and Federal Bueaucracy profiles all the time.
The IRS, when they audit, they profile.
Campaigns, Democrat or Republican, when they target certain demographics, they profile.

Profiling when it comes to National Security is bad, apparently.
Are we having a terrorist problem with Germans, Italians, Irish, and on and on down the list?

Santorum had it correct in the last debate,
"All Muslims are not Jihadists, but All Jihadists Are Muslim".

Every other aspect of our lives is profiled, legally, all the time.
You can thank Reagan for the Taliban, and Bush part deaux for ISIS.
But that doesnt fit your RWNJ Mentality.
Veritas777 said:
Even though it is a tv show, they nailed it on the only two ways to defeat ISIS.
Your right, it's a TV show. There in lies a problem with a lot of people. They hear some sound bite or watch a TV show and hear something they like and they repeat it without thinking.

Like the TV show said, lets send 200000 soldiers over there. Because it worked out SO well before. What do we have to show for that little venture? 4000 KIA, tens of thousands wounded some of them for life. Don't forget AQI and which morphed into ISIS.

Carpet bomb Raqqa. What exactly will that accomplish? Other than killing a lot of people whose only crime is living in an area controlled by ISIS.
777 fixer said:
Your right, it's a TV show. There in lies a problem with a lot of people. They hear some sound bite or watch a TV show and hear something they like and they repeat it without thinking.Like the TV show said, lets send 200000 soldiers over there. Because it worked out SO well before. What do we have to show for that little venture? 4000 KIA, tens of thousands wounded some of them for life. Don't forget AQI and which morphed into ISIS.Carpet bomb Raqqa. What exactly will that accomplish? Other than killing a lot of people whose only crime is living in an area controlled by ISIS.
As opposed to what? You still haven't answered what viable alternative do we have. Besides lay down like cowards and accept our fate. Are you going to be the first one lay down?

If I recall liberals lived in an alternate world equating "The West Wing" as how the world should be instead of how it actual is. Carefully crafted narratives that shaped weak minded low info liberals. Same thing with the Daily Show.
Dog Wonder said:
Troll the internet?
With nonsensical one-liners? Maybe Santa will bring u a new 'Puter for your struggle to form a sentence Wonder Mutt. Sex change is next year if your a good lil doggie, apologies from SC. Merry Christmas 😉
townpete said:
As opposed to what? You still haven't answered what viable alternative do we have. Besides lay down like cowards and accept our fate. Are you going to be the first one lay down?

If I recall liberals lived in an alternate world equating "The West Wing" as how the world should be instead of how it actual is. Carefully crafted narratives that shaped weak minded low info liberals. Same thing with the Daily Show.
Not all situations have a solution. There are times when all one can do is sit back and watch it unfold. I think this is one of those times.

The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years. I think it's a bit arrogant to think the US can just march in and fix it. And as others pointed out, how many soldiers is it worth to arrive at the same situation and realize nothing has changed?
Thomas.Goats1964 said:
Not all situations have a solution. There are times when all one can do is sit back and watch it unfold. I think this is one of those times.
The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years. I think it's a bit arrogant to think the US can just march in and fix it. And as others pointed out, how many soldiers is it worth to arrive at the same situation and realize nothing has changed?
Another "one hit wonder liberal sock puppet" sent to the cornfield in record time.

Well deserved for such an asinine statement.

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