Not to worry, Trump has said much worse than that and got a pass... 😀woops! fake news alert! Snopes claims my last post is FALSE! Trump never said that
Not to worry, Trump has said much worse than that and got a pass... 😀woops! fake news alert! Snopes claims my last post is FALSE! Trump never said that
This one is an entity above and beyond the country.......it needs reigned in.
God forbid peace might break out and you would be denied your war porn.
If any government agency needs to be reigned in it needs to be the DOD. They waste more money on a single program than the State Departments annual budget for the past thirty years.
You ever read that book, "How to win friends and influence people with strategic nuclear weapons"
Have you looked up the estimated casualty figures of a war on the Korean Peninsula? Or do you care?
have you looked at casualty figures for a nuclear strike on Los Angeles or do you care?
have you looked at casualty figures for a nuclear strike on Los Angeles or do you care?
This whole dilemma in itself is sadistically perversely funny.
Now decades of politicians not doing what they were elected for....their chickens have come home to roost.
Susan Rice thinks its ok for NK and Iran to join the nuclear club.....ha ha ha.
Next step is the world of terrorism goes nuclear.......and yall thought 911 was a *****?
If we let this idiot launch an ICBM aimed at LA, with our technology, don't shoot it down, then we deserve it.
But, then NK will be toast. Probably SK as well.
If we do a preemptive, we will have to smoke China and Russia, which they will retaliate and we are toast as well.
So who wins?
Nuclear terrorism 'will' happen". I am surprised that is hasn't happened already.
We have had numerous opportunities to face NK long before this but decided on the 'political process'.
If anyone thinks that China (and other nations) will stop commerce with NK is (JMHO) ignorant.
USS Pueblo captured <-Read!
OK, we had many opportunities to stop this insanity, revisionist hindsight does not solve this situation.
Now, we 'as a nation' will face this.
Whatever happens, I will be there for my family, friends and neighbors.
That's all I can do.
have you looked at casualty figures for a nuclear strike on Los Angeles or do you care?