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Trump's immigration proposal

Ms Tree said:
I know he won't.  That's how we know he was owned.  The few occasions he does have proof he is quick to post it.  The fact that he can't come up with a shred of evidence is proof that he knows he's got nothing.
I guess I over estimated your ability to research stuff.  There was no convention, no vote.  So if that is what your 'research' is showing you need to start over because you are reading false information.
You and your LWNJ's fabricated a narrative to hide their true colors. 
The party of KKK
The party of Eugenics
The party of racists
townpete said:
You and your LWNJ's fabricated a narrative to hide their true colors. 
The party of KKK
The party of Eugenics
The party of racists
You keep spouting off this nonsense but you never provide any proof.  Do think we don't know that you are making this stuff up?
I have a plan for the refugees. All males between the ages of 18 to 50 will immediately be inducted into the US army and sent to basic training.
After basic, they will be loaded into aircraft and flown back to their home country and on arrival given their weapons and ammo and
told to go reclaim their country and when they have accomplished that we will send their wives and children and any other countrymen
and women back to them at no cost. They will be paid the same as our soldiers while fighting for their country and their dependent will receive
the same benefits as our soldiers dependents.
If they are not willing to do this then they and their families can find another country to take them.
We should not have to send our military to fight for their country if they are not willing to fight for their own
Sorry, Libtards will tolerate NO boots on the ground!

The drones strikes are working Soooo well.....
Veritas777 said:
[background=#ffffff]I have a plan for the refugees. All males between the ages of 18 to 50 will immediately be inducted into the US army and sent to basic training. [/background]
I have a better plan. Draft all US citizens between the ages of 18-50 who have never been in the military. I bet you all this saber rattling from people like Cruz or draft dodgers like Trump would go away very quickly. As a compromise I'm willing to draft the children and or grandchildren of all elected public officials.
Veritas777 said:
[background=#ffffff]After basic, they will be loaded into aircraft and flown back to their home country and on arrival given their weapons and ammo and [/background]
[background=#ffffff]told to go reclaim their country and when they have accomplished that we will send their wives and children and any other countrymen [/background]
[background=#ffffff]and women back to them at no cost. They will be paid the same as our soldiers while fighting for their country and their dependent will receive [/background]
[background=#ffffff]the same benefits as our soldiers dependents. [/background]
[background=#ffffff]If they are not willing to do this then they and their families can find another country to take them.
Should we do this with all the Vietnamese immigrants who have come here the past forty years? Similar situation after all. Or how about where your ancestors came from. Why didn't they stay and fight?
777 fixer said:
I have a better plan. Draft all US citizens between the ages of 18-50 who have never been in the military. I bet you all this saber rattling from people like Cruz or draft dodgers like Trump would go away very quickly. As a compromise I'm willing to draft the children and or grandchildren of all elected public officials.
Apparently you have no understanding who ISIS is, what they are doing, and what their ultimate goals are. if you did, you wouldn't be so naive in your statements.
Veritas777 said:
Apparently you have no understanding who ISIS is, what they are doing, and what their ultimate goals are. if you did, you wouldn't be so naive in your statements.
Person I know, a student of Islam, advises the correct reference is Daesh as it has some slanderous connotation they dislike.
777 fixer said:
I have a better plan. Draft all US citizens between the ages of 18-50 who have never been in the military. I bet you all this saber rattling from people like Cruz or draft dodgers like Trump would go away very quickly. As a compromise I'm willing to draft the children and or grandchildren of all elected public officials.
Please do tell, why do we have a military if it's not to confront our enemies. Preferably on their soil, not ours!
southwind said:
Please do tell, why do we have a military if it's not to confront our enemies. Preferably on their soil, not ours!
Like I have told you so many times before southwind ISIS exists because we were there in the first place. Care to dispute this little fact? Also if you feel this strongly you can always go to your local recruiter.
777 fixer said:
Like I have told you so many times before southwind ISIS exists because we were there in the first place. Care to dispute this little fact? Also if you feel this strongly you can always go to your local recruiter.
Do they require a high school diploma?
777 fixer said:
Like I have told you so many times before southwind ISIS exists because we were there in the first place. Care to dispute this little fact? Also if you feel this strongly you can always go to your local recruiter.
so tell us what's your solution do you agree with Hillary's asinine statement that we are positioned where we need to be with Isis?
777 fixer said:
Like I have told you so many times before southwind ISIS exists because we were there in the first place. Care to dispute this little fact? Also if you feel this strongly you can always go to your local recruiter.
I can go a couple ways on this and it really has no bearing nor changes what we have to deal with now.
777 fixer said:
Like I have told you so many times before southwind ISIS exists because we were there in the first place. Care to dispute this little fact? Also if you feel this strongly you can always go to your local recruiter.
Yep! Since we're blaming the past, instead of addressing the issue today, too bad Clinton didn't take the shot, on Bin Ladin, when he had it and we never would have been there, in the first place!

So, your saying just sit back and let the attacks take place on American soil.....Got it!

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